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Everything posted by sas

  1. yeah you're right. sorry, I'd seen mention of it here and was like you, didn't really know what it was for. I'm feeding it for it's supposed inflammation reducing effects but it's supposed to help reduce tumours too. I'm on a facebook page and some people seem to think it has all sorts of healing abilities. I will wait and see. Here's a link for more information. http://www.turmericl...meric-for-dogs/ I'm careful not to taut it as a miracle cure for all, in brief it acts well as an anti-inflam, therefore good for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Join any turmeric group and you'll be told of the 1001 it CURES! You can't help but have a little giggle really, but it's a shame because it takes away credibility. Thankfully there are literally thousands of clinical studies on Turmeric and the average Googler should be able to find those studies.
  2. Oh goodness.....that's not quality on any level. I wouldn't be so harsh, but comparing this food with similar food reviewed on this site, I wonder why it got 3 stars out of 5 while similar ones are rated with only one star....especially considering that the salt concentration is not even disclosed in the 'guaranteed analyses'. I indeed will be so harsh...ground corn as the 2nd ingredient? No good enough especially when a company is calling a product world class. Not on.
  3. Oh goodness.....that's not quality on any level.
  4. No, I would never leave them. I hear from others who work at clinics that sometimes people simply can't emotionally be there are if they were it would cause more stress to the dog.
  5. As a Rescuer and a Showee I sit on both sides however for the health of the dog I do not agree with early de-sexing, there are enough studies now for us to be forced to consider this information, there are also other techniques that sterlise the dog without removing its hormones that can be done until the dog has finished growing. "I don't think they can do a vasectomy or a tube cut on an 8 week old puppy" Thankfully yes they can, a number of breeders are doing this already for their pet puppies however more Vets need to come onboard. I worry that the general public get brain washed into de-sex everything and do it now without really thinking about it, dogs don't get pregnant by themselves. There has been so much scare mongering over the years that people think that every en-tact bitch is going to be impregnated by the local neighbour dog. IMO this is a band aid to appease animal activists who really haven't thought through the bigger picture - it's impossible to regulate this and therefore does not make irresponsible dog owners act any differently.
  6. Sorry to hear about your Cat, unfortunately you didn't see it happen so you have no proof. Perhaps you need to report the straying dog to council for a better resolution.
  7. Hi, mm no not really, I don't really know other people who do it in Australia. I'm working with the Rocktape folk to put together some info for the canine community.
  8. I don't mean to be rude but it really is a common sense. Put yourself into the same situation where something is pulling and interfering with your musculature and gait for 30-60 minutes per day....it's illogical to believe it's not doing any damage. You may see what she says as assumptions, perhaps instead you'd like to consider her observations and other people who work with a large amount of dogs who put their trained hands on dogs. Although I appreciate your devils advocate approach as there always needs to be one, there is more to it.
  9. Same. I wonder if for some dogs who might not get walked at all without one that this is the lesser of two evils. We use one, Gus wears it when on lead for 30-60 mins a day, tops and I don't think it does him any real harm. It does, look at the anatomy, if a dog is pulling into something, no matter what item ie. collar or harness you're going to get muscular damage in those areas, the dog typically alters its gait in these harnesses and that can create compensation issues. So what you don't think is causing a problem right now is going to further on down the track when the body gets to a point it's going to show you obviously discomfort. Remember, just because you can't see discomfort doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Rather than a no-pull harness, consider getting in a trainer to help you.
  10. I cringe when I see dogs in these harnesses, they do damage the dog. Money would be better spent on a trainer to help the owner learn how to train the dog.
  11. If a meat was defrosted in the fridge it's generally fine, in this sense it's more of a quality issue as you loose moisture through the de-frosting process. If the meat was de-frosted via room temperature that's where your safety issues come in due to bacteria.
  12. My dogs won't eat the Quail...bastards as it's so cheap!
  13. Jamie @ Primal Paws travels regularly and would definately be able to assist in terms of an assessment and then an exercise program. I have a CHD client that I tape and it assists. I'm working with RockTape at the moment to put together photographic and text instructions for canine taping so people can do the basics themselves.
  14. I use and recommend TuffRock K9 JF - not similar ingredients but have had good success on it personally and with clients. It's also very affordable. http://tuffrockk9.net/products/
  15. Prices on their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/sevenhillspetfood/photos/a.705158636208546.1073741829.655273624530381/908847085839699/?type=1&theater
  16. Can you walk me through how you kept them chilled?
  17. Hi! I'm looking at sending bloods to Jean Dodds for my little dog who I think may have a Thyroid issue, I have priced the full panel to be done in Australia and it's looking like it will end up around $700 whereas Jean Dodds is only $175 USD. I know I will need to courier and need to keep the sample chilled - has anyone done this? How did you do it, approx costs?
  18. Great Danes don't cost that much for this medication so your dog shouldn't. Got to a compounding chemist :)
  19. Why don't you ask your insurance company to send you the exclusion text.
  20. This one is often recommended in the Dane world: http://www.feathered...com/blog/?p=292 We just pad them up really well with Manuka (clinical) honey on the wound.
  21. It's not the flowers, they are so incredibly diluted, most people don't understand what the content is and how it's collected. If anything it would have to be the brandy. You must have a pretty sensitive dog. In canines I use Apple Cider Vinegar rather the Brandy. Brandy is also used in their RR formula.
  22. My runt of the litter Great Dane ended up the bigger, 36" to the shoulder and 80 kilos. Runt doesn't mean anything. Unhealthy and stunted is a different thing.
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