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Everything posted by griff

  1. griff


    Arrrr You lucky duck a Puppy from Virginia ( such a nice lady ) , will look forward to pics ;) Erik is Gorgeous congrats on your win
  2. BARKS !!! Barking his bloody little head off right now to Go Outside ...
  3. I saw some advertised on Ebay under Greyhound they can be made to size . > Great coat R n L
  4. "The Pee Here " didnt work at my house either Might work for puppies but not our adult dog.
  5. I bought mine from Pup 'n' Dog at Kings Park . Couldn't tell you if they are still there or still selling them though . you could maybe try Turners Pet Food .
  6. WTF is it with the attacks , I am so angry at how many innocent well behaved dogs get set upon. :D Sending Penny be well again thoughts , big hugs and kisses from me and Ryan Whippet .
  7. OMG one heck of a Miracle , so lucky
  8. just received via email . A Dog's Soul Every dog must have a soul, somewhere deep inside Where all his hurts and grievances are buried with his pride. Where he decides the good and bad, the wrong way from the right, And where his judgment carefully is hidden from our sight. A dog must have a secret place, where every thought abides, A sort of close acquaintance that he trusts in and confides. And when accused unjustly for himself, He cannot speak, Rebuked, He finds within his soul, the comfort he must seek. He'll love, tho'he is unloved, and he'll serve tho'badly used, And one kind word will wipe away the times when he's abused. Altho' his heart may break in two, his love will still be whole, Because God gave to every dog an understanding Soul! Author Unknown
  9. Sydney channel ABC 1 a doco on wild dumped stray dogs.
  10. eucalyptus wool wash done it for years and been no side effects for the dogs .
  11. Kirislin, That is what I was expecting a charcoal tab or something ! to make him spew it up . At least today he is back to his normal talky zoomie self I do not know if all Gums are Toxic to Dogs :D but according to My own Vet and the Emergency Vet that EXTRA Bubble Gum IS Most Definitely Poison The main concern from both Vets was Ryans Blood Suagrs and Liver results.
  12. Thank you Ryan is now home :D and all Gum is out of sight and out of reach.
  13. Stupid me left a packet of Extra Bubble Gum on my bed side table last night and returned to room about 20 minutes later to find the packet ripped to shreds on the floor and one Whippet laying on my bed with a "wasn't me "look on his face . Ryan had eaten about 6 - 10 pieces . Rushed off to Baulkham Hill Emergency Vet who in the mean time knew we where coming so the Vet raced around to local supermarket and also googled and phoned USA company to find the Ingredients of the gum . to no avail, Vet told me to keep an eye on him and at 3.40 this morning she called to tell me that the UK office had phoned her and that one ingredient ZOLOZON ( sp ) * ? XYLITOL ( might be the word ) is toxic to dogs !! well Ryan is now spending the day at his Vet and has had bloods done , some to be sent off and with more Blood sugar tests later today . Praying that he will be OK poor little man and slapping myself for being slack and leaving ' food ' with in reach of him.
  14. griff


    WP My deepest Condolences to you . R.I.P. Tina
  15. I have seen them advertised and think there're a great idea Idea I believe was taken from Horse Fly veils.
  16. I was there with my OH we walked around for a while found nothing to buy :D except a snag sandwich
  17. Sorry for your loss . is a Pity the Vet could not find out why what caused pups death.
  18. Thanks for the replies all I know is a.. working dogs b.. just got judging license
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