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Everything posted by Roova

  1. Until someone with better advice comes along my suggestion would be to keep him temporarily on lead in the house to stop him self reinforcing by chasing the cats. All calm behaviour or watching but not chasing should be rewarded. Do you know his favourite food? I would have tiny pieces of it ready to use and maybe consider only giving it to him for this purpose. The aim is to replace behaviour you don't want with behaviour you do, but you'll need to make it just as reinforcing for the dog, at least to begin with. Don't forget to regularly reinforce behaviour you want to see continue in the future as well eg random treats dropping between feet when he's lying down and the cats are present etc. Good luck! Edited to say sorry posted at the same as Willem.
  2. I would be thinking limiting dog play is more a means to an end, whilst you're trying to achieve a training goal, not something to do forever. Once you have gained control and reliability then other dogs won't be more important than listening to you. It might take a bit longer if play continues but persistence should eventually pay off :D
  3. Not sure if I read this right but in-between his training is he still getting free running with other dogs at the park? This may be just building a reinforcement history for him that playing with other dogs is the most fun thing he can do? Maybe drop this back until you have good focus and can use short bursts of play as a reward? How is his recall when off lead? If it's not great every failure to return is probably not going to help focusing on you in the long run. Maybe consider all 'free' walks to be attached to you on a horse lunge lead so he can still roam, sniff and play but if you call him, you can reel him in if you need compliance? I would be loaded up with his favourite treats to make returning to you worth it too. Alternately (or in conjunction with) you could use a release word after he has returned so return to play is the reward. This will also teach him you don't just end all fun times lol
  4. Awww so cute and I bet he smells delicious! Come on July!!
  5. Any chance of photos so we can get excited with you? Do you have names picked out?
  6. I noticed a little someone popped up on Susan Garrett's Facebook today! Go Murphy!
  7. That looks like lots of fun! Love the multi view you set up :)
  8. I hope she was comfortable in that position lol. Is that five dogs there?
  9. Im voting bottom one. Its gorgeous!! Hope you both have a lovely weekend :)
  10. I just goggled 'best dog walking belts' and then images. Does anything here catch your eye? :) https://www.google.com.au/search?q=best+dog+walking+belts&client=ms-android-hms-vf-au&hl=en-AU&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdiM-WoZjNAhWnE6YKHXHzA-EQ_AUICCgC&biw=360&bih=519&dpr=3
  11. If its not really necessary disease wise, possibly its to avoid multiple visits from families wanting to see their puppy regularly? I imagine for a few puppies it could get quite time consuming dealing with visitors all the time :D
  12. Roova


    Oh such beautiful words for a gorgeous little dog. Your photos and words made me quite teary. I hate this part of loving a dog
  13. Both dogs look the picture of health and fitness. I agree great Park and not a soul around!
  14. There's quite a few 'puppy farms' in North Queensland who have waiting lists longer than you can image. A number sell females cheaper on the provision they have a litter or more when the breeder wants. I couldn't even imagine for many puppies are being pumped out over time. Dilutes and especially blues are ultra popular at the moment. I just wish with this extra cash they'd at least health test but generally it seems that's a waste of money! I also wish they'd make some effort to breed to standard (not that half of them would know what it is). There are some funny looking Frenchie's out there, a lot with tongues which won't stay in their mouth. Their natures all seem lovely though. You just wouldn't wish popularity on your favourite breed.
  15. We put air excluders (long sausage shape full of sand) under the lounges and piano to stop toys rolling or being pushed under. Thank you good tip! I might see if I can squish a pool noodle under the TV cabinet which is the main spot.
  16. It would be interesting to know how the pups were fed at the breeders too. I can imagine some feeding situations would encourage food guarding which wouldn't do pups any favours. Imagine a handful of food thrown (or placed) where it was first in best dressed, or even less food than pups. You'd have to be ultra protective to keep your prize! (Not saying that's what's happened but good chance something has led to food guarding in such a small tyke).
  17. Hahaha! I get the full bladder pain too. Try having a top heavy Frenchie stand with her two front feet there while she peruses the bed for best spot from her vantage point. Painful!
  18. Someone mentioned on a Facebook group Im in that five years ago there was regularly about 8 French bulldog breeders advertising on DOL, currently there are 52!
  19. These are all so funny! I hate it when my dog pushes her ball under something then lies on her side staring at it and whining until I retrieve it with my special shoe horn ball retriever lol
  20. I listened to a news interview with this couple as they both lay in hospital beds beside each other. They said as they walked past the dogs yard it was throwing itself at the fence. It must have gone through it or the fence came down and it then went straight for their little dog. I can't imagine how scary that would be! I have to walk past a house at the bottom of my street which has a barking German Shepherd who's front feet hang over the top of the fence while he's barking. I don't look at him and just keep moving but Im just waiting for the day he decides to go over the top. I'd love to complain but who to? Nothing has actually happened yet so it seems a little petty.
  21. Its not looking promising. Is anything in writing between the two of you?
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