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Everything posted by mita

  1. I might steal that name, Katinka, for a Tibbie. Sort of suits!
  2. I reckon my Tibetan Spaniels recognised a Tibetan Mastiff when we were shopping at Pet Barn. We walked around the end of some shelves & walked straight into a magnificent TM. My 2 little Tibbies stopped, looked, & touched noses for a few seconds.... then their tails began to wag. Like as if they knew it was family. Not a sign of fear, worry or aggro among the 3.
  3. Our Tibbies get interesting ones! 'Look, Pekingese!' Nina Zena, who's gold... 'Did someone shrink a Golden Retriever'. Black/white Tibbie boy next door...'Is that a Miniature Border Collie?' Funniest one, 'Looks like Gizmo out of the movie 'Gremlins!' Weirdest...'Looks a bit like a Koala.'
  4. I know a Brisbane carpenter, who builds human houses & does all sorts of carpentry work. We used his skills many times over the years, for jobs big & small ... & he's been top notch in working with us for what we want, and been an honest, trustworthy person. He's also a dog lover, which has been important in some of the projects he's done for us. In his work truck, he still has his very first dog's lead.. Maybe discussing what you'd like with someone like this could be helpful. I'll PM name & contact number.
  5. Are these two still looking for a home? If not, I wonder if anyone has contacted the Hungarian Vizsla Club of Victoria. This is what that Club says on its website under Rescue Service when dogs are needing a new home: CONTACT the HVCV Rescue Service and we will try to match your dog with a suitable person on our waiting list, and/or work with the Rescue Services of interstate Vizsla clubs who also maintain waiting lists of potentially suitable homes.
  6. A member of our family owns a chocolate lab called Barry. They live on a hobby farm & the property next door owns a huge stud bull named Bruce.
  7. Lara was the heroine's name in the book & movie Dr Zhivago set in Russia. Larisa was the name of a Russian skater...another, Maya. Xenia (pronounced Zeenya) is the name of a Russian female saint. Went thro' book of Russian stories and found: Agafya (don't pronounce the 'y') Sofia Katya Tatyana Tamara Daria Sabina Tasha (shortened Natasha) Elena (Russian version of Helen)
  8. The incident with the police officer happened quite a few years back. I wouldn't be surprised if police officers are now given protocols in how to deal safely with native animals they come across in 'at risk' situations.
  9. I found a koala sitting in the middle of a country road...not injured. I stopped & shushed him (her?) into bushes & up a tree. Soon after, a friend who's a police officer, also came upon one in the middle of the road. He picked it up to carry it to the bush & trees. Koala belted into him with its claws. Ripped his uniform & gave him nasty lacerations. But he got it up a tree. He fronted up to emergency at the hospital, bloody & shirt shredded like he'd been attacked by some violent criminal. Staff were impressed at this noble guardian of the law. But he had to 'fess up he'd been done over by a koala. Much laughing at him & teasing. Seems not good idea to pick up a koala.
  10. . Thanks for that hint about the blisterpacks. I've searched out Indian-owned stores in my city & they stock turmeric-related products that are from India. Where it's a huge component in everyday Indian diets so more likely to be the real deal. They also have Indian products where it's made into a skin paste. There's good evidence from scientific studies of turmeric's (circumin's) health benefits for joints & skin. One US uni med school that's been studying it for arthritis for years, has recently found it might also be good at preserving bone...so could be of interest for preventing osteoporosis in women (& men, too).
  11. Lots of good ideas in the posts! Just adding, in the cases where a dog is a specific breed or close mix. Try finding people who are wanting that breed. I recently googled 'Wanted Tibetan Spaniel'. Up came 2 current ads on Gumtree of people wanting an adult Tibetan Spaniel. From their initial information sounded genuine pet owners. The first had found one. The second was broken hearted because one she'd originally got from a shelter...& loved very much... had passed away a couple of months ago. I put her on to the TS Rescue Australia Facebook page where any current ones (& close mixes) are listed, and also to the TS registered breeders' Mature Dogs section on Dogzonline. Poor lady was in tears saying thank you.
  12. Agree. The shorter hairs are spiky. The longer hairs go in drifts. They all shed but differently.
  13. It might be a fluke from his mix, but Archie looks like...... The description says he'd do well rehomed with another dog, but it's not essential. I agree with juice that what the body corporate decides whether a dog is a nuisance or not, is open to interpretation.
  14. I'm pretty sure, with the potty-about-dogs Stafford Police on her case, Nancy will have found her home. They're lovely officers. If there's anything to help dogs, they're in! The funny thing is that RSPCA Qld dogs (& cats), like Nancy, can be fostered by prisoners & staff in jails...the two Correctional Centres ( for men & for women). Video below. So Nancy might've seen both sides in the law enforcement world. :)
  15. I agree. An older dog who's already lived in similar circumstances to what you'll be able to offer, will have proved itself. Selecting only on breed also overlooks that there's differences among individual dogs within a breed. Like among Tibetan Spaniels there's a saying that they're 1/3 dog, 1/3 cat & 1/3 monkey in their nature. But individual tibbies can be more so of one. For example, some tibbies are far more cat-like in their behaviours. Maybe people experienced with other breeds also see 'types' across the breed when it comes down to individual dogs? Best wishes in your search for the right doggie match. Good on you for researching so carefully.
  16. Thanks Mita. Have checked petrescue but will also look at Tibetan Spaniel Facebook. PP, here's an example of Tibbie or Peke? Little cutie with a Sydney Rescue last year (& adopted), labelled Pekingese X Tibetan Spaniel. Has a lot of features favouring Tibbie ... but some Peke-ish, too. Even some of the purebred Tibbies can have a Peke-ish air about them.
  17. They're very fair points to bring up.... the role of economic factors in making the greyhound racing industry unsustainable & the intersection with rising public awareness about animal abuse in general & of greyhound racers in particular. I posted previously an article describing how both came together in the US to drop greyhound racing back to only a handful of States (with interesting demographies). It described how state authorities set plans to 'reform' greyhound racing by putting in place more checks & balances. But they all cost money to participants & administration. Became unsustainable as more money went out than came in. With consequent decline & fall of the industry. Could be debated, which is 'kinder' overall... a gradual decline or a straight-forward ban. Qld will be interesting to watch. A highly respected police inspector has been moved into the role of Integrity commissioner, with his role separate in authority & independence from the 'business' end. He's vowed to prevent & hunt down abuse. But, decent & motivated as he is, it's a huge challenge doing that in a huge state.... where properties housing greyhounds may be on poorish land not readily 'open' to the passing parade. I can't see how they'll manage enough human resources to do the 'policing'. But, for the time being, it's over to them to try.
  18. Charming generalisation re the Greens, based on what evidence apart from your opinion. There's well established demographic surveys of the features common to Greens supporters/voters. I have no knowledge of the other group, AJP, you've included in your generalisation. Prejudiced, sexist and ageist language doesn't help the cause of greyhound racing.
  19. That's a good tip to look at older Pekes being retired to pet homes by breeders via the Home Page. I also tried Googling 'Pet Rescue Pekingese' as the search can turn up Pekes or crosses currently listed on Pet Rescue. But no luck, a few Peke crosses (but didn't look too much like that to me), all adopted. Could be worth continuing to check, tho'. The Tibetan Spaniel Rescue Australia Facebook Page lists notices that include Tibbie crosses with rescues/shelters around the country. Some of those can be in the category Tibbie or Peke? So worth keeping an eye there, too. https://www.facebook.com/tibbierescueaustralia/ I hope the lady finds the Peke which will bring her joy. All of us who love a particular breed, thro' experience, know how much they mean to us.
  20. That's a lovely idea. I hope AWL Qld, which is fantastic for innovation, considers a program like that. AWL Qld used to have (still have?) a reading in schools program, where an AWL volunteer would take a dog into schools for children to read to the doggie. Local public libraries in Canada, have Library Dogs, who are on hand for children to read to. Here's Bilde, a Tibbie, at work in a Canadian library. Shows, just like with the shelter dogs, they love being read to!
  21. Silver & a half, perhaps? :) Sprocket's sure getting there.
  22. Sprocket sure is showing he's very capable of learning! Love how he's sorted the bedtime/getting up routine with help from you. I assume you're also leaving with him an item that strongly has your scent on, when you're out during the day. Rub the palms of your hands over any toy he uses, too, to transfer your scent. The learning to sit & wait for food & walk on a loose leash!!!! This lad is clever. That bonding with Billy thro' walking & playing together should also increasingly calm him, too. And he showed something else by ignoring you in favour of what food's in the shopping when you came home....food gets his top priority. Is he still not into food in a kong? Finding some chewy food that takes time to eat, could be a great distractor for when he's home alone & when he has to stay out of the kitchen. He sure deserves a silver star for progress so far.... gold star being worked on (& nearly there!)
  23. Same with friends' cat, Mr Fitz. Vet prescribed a course of 'little blue pills' & stressed he'd be in serious trouble healthwise if not taken. So friends were determined to get them into him. He only struggled a little bit, but there was a gulp as the pill went down. Felt pleased with themselves & Mr Fitz's condition was fine and vet was pleased. But in the following weeks, they kept finding little blue pills behind chairs, under beds & other such places. Seemed he hadn't swallowed any. Could strangle the little buggers sometimes. :) Yep! As our friends said the little bugger didn't even die of the terrible problem that not having the pills was supposed to bring on. The Devil looks after his own.
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