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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I have a rescue foster failure here that had a brain injury as a pup which causes her to be uncoordinated - funniest thing in the world to watch her try to scratch her ear - I usually have to call her over and do it for her the poor thing... *grin* Then again, I know what is wrong with my dog, and she doesn't know she's "broken" - so we won't tell her, right? I hope you find out what is causing your dog's issues - and that it's something that can be treated and fixed up relatively quickly. T.
  2. AmStaff and Pit Bull will come back as the same in a DNA test - apparently genetically they are the same... Until the BITSA test is even somewhat vaguely reliable, I wouldn't waste your money on it. T.
  3. I'm thinking if this guy is working in a pet supply store, he's not making much off his breeding business... 84 dogs is a full time job on it's own to look after - and that's just making sure all the poop is cleaned up and they are fed, watered, etc... Even half that number is a full time job to look after. T.
  4. If the vet check doesn't find anything physically wrong with Tess, maybe get yourself checked out by your GP as well... I used to have a dog that got very funny when around ill people - even if the person didn't know they were ill... T.
  5. I'm reading between the lines and have come to the conclusion that your current boy is your "heart dog"... would that be correct? If so - there will never be a "right" time for him to go to the Bridge to wait for you. When he does have to leave you in this life, it will hurt, and your heart will break in a way it's never been broken before... however, his memory will still make your heart sing when you reminisce for the rest of your life - and that is a treasure our dogs leave with us even though their lives have been so short compared to ours. Just enjoy each other's company while you are together - and if/when his time comes (preferably in a long time from now), deal with it at that time, OK? T.
  6. My brother has a disability, and has had his own dog trained as an assistance dog - this allows him to travel on public transport and on aeroplanes with his dog by his side (or at his feet). In Australia the rules allowing animals to travel everywhere with their human are pretty tough - they make you jump through a lot of hoops, insist you disclose details about your disability and waive your right to privacy about same before allowing you to travel on certain forms of transport... and taxi/bus drivers can still discriminate whether they allow an assistance dog on board if another person objects (including said driver). They don't necessarily have ALL of the rights that a Guide Dog has in that regard... My brother's dog is usually a big hit when he goes on planes - all of the staff usually bend over backwards trying to get a cuddle or a photo with him... *sigh* T.
  7. I remember when I was buying a new couch a while back (and had 5 Rotties), a friend asked me what I was going to cover the new couch with... I didn't even stop to think before I said "Rottweilers"... lol! Now we have a rule with the current dogs - I have MY couch, and they have theirs... T.
  8. Yep - if it ain't green, I'd feed it to my dogs... T.
  9. $233 seems pretty reasonable for a Saturday night procedure - and it looks like a pretty neat job too. The last time I had to get a dog stitched up after hours, it cost me $150 - and the dog wasn't sedated - and it was some years ago when $150 was worth something... *grin* At least she won't need a bucket on her head to stop her licking at the wound... hehe! T.
  10. It's still best to make sure that the wound is well cleaned out dasha - there is probably a lot more mess underneath than one can see with an untrained eye - and an infection is not pretty... T.
  11. Ummm... I'd have it looked at and thoroughly cleaned out... It may not need stitches, but at the very least you will need antibiotics to stop any chance of an infection - and the sooner you start them the better. I had a dog with a similar wound once - it was in an area that wouldn't hold stitches (they would have torn when she moved her head) - it took quite a while to heal, and was not much fun to clean out a few times a day... T.
  12. The local pet food place has sales of plastic tubs with screw on lids every now and then - I have two 10kg ones because it's easier to carry and stash them out of the way... I need a couple more for the puppy dry (I buy 20kg bags of kibble) T.
  13. I have a photo of a friend's tiny kitten nomming on my Rotti's (docked) tail and telling her who was boss... it's a classic photo... must scan and share one day... *grin* T.
  14. Geez Rach... I feel for you... and am crying here myself... I know how much a part of you Gypz was (and still will be forever) - it feels like your heart has totally been ripped out, stomped on by an elephant, and handed back to you, doesn't it? It is just so not fair that they have to leave us after such a short time... *sob* I lost my heart dog Woosie in 2004, and still lose it completely when I think of her - and when I read threads like this one... I think I understand your pain and sense of nothing being quite right with the world right now. The pain won't go away, but it will become easier to handle with time, please know that, OK? Heartfelt hugs to you and the boys... T.
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss GayleK... 4 is too young... *sigh* It may help to know that Benson has some exceptional company for his wait at the Bridge for you and his "dad" - so many wonderful dogs that have touched their humans hearts in a way only a dog can... Run free and healthy Benson... (I think I have something in my eye - gotta go and do something about that... *choke*) T.
  16. I think that you will find that a well bred pedigreed pup will cost you a heck of a lot less over the course of it's life than a petshop or BYB pup... ... and having reared a few litters of pups through the years, I can firmly attest that if you are doing all the right things for the pups you are bringing into the world, you certainly aren't going to be making a living from it! I currently have a litter of rescue foster pups here - 9 of them! They look to be Rotti/GSD/Mastiff cross types, and are around 4.5 weeks old. They were dumped at the pound last Sunday without their mother. So far they are eating more than my 3 large breed adult dogs put together - more than once per day! They are eating more each day, and are growing fast. They will be wormed tomorrow, then at 6 weeks will need more worming, and vaccinations. They will also need desexing before they are rehomed to carefully selected new families. And rescue crossbreed pups certainly don't sell for the same prices a pedigreed pure pup does... But the puppy breath kisses more than make up for all of the above and the constant rounds of washing bedding, etc... wouldn't you all agree? (only a true dog lover can understand these things... *grin*) T.
  17. I'd have to admit that I have and will kick at a dog that is attacking my dogs or me - regardless of it's size... ... obviously the strength of the kick is adjusted for size though... In your case, the attacking dog actually bit you and has left a mark - report it to council as not being contained, and that it is highly aggressive. Take photos of your wound for proof... T.
  18. My Lab/Dingo girl has a reddish nose all the time - but it does get lighter in winter. Never had an issue with it... she can still sniff out any type of food... *grin* T.
  19. Mud puddles are the bestest!! Just ask any Labrador.... lol! T.
  20. My dad did something similar for my aunt with photos I took at my cousin's wedding. He picked around 300 of the 900-odd photos and made a beautiful slideshow set to lovely music and put it on a DVD so my aunt can play it whenever she wants - much cooler than a photo album I reckon. I've told dad to have plenty of copies made of the DVD, because my aunt has been playing it so often she's bound to wear it out... *grin* I'm thinking of getting one of those really cool coffee table books made from some of the best wedding photos for my aunt for Christmas - which will also be my cousin's 1st wedding anniversary... maybe I should make them one too... errr! T.
  21. Another vote for Rotti/GSP... something about the poses screams GSP to me... Absolutely stunning combination whatever it is... gorgeous! T.
  22. Can you buy a cheap harness from Pet Barn or the like? Then you can secure the pup on a blanket on the back seat... ... or you could try to borrow a travel crate from someone... T.
  23. I'm NOT a vet nurse (or a vet), and I still have plenty of people asking me for advice on all manner of doggy stuff... *grin* Fair enough - I foster a lot for rescue, so have built up a reasonable range of experience in many doggy matters - but I'm very quick to refer to professionals if the issue is not purely a common sense one. I don't charge anything to talk to anyone about dogs... it's my fave topic actually... haha! T.
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