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Everything posted by macka

  1. Great graph, very true! I think when I'm actually trying I'm probably at "dammit, I suck" Although sometimes I just can't be bothered and whip out the point and shoot so then I go back into "auto mode."
  2. What are you going to do, axe the children? They're just kids playing, gees. My dogs haven't had much interactions with kids. We have a four year old (and his parents) coming to stay with us for a little while in July so that should be interesting. His parents say he isn't afraid of dogs but they are not dog people really. I will be taking the precaution of having the dogs on lead initially and making sure I set down some rules for all concerned. All you can do is be vigilant and preempt the kids' behaviour either by staying away or giving them clear instructions on what to do or not to do before they approach.
  3. I realise she can't stay in the bedroom permanently, it would only be to help her settle initially. Anyway if you're not prepared to move her then you'll just have to wait out the barking. She'll learn eventually that it doesn't get the attention she wants. The whole point of confining them to a crate (which should be blocked off so that it is just big enough for them to stand up, turn around and lie down) is that they learn to hold on because they don't like toileting in their bed. The problem with leaving newspaper etc down is that they don't learn to hold on overnight because they don't need to - they can just go whenever they want. What I did with both my pups was make sure they have toileted, put them in their crates, close the door, cover the crate and then ignore. If they are whining after an hour I'd go to them with no fuss (no pats, no talking, no interaction), take them outside and give the command to toilet, they would go, then I'd quietly praise and put them back in the crate, cover it again, and walk away. Then IGNORE! They eventually go to sleep, and they learn that whining=a quick trip to the toilet and nothing more than that - no fun, no attention, no games. For the first couple of weeks you have to get up in the night to take them to the toilet. Then they gradually develop better bladder control and learn to hold on. Covering the crate helps to settle them and get them to sleep. You could also try giving her an old t-shirt with your scent on it and softly playing some talk-back radio for her. ETA - have you done any crate games to make sure the crate is seen as a happy place? Running into the crate for a treat, feeding in the crate, putting a bone in the crate, then closing the door with pup outside so pup wants to go in, that sort of thing?
  4. Cold floor and warm dog = wet bedding. I was having the same problem with the underside of Leia's snooza futon in her crate. Solved the problem but putting a doubled-over rug underneath her crate to insulate from the floor.
  5. If she is going to the toilet after barking for an hour, how do you know she is not barking because she needs to go out? Most pups do settle within a few weeks but some need a little extra support initially. I'd be putting the crate in your bedroom so that she can hear you and be comforted by your presence. Make sure her bladder and bowels are empty when you put her to bed. Keep the door closed - the whole point of crate training is that they can't get up and go to the toilet. Keep the crate covered with a light sheet. Once she is settling in your room with minimal fuss, gradually move the crate out of your room and down the hallway, into the laundry, bit by bit over a period of 1-2 weeks. Also, it's pretty cold at the moment; have you tried a hot water bottle?
  6. I can picture it now. Leia would run around all over the place looking for people's bins to empty out. Archer would run around all over the place trying to make friends with every single person he could find, whether they wanted to or not.
  7. I saw it last night too. :D Can't remember what I was watching though. It was free-to-air.
  8. My girl has eaten gum before and I didn't even think twice about it. :D She suffered no ill effects.
  9. :rofl: Thanks for the belly laugh!
  10. My boy is 9 months, desexed at 7 months, and has never cocked his leg. I hope he never does!
  11. If I am walking one at a time, I don't mind where they walk so long as the leash is loose. If I am walking both together I can't stand them changing sides so Leia is on my left and Archer is on my right. Both are usually a little out in front.
  12. They are normally done teething by 6 months... how much does he weigh? What have you tried to stop him so far? There are a few methods, saying "ah-ah" or "no" and pulling your hands away and ignoring him for a minute, putting him in a time out for a min he does it, teach him that licking you means "gentle" and once he has learnt that, say "gentle" when you put your hands near his mouth.
  13. This thread has been done many times before... and it never ends well.
  14. How about these? http://www.cozypetsdogkennels.com.au/
  15. Mine are on the 3-yearly vaccinations for parvo etc, but the kennel cough vaccination still needs to be given annually. So we have to go at least once a year for that. I end up going more than that anyway with Leia's allergies. Archer so far has only been to the vet for puppy vaccs and desexing. Touch wood I have no reason to take him in more than once a year. If I didn't already have to go once a year I'd have no problem doing so anyway for an annual check-up. Dogs don't always communicate when they are in pain or don't feel quite right, so it may well save their lives.
  16. I Riddick So cute. Look at how much he has grown since the McCauley's beach day! Great video.
  17. I use Interceptor for all worms including heart-worm, and Advantix for ticks, fleas and mozzies. I use the Advantix fortnightly in summer and monthly in winter as we live in a tick area. I have only ever seen one flea and it was a groggy one presumably from the Advantix. I buy my stuff from Aussie Vet Products online shop.
  18. My lab does really well on the Australian Nutro for large breeds. I switched him to that from Advance and the difference in his coat and poos since then has been huge, very much improved on both counts.
  19. I don't think it's that important if you're committed to exercise out and about. When I only had one dog it definitely wasn't important. Now that I have two, they do go and play with each other out there and do zoomies, so it's kinda nice that they can do that. And very occasionally if I come home absolutely dead tired, we go out there and play fetch and other games instead of a walk. Not that often though. Basically, it's nice to have but if you don't have it, it's not the end of the world.
  20. With the pet insurance I have you have to pay all costs up front then make a claim is that the same for you? I have a credit card for emergencies and if that doesn't cover the costs I ask my parents. Unfortunately I learnt the hard way with loosing my girl I fronted up with the money then and there from every place I could and am still paying it off a year later. So I strongly suggest anyone who hasn't got a plan make one, get emergency vet numbers and get an animal ambulance number, Have the numbers handy at all times because accidents happen when least expected. Yes I'm pretty sure you have to pay upfront then make a claim. I'm with PIA - full accident and illness cover.
  21. I have pet insurance for both my dogs precisely so that I don't have to face that situation.
  22. I hate that pet store. I work just across the road from Mac centre so I'm there quite a lot. It recently closed for renovations and I was sooo so hoping that they were getting rid of the animals and expanding their retail space.... but no. They still sell puppies and kittens. I haven't seen the squirrels. How terrible.
  23. I use the snooza pet futons. The covers are easy to change - buy two (or make them yourself) so that you can wash one while you use one. They are just a pillow case.
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