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  1. Yesterday
  2. After a male dog is castrated, it can take some time for the remaining sperm to be cleared from the reproductive system. Typically, it can take several weeks for the dog to become sterile. Therefore, it's advisable to keep the male and female dogs separated to prevent any potential mating, as there is still a possibility of pregnancy during this time.
  3. It's definitely frustrating to see people walking their dogs off-leash, especially when it poses a risk to other pets and people. Responsible pet ownership includes keeping dogs leashed in public areas to prevent potential conflicts and ensure everyone's safety. It's concerning that certain dogs, like the cattle dog and Golden Retrievers in your neighborhood, are allowed to roam without leashes, potentially endangering others. Reporting these incidents to local animal control or the Rangers can help address the issue and promote safer community practices.
  4. Hence the expression "as full as a Labrador's lunchbox".
  5. "American XL Bullies" restricted breed in England and Wales since December 2023, and "believed responsible" for about half the serious attacks in '21 and '23. (Wikipedia "fatal dog attacks - UK") And the police are asking people not to share footage of the attack! Arrgh! Finnish band Nightwish has a song/video "Noise" about the addiction to the online world "... your mirror is black, only a copy stares back, to a slave of Brave New World ..."
  6. Last week
  7. I don't envy you your situation - There has to be the RIGHT person out there for him ...
  8. HELLO THERE, That's really interesting! I read about the study too. It turns out that around a quarter of all Labradors have a genetic mutation that makes them more prone to obesity. It's amazing how genetics can influence a dog's weight. Thanks for sharing the link!
  9. Certainly looks like he’s living the good life. No wonder he is still with you.
  10. Time for an Albert update. He's been here 4 months now and has had numerous meet and greets. These meetings started out well but as time goes on he doesn't connect with anyone and show his loving self to them - just all manic energy to drive them off! As time goes on I think it will get harder for him, and my sister and I will have to have a serious conversation about whether he stays here permanently. It's not that we don't love him but his fear of other animals and young age mean we've got years of isolation from all the things we love (fostering, having a house full of dogs, pei catch ups for instance). He's also very strong with high energy and still pulling, despite the halti. Both my sister and I have gummy wrists and are getting older and there have been a couple of instances of being pulled over (but not losing control of him). So not ideal but obviously we love him and love all the other stuff he brings to our lives. The rescue thinks/hopes the right person will still come along and he will be his best self for the person he wants to impress (have seen it before multiple times with the breed). But I'm starting to think he has made his choice whether we like it or not. So we wait....
  11. In my experience well over 25% of Labbies are gutsers. I've seen other studies finding the same gene in flatties. My hunch is the ancestral working dogs for Labs, who swam for fish that slipped the hook in the Bay of Fundy (brrr!) needed blubber much as marine mammals do.
  12. I nearly didn't look because of the way GS are being bred today. How can anyone say that is a good look? It is heartbreaking.
  13. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-06/comedy-pet-photo-awards-2024-winners/103931338
  14. Did these people have to study at uni long to be able to state the obvious
  15. Did'nt read it , They could of saved heaps of money and just asked what i' and millions of other older dog lovers already knew , Labs are greedy buggers who will eat till they gorge , I can also tell them for nothing . so will my little bitza dog , and feed him the recomended amount once a day say night time , next morning he's looking for food and throwing up white bile , , so he has to have 2 meals a day to stop that , lately because were home more in the colder weather its split into 3 meals , 6am 100 grams ----12-1 pm 100 gms ------ then around 7 pm the last 100 grams , heh presto , no bile , , he's never looking for food anymore , and happy and healthy , There ya go and that info did'nt even have to be funded , ,, can't help but wonder how much it cost for them to state the obvious , labs are a greedy dog I'm basing that on owning a few , plus being brought up with my grandfathers labs , cannot ever remember him not having one , every single one of them called prince has well LOL
  16. That's really interesting asal, I was concerned that the poor dogs felt awful hunger between meals but this problem seems to be avoided if there is frequent tiny (hidden) meals. Thanks for posting the link
  17. https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/genetic-mutation-in-a-quarter-of-all-labradors-hard-wires-them-for-obesity
  18. Hmm well all Dachshunds are ‘dwarfs’ having achondroplasia. They are not long, they are short. I find it quite odd myself that we deliberately, purposefully, perpetuate achondroplasia. Of course not all dogs with this condition lead miserable lives, but many do suffer consequences of the genetic choice humans make on their behalf. If this statement is actually adhered to, it might not be a mandated breed ban, but it would be hard to justify breeding Dachshund….
  19. I’m not sure why they single out Golden Retrievers, a breed which ranks 51st in the OFA hip dysplasia statistics. For what it’s worth, “hybrids” are ranked 68th, which is considerably higher (i.e. worse) than the median ranking across recognised breeds. https://ofa.org/diseases/disease-statistics/ I’m also not sure why they would quote a wildlife scientist as an expert on the subject.
  20. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-04/ethics-being-pet-owner-rethink-breeding-buying-dogs/103918748
  21. Sorry he got caught he means ,, The dog meant a lot to him , Yeh sure did , bet he was thinking about it a lot while he was running away , I'd give him 6 months in the big house to get over his depresion and anxiety , along with a video of the dog being destroyed , he could watch it to cheer himself up ,
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