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all that glitters

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Everything posted by all that glitters

  1. My dog went through a digging phase a few weeks back, I curbed it quickly by disgracing her creative digging hole area with her poos, I picked them all up and threw them all over the holes, that stopped her TOTALLY. Poos in holes works.. just also put the poos around the edges where she might try to KEEP digging.. not just @ the bottom of the hole. They are little smarties, lol
  2. Oh my goodness what a challenge!!!! How horrible! Good luck with those two.. one pup is enough for me! The whole being stuck in a crate thing must suck badly, but what's a leg to do when it has to heal!? I hope it goes quick for u!
  3. I go to Knox Obedience Club off Ferntree gully road, they seem great, you work up through the levels (Baby Puppy, Beginners, Class 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc) and they allow food rewards through the training and testing.
  4. Oh my, that is the CUTEST photo.. he was just adorable, with a perfectly cute name to match. Im so sorry for your loss, he was beautiful
  5. So terribly sorry for your loss, keep your chin up and remember all the wonderful memories, you were an amazing owner to Elliot
  6. If Shyla doesn't improve on loose leash walking I'm gonna have a few one on one classes, seeing a dog and handler in person can help a trainer assess and give you tips that apply to you and your dog and exactly what is happening I guess. Shyla heels great at times, but sometimes she enters what I call 'steamtrain' mode where she pulls and pulls and will not look or listen to me. I usually stand still until she settles, and get her to do some sits and drops and that usually helps. Will see.
  7. My 5 month old girl pees and goes submissive/low for much larger dogs, and with not so overbearing dogs she will look submissive in the face and lick them a lot but not go all the way down, it seems the larger in size the more puppyish she is lol
  8. Puppies are all go Go GO!!! Everythings a game, everythings fun. It's up to you to show him rules and boundaries, its all about consistency. If you are going to set a rule (ie no mouthing of the hands) do it every single time, every time he mouths your say NO in a firm voice, or if that doesn't work, YELP loud like another pup would, and immediately get up and turn away from him and walk off. Puppies hate being ignored. In a month or 2 he will hardly do it if you keep up the consistency now, although I know it seems like they will never stop doing the bad things!
  9. She's probably just generally playing in the dirt as such, and not eating it on purpose? My pup mouthed and tasted/ate everything in the first month I had her, this went away when she matured a little! But when she digs in the dirt even now, it involves some pawing, nibbling, ripping of grass roots etc, which can look like she's eating dirt
  10. The alpha roll did nothing but make my girl anxious and stressed, so I stopped using that method. I get much more results from consistent telling off and then praising good behavior after, but then again she has never been aggressive towards me
  11. Mm a TV show not long ago (Bondi Vet? I can't remember) showed a very distressed dog gagging and it had something stuck down its throat. They sedated and stuck a camera down there and turns out it was a feral piece of chicken neck, and when they pulled it out it was almost all intact and STANK to the high heavens. It's always possible I guess I feed Eagle Pack Hollistic Large Puppy and my shepherd has a super shiny soft coat, and looks very healthy in weight and general appearance
  12. I picked Cesar just cos I love him, but I think he's a dog psychologist not a trainer? *shrug* I can't not choose him though
  13. She chooses where she wants to go in terms of #2's (which take more sniffing and deciding lol) but for #1's she always goes straight out the dog flap on the grass in one particular spot, I know because the area of grass in that particular area is turning yellow Congrats on your golden! They are awesome dogs, my family have a 3yo female, she's so accepting and kind Always wagging her tail and happy
  14. Ok thankies! So.. how do I go about it? Theres a doggy hydrobath do it urself thing at the petrol station near our house, or as my family always do, can we just put her in the bathtub and wet, shampoo and rinse? What shampoo is good to use - I don't want to use something that will set her up to be itchy all the time
  15. I haven't ever bathed Shyla yet and she is 5 months old next week. Is it something you HAVE to do routinely, or if she isn't 'dirty' and doesn't smell, can I leave her be? Mum bathes her golden retriever monthly because she gets smelly and 'greasy' ew...
  16. MissLotus - I was actually expecting a challenging time toilet training, because my girl had to be locked up in a big lino room when she first came home and when we went to work during the week (fulltime hours). As a result, she had no choice but to go to the toilet in that room, and I would come home and clean up the messes. My mum would drop in daily to let her out, but she would still do mistakes in the room as she was too small to hold on. When we were home, we would take her outside to give her toilet opportunities ALL the time.. and we would ALWAYS say "Go toilet, go toilet, go on" as a signal for her to go, and when she's going we would actually CLAP our hands as a cue.. now when I say those words and clap, she will almost always go if she has to! Anyway, after 5 weeks we put a dog door in so she could take herself to the toilet, as my mum was busy and it was a burden for her to drop in every day. I was sure we would have issues in this regard as she was used to toileting indoors too, but LUCKILY she took herself outside to pee/poo straight away! *phew* So either our consistency at taking her outside when we were home helped her learn that outside is a 'better place to go' or she is just quite intelligent and figured the door was for that reason *shrug* Either way I'm thankful. She is excellent now, the only time she will go inside is if she goes to the back door in the evening and we don't see/hear her, and then she will pee near the door on the lino, which is our fault. Otherwise if she has to go and I happen to say the toilet words, her ears will prick up and she shoots to the dog door for me to open it
  17. All the best with your GSD girl, formydog! My GSD girl is 5 months old next week and so far she has been an amazing puppy, I think I have asserted my leadership quite well because I don't seem to have many challenges from her (yet? lol) and our only issue with her so far is her jumping up on benchtops and tables to "have a look". No matter how consistent we are in disciplining her when she does, she still does it. So.. we're still working on that!
  18. Shylas puppy breath only lasted about 3-4 weeks before it bluntly disappeared LOL I reckon it smelled sorta like.. coffee breath! ..
  19. Oh my god that is shocking. Your baby was beautiful, RIP
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