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Everything posted by Swizzlestick

  1. Not much else to say except Poor Mum, poor dog and poor kid. All I see is this ending in tears.
  2. Possibly an enlarged prostate. What pers said, you need to act now. If his body is producing more urine that he can eliminate, the result could be a ruptured bladder. I know he hates the vet, but you need to see one with him today.
  3. Maybe he associates their speaking/voices etc with the people he sees when the door is open and knows it's the same people (did that make sense?) One of my dogs is scared of a Chinese lady she has met a couple of times. When I thought about it, this particular lady is the only Asian person she has had any contact with. I just think it's because she hasn't seen anyone who looks quite like her before.
  4. How cute! I thought that place looked familiar, then I noticed you are in Ballarat.
  5. You can also get them Here Great service, excellent quality and they can make them to fit any breed shape. Nice choice of fabrics to choose from too. We have 4 pairs in this household.
  6. Any improvement Kirislin? (I know, I'm a nosey parker!)
  7. Sounds typical of a ruptured ACL to me. I hope I'm wrong though.
  8. Hard to convey your tone but what do you mean EVEN pound animals? I think she meant even the cross breeds from the pound deserve the chance. (Becuase the majority are cross breeds). That's the way I read it anyway.
  9. The vets I work with continually push for dogs of any size to be neutered at around 3mths. Be it Great Dane or Chihuahua. We do a fair few RSPCA desexings too, and yes the pups are usually cross breed working types of Staff X's. Anywhere from 8wks up.
  10. What a crock if shite! Gee some people are idiots. 100% canine there. Sad, matted, dirty canine. Poor thing. I suppose they might try and breed with it or something?
  11. I'd suggest trying to clip the hair off around the area. (If you can) Bath with salt water, and let air dry. Then dab on some Betadine and leave it open. Bandaging will probably just keep it moist and make it fester more. I'd say he has done more damage from licking than whatever the original wound was. Maybe a small puncture wound or scratch? Stopping the licking is most important at this stage.
  12. I think you need to add a thought bubble with "Weeeeeeeee!!!!!!!" in it! Great pic and a gorgeous dog
  13. Fill a match box with gecko litter and stick it in the corner of the room!
  14. Rebus here. I like the name Murphy too, but somehow I don't think it suits a GSD. Not sure why though. Each to their own. One thing we can all agree on is his cuteness! :D
  15. Wow that's incredible! Wonder if they all survived or died soon after "release".
  16. Nice one! I don't LOL often! But I did with this comment Kirislin.
  17. I just call a group of Whippets a "couchfull" :D Love the term pogo fro poodles! :D
  18. Certainly looked real to me. I hadn't even considered it was fake until it was just mentioned here. Very cute.
  19. I found a few whippet hairs on clothes I bought in Canada. The scary part, the clothes and I were still in Canada. Hadn't even been in the same country and they had my dogs hair on them. There must have been some in the suitcase or the clothes I took with me.
  20. Great quality and service, and also Australian made. We have 4 pairs of these in our house. Link Here
  21. I think the other end of the spectrum is worth a mention too. One of my cats (years ago) was attacked by a large breed dog on lead. He dragged his owner who was easily 70yo and very frail into my garden to get the cat (who also lost a leg as a result). Despite being on lead the entire time, this to me, was not effective control.
  22. Is there anyone out there bored enough to make me a sig...............pretty please!! Here are some whippet pics to be used. (Way too many) Surprise me! :D Thanks.
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