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Everything posted by dogcop

  1. ;) Yes they will drink it. We use the double strength with the sediment in it but you can use the pasturised (which is the clear one). We put two teaspoons per bowl of water small and adjust it to the size of the bowl. Chris
  2. Tinea Spray powder Dr scholl work really well too no clipping,staining etc. :rolleyes:
  3. I haven't used them but I did see somewhere on here that someone recomended them.Cant think where it was though. Chris
  4. Well I can't remember where I heard it now but it was the beef bone that was the most dangerous. If it splinters its like a shard of glass. Big bones in butcher shops and super markets that have also been cut down can be very dangerous too. we normally give boogie (saint) big shin bone then take it away before it starts to dry out. chris
  5. EmmaKate you are the best good luck with every thing I'll bet your nan loves you !!!!!
  6. I only clip these breeds when I know they are going to go ahead and do it anyway no matter what you say or advise. I sting the pocket so they bring the dog back so I can check its progress and maintainance this is built into the price!! Doing this also makes them think twice about clipping. Like many of you I have seen the awful damage that can result.
  7. Car sickness can also be caused by Static Electricity built up in your car. Many of you will have noticed cars travelling along with a rubber strip hanging from the rear of a car infront touching the road surface. This gets rid of the static build up as this is a fairly in-expensive trick it may be worth trying.
  8. you feed the fish cooked or raw? can u feed raw fish to a dog? is it any better than cooked fish? we give the fillets a zap in the microwave for 4 minutes let it cool. don't see why you cant feed totally raw though. I have a client that has a Portuguese Water Dog and the only food it gets is raw this was one of the stipulations from the breeder.
  9. I always make a point of starting at the feet first reassuring the dog all the time then work up the legs and do the body. If this doesn't work I like to get the owner of the dog to see if they can reassure them. Most times that I have had a dog that doesn't like the hydrobath is also the first time I have met the dog too. Strange person never had a hydrobath before can be very intimidating for some dogs.
  10. Your Saint gets fresh salmon fillets??!! WOW! In the city they are a treat for me and my OH as they are sooo expensive!!! I probably should have said Australian salmon the type you can catch here, last time I bought some they only cost about $4.50 per kilo so I got two about 2.5 kg.
  11. I was doing an emergency job today. Regular client brought me her collie rough. She had rolled in something disgusting whilst out walking and needed a bath etc as visitors due later in the day. Whilst brushing i must have struck a sore spot near the back end, she put her head up clenched her teeth in pain as i put my head down with my nose in her mouth. Well now I look like I've had a good blew with someone. lady was real upset but there wasn't anything in it apart from being an accident the dog hasn't got a nasty bone in her 14.5 yr old body. A big band aid and TLC think I may survive. :D maybe a few JIM BEAMS TOO !!!!!
  12. You do realise cat food is higher in salt content we use human grade for fish content. Or as we are lucky to live by the sea fresh salmon fillets big hit with the Saint.
  13. Sounds like another payment on the BMW. Toohey got the idea what kind of stones are they ?? but there again that would require Quality Of Diagnosis. ??????????????????????????????????????? Second opinion maybe ??
  14. Yep totally agree. I removed the super whizz bang pal dog food from my shop (1993) when I opened a can of it and found OFFAL. I think when you pay $3.40 a can back then you were entitled to quality not being hood winked that it was good because it was WALTHAM VET CLINIC APPROVED (England). Sales Rep shown door followed by stand, advertising and left over product. Think calling me a Puritan sales person might have upset me too! ;) Some people will argue but most can food is about 35-40% digestion rate the rest is WASTE. Good quality can food is about 80-85% digestion rate. Bloody expensive but because its better your dog doesn't need as much to get out of it what it needs so you save by not using as much!
  15. I have bought clipper parts and dryer from melbourne clipper world as I buy a deal of my products from them excellent service and GR8 after sales etc. Chris
  16. So I suppose this can food is only available from thr vet too ????
  17. I use them on staffies,labs,pugs with excellent results. I also have my eye on the cat across the road will be trying the small blue one it soon. will let you know how it goes.
  18. Our Shih Tzu'z get a bath every two weeks or more often as different events require OH baths the ones that are being shown when she thinks they need the extra effort to enhance there appearance. Boogie our Saint well he would have a bath every day if he could. He just loves it and the grooming too. He mugs me at some stage roughs me up,rolls me over, licks me etc as if to say take that mate!! has a big shake, tail wag then lets me finish him after a big cuddle This kind of owner abuse only gets tolerated at 6 - 8 weeks Chris
  19. I have the full set of Furminators and I am stoked at the job they do. They are easy to use whilst you do have to exercise due care. I have used them on Staffies,Pugs,Labs,Cavs,Goldens and even our own Saint. Chris
  20. Adding to scooby's our Shih's also vomit yellow if they have been hanging on too long has predominantly been our cause. they also enjoy the curries etc Cheers Chris
  21. Good on you I have had good results with our own dogs plus clients have benefitted also. I am also little bit cautious about seeing one myself but me think its the chook in me
  22. Clipping does not make a dog cooler or more comfortable. If a dog is groomed properlly airflow is what keeps the dog cool. a dog draws it cool from its belly thats why some dogs only wade into water upto their belly. there are probably many other answers about this too BRING THEM ON PLEASE. Basically if I were you I wouldn't waste my money on $100 clippers not good value. if you wouldn't but your dog food from the good guys why would you buy clippers !!
  23. Sorry i didn't make myself clear either use it only as a sponge wipe not flood tghe ear.
  24. Hi ,but tell me what is with the Vic Dog add for purchasing chips in NSW, i'm let to believe that you have to watch the dvd and register for a no.and then you are able to do the implants yourself and i'm also gathering you can do the complete registration.Please tell me if this is true or not. mjaay I saw that Add Too and thought I will do that ! When I rang the lass about the chipping system she said there is a tafe course in N.S.W but not in VIC. Only a VET can perform these acts in Victoria, but hey how many have witnessed Vet Nurses doing it at say the Million Paws Walk days I know I have and not a Vet in sight !
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