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BC Crazy

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Everything posted by BC Crazy

  1. Yaaaaa! Go Rocky.... Thanks for that wonderful update Nekhbet. And for helping dear Rocky. He must be so much happier now in a loving environment. He even has a friend of his own kind to keep him company. Fantastic! Agree with LG. Best story on DOL this year. Certainly made my day????
  2. I saw this on TV last night Just so very sad for all concerned. It is one of the most agonizingly painful ways to die. How anyone could intentionally inflict such a torturess death on such a beautiful dog is way beyond me.... My thoughts are with poor Jaggers owner's. Apparently Jagger & their 3 year old son were inseparable. Heartbreaking really. Hope karma has it's way with the extremely sick individual who committed such sadistic cruelty.
  3. Oh Shewolf that is a spectacular sunset alright. Breathtakingly beautiful...What a shot !!!
  4. All paws crossed for your Wolf Bjelkier. Hope he has nothing too sinister. just awful when they are ill.
  5. Oh has that been a year since the last one???? Gosh where has that year gone... I really enjoyed your photo's last year huga & this year was more of the same. Wonderful photo's... What a great, fun event for everyone including all the beautiful dogs ????:)
  6. Thanks Rumour. That's a mouthful!!! I have never heard of that breed. He sure is sweet though.
  7. He is a little cutie ???? Elsie loves him already by the looks. He has really nice colouring . Pardon my ignorance but what type of breed is he? Elsie loves him already by the looks.
  8. Awwwwww Dear ol' Grace. What a sweetheart ????
  9. Wow !!! That dog is loving every minute of it. Very handsome/smart boy... I would be very worried about the stress on his body/joints with all that high jumping if he were mine though. Landing on hard surfaces a lot can't be a good thing. I presumed the guy in the clip was his owner. I presumed wrong. He was very talented as well.
  10. Lovely dogs. They are 2 of the fittest Labs I have seen. Gorgeous ☺
  11. KiwiPeak fish & venison is a big hit with my 2 who are both finicky eaters. Expensive but you feed less so it isn't to bad. Cannidae pure Sea is also a winner. I feed approx. 75% raw.
  12. Awwww, starting to get lanky He does have great compact feet too.
  13. Sheena that's a great way to teach backing. I'm going to give that a try. Your dog is gorgeous btw, thanks for sharing :D
  14. Happy 10th Birthday Benny boy ☺ Enjoy your big day gorgeous fella. Looks like your life is a blast on a daily basis many thanks to your fabulous owner Brandiandwe. Out everyday for walk with alll your mates & a lovely snuggle in bed at night. Wonderful loving home????
  15. OMG ???? Powerlegs, poor little Bert. That photo make me cry. The condition he was in was deplorable. How anybody could do this to any dog is unforgivable. Hope kalma has it's way with them. I sometimes add our intake records to the website, in his case they are there to make a point...his wealthy owners who said he was 'just getting old' and a 'bit itchy' know that he went to us and I want them to be ashamed of themselves. They make me sick. But I'm so proud of him. On the day he arrived I think we broke the sound barrier getting him to the vet. :laugh: And now he is a chubby cheeky boy. Wealthy owners ??? That makes it even worse that they abused this sweet old boy. They could afford to care for him but they CHOSE not to. I will never understand or forgive cruelty on any level. Loving he is now chubby & cheeky. Great work as always PL ????
  16. Well done Better Late Bonnie is going very well... my girl isn't fazed too much with the AusPost del. man BUT she would LOVE to chase & catch our postie. I think it's the bike. We have been working very hard to with LAT which seems to working as long as I see the postie first. If I don't, he is hers usually although today she completely ignored him when he wizzed by. I was wrapped
  17. Oh my gosh, what a lovely ol' gal ????
  18. How nice of you to pop in Bo. Your a very yummy mummy ☺
  19. Oh dear old fella ???? This thread is a great idea Hazy. I will be following it & admiring the lovely oldies. With paws crossed they all find loving homes to see out their days.
  20. As perse said what ever your puppy does best on. Your puppies breeder will give you dietary guide lines usually. Any changes to pups diet should be gradual. Mine are feed 80% raw 20% premium grain free dry food plus eggs,fish,meaty bones yoghurt. Omega 3,6,9. Any pic's???, would love a sneak peak ????
  21. Kirty sounds like Sam was very fortunate to find a loving forever home. Gorgeous fella he is ????
  22. Gosh he is getting cuter with maturity perse. Didn't think it possible ????
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