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Do We Need To Go To The Vet?

Little Gifts

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My sbt girl Stussy has been rubbing her bits on the carpet so I just had a look and she has what looks like a pimple on her girly bits. There is no head on it and it has not burst and it is not super swollen or hard to touch between my fingers. It is on the outer edge of her vulva (is that what it is called on dogs too?), nearer the hair line. I was out with her before and she peed and pooed easily, but she never shows when she is in pain so there could be discomfort, but hopefully no pain. Do they even get pimples? Could it be an infected hair follicle?

I've never had anything like this before on any of my dogs so don't know if this is something to simply watch, something to squeeze, something to rush to the vet about or something to not even worry about?

Advice please? I'm sure my vet would laugh at me turning up on Christmas Eve as an emergency with a simple bum pimple!

PS Just rang my vet to speak to one of the vet nurses and they have already closed for Christmas so if we have to go it will be to an emergency centre and I don't want to do that unless it is necessary.

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Guest Maeby Fünke

It could be itchy... I'd clean it with some salt water (dab, not wipe) then put some diluted tea tree oil on it. I put tea tree oil on my mozzie bites and it stops them itching. It's also an antiseptic.

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Guest donatella

I'm going through similar with Bon if you want to look at the thread in the health section. Hers is from the heat and being overweight. She's on ab's but I've been using sudocrem on it to resolve the itch.

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Just watch anything that stings near the girly bits, otherwise she will be doing cartwheels. Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil is poisonous to dogs, as has been said. I have the same thing with one of my older bitches at the moment. We put pawpaw ointment on it if it really annoys her, she is absolutely fine in every other way.

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I have aloe vera but no neocort or pawpaw ointment. Should I give the aloe a shot? Salt water wash is easy peasy and I will do that regularly to at least keep it clean. There is no broken skin and she isn't worried when I touch or squeeze it at present. If it is a pimple I think it has a way to go before an explosion takes place. And if/when that does happen I'm sure it will happen on my bed. :D

Thank you for confirming my fears that it is non-life threatening. When I first saw it my brain screamed TWAT TUMOUR but once I figured it looked more like a pimple I have calmed down.

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Guest Maeby Fünke

I have a question and I'm not being a smart arse...

I put tea tree oil on my mozzie bites and it doesn't sting. It takes away the itch/sting/irritation and seems to numb them. Why would it sting that area in particular? Is it because the skin is sensitive?

Also, I didn't know that tea tree oil was poisonous to dogs. Do you mean it's toxic if ingested, ie. licked? I'm asking because I have bought dog products that have tea tree oil in them (shampoos and ear cleaners).

And my vet said it was okay to put tee tree oil on my Pug's acne when he had it.

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I have a question and I'm not being a smart arse...

I put tea tree oil on my mozzie bites and it doesn't sting. It takes away the itch/sting/irritation and seems to numb them. Why would it sting that area in particular? Is it because the skin is sensitive?

Also, I didn't know that tea tree oil was poisonous to dogs. Do you mean it's toxic if ingested, ie. licked? I'm asking because I have bought dog products that have tea tree oil in them (shampoos and ear cleaners).

And my vet said it was okay to put tee tree oil on my Pug's acne when he had it.

Go put it on your vag and tell us how it feels.

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I get a chemical burn from tea tree oil so there is no way I'd be putting it 'there'. eek1.gif

I have two tubes of Neocort and also some Paws Calming Gel if you need some. I can leave it in the letterbox if you need to just zoom past.

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