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Everything posted by Gamby

  1. Gambit humps Jorja after I have brushed or bathed her. He seems to object to any dog or cat getting attention. I react and tell him to get off etc. So maybe its me who has taught him how to get some attention.
  2. Hi Shoemonster Sadly Gambit and I won't be there. I'm very proud of the handler for making a tough decision as the reason we won't be there I know it will be a fantastic two days of racing, catching up with flyball friends also watching some amazing dogs in full flight.
  3. Hi persephone You are not alone thinking the following - "but am I alone in thinking that so many people just have forgotten that the DOG is an animal, a predator, which does not think like humans, and which does need understanding and careful management according to need?" Until dogs are stopped from being sold in Pet Shops, and Back Yard Breeders are stopped from advertising as well as anyone else who advertises they have dogs for sale then maybe the message could get through on what the dog was bred for. The message needs to be told at the Kinder and School levels
  4. Congratulations for working on the problem and not giving up on the dog. What a shame more people don't put the work into fixing a problem.
  5. I love the CGC program. The Bellarine Dog Activities Group (Geelong Vic) run the class 4 times a year during the school terms. Those who are ready to be assessed are taken to a shopping centre or petshop where the club has set up many different stations like meeting a new person with a dog, sitting quitely while shoppers push trollies either in or out of the supermarket, etc., etc. Once the dogs have passed they are then able to join in either agility, tracking, flyball, tricks or whatever other class in in the offering.
  6. I love Steve Austin. I've attended a number of his workshops as well a seeing him train an assistance dog in the owners home. Some of his way of training I don't agree with but I'm sure we can all say that and only take in what we think is OK
  7. Thanks to all the newbie Delta handlers for offering to give up their time to visit people who for some reason or another cannot keep a dog with them. It is such a rewarding thing to do especially seeing the smile on the faces of the residents when they see a dog enter their room.
  8. Hi DezzyNo.1. I have watched you and your dog on Sunday mornings and you deserved the award that was presented to you and your dog. You have put in the training to allow you to get to Class 4. I also want to wish you and your dog luck in the upcoming assessment to become part of the Delta Pet Partner group. Gambit has been a Delta Dog on and off for a number of years. He loves visiting people in the homes. Not only because he gets lots of cuddles but lots and lots of treats. He is known as the talking dog because he talks as soon as he reaches the front door, and if no one opens the door immediately he informs them that he is waiting. The Delta members are great and you might want to say hello to Frank on Sunday morning. He is our Boss along with Kathy. Tell Vanda I said Hello and ask her to give Scooby a cuddle from me.
  9. Thanks everyone. I now have the info I need. Thanks for wishing Gambit and I luck at the trial too. He is doing his Test 4 at the GSD Tracking trial at Haddon on the weekend. He needs to go around the corners, if he does then he should get a pass.
  10. Hey, All I wanted to know was could I take my puppy to the Royal.
  11. The bigger issue is that I know my puppy and I cannot leave her home by herself for umpteen hours. If I could then I would gladly leave her at home.
  12. Hi, I have entered my dog in the Melbourne Show in obedience. Am I able to take my puppy with me also. She will be 9 months old and I cannot leave her home in the house by herself. Looking forward to reading your replies
  13. Maybe a dumb question but what is Ekka?
  14. Hey labsrule So happy for you. You have made an effort to find or change the training levels. and through that thought process it has proved positive. What you wrote should be added to all Dog Club Newsletters so that people who have a dog pulling problem know that IT CAN BE FIXED if they put the time in. Way to go Kiddo
  15. Gamby and I entered our first Open Obed Trial yesterday. Wow, I was a new person in the ring, I just concentrated on what I had to do. Gambit well, he started to do his own usual thing, I don't want to be here, someone might get me, then all of a sudden he kicked into gear. I was so happy with him. Then onto the other exercises. Our new training method has changed and he finished the exercise by himself. Yes I can cope with that. Then onto the drop on recall, Wow, it was so out of this world. He came at a great pace, dropped immediately when the signal was given and came happily to me, but finished by himself. I can cope with that too. The sits and down, well a rotti beside him was very unsettled and upset not only Gambit but other dogs too. Yep you guessed it, I can cope with that too. It was an amazing magical day. I can't wait to go training and entering another trial to try the new Gambit and me. Nope not telling my new method. There is nothing extraordinary in it, just me concentrating on what I'm doing and not worrying about the dog This was supposed to be in the 2010 Brag section
  16. I would like to know what everyone uses to wash the puppy bedding, mats, etc to stop them going back to the same item and piddling on it again? Jorja was only just toilet trained before she was desexed. Now I need to retrain her. She had trouble the first week after the desexing by either being in pain or had an infection. She was put on meticam which helped her become her old self, well five months old old self. I have used towels, bathroom mats (rubber backed), carpet mats etc and have washed them in either normal washing powder, vinegar which hasn't hlped her stop piddling on any item. She is back to being crated and it is working again but I have all these mats, beds, towels, etc., etc that need washing again but I would like to try something else in the hope it will help. Looking forward to reading your replies
  17. I have had contact with the people concerned and they know what I'm feeding their dogs. I am not that silly.
  18. Yep, I have a fence with two JR's on the other side. They aren't trained just continually bark at any noise and can't hack it when my dogs or cats walk out the back door. Mine don't bark at them, don't even run up and down with them. I have been over to see the owners and they have no idea what is happening. They are inside and MUST hear the dogs barking but do nothing to stop them. What I have started to do is to drop a Goodo over the fence. This was done when the dog's were barking and now if I hear them barking I wait until they stop and then throw a couple of goodo's over. That has seemed to calm them down a bit. But with 5 dogs it would be a good idea to try and toss the treats over the fence so that they are not together when they received thier treat. I have filled in the gaps in the fence with plants and stones and rocks to no avail. The dogs can see my dogs through the fence pailings. Talk or send the people a letter and see if there is anyway a fence type thing can be run on their side of the fence to actually stop the dogs from getting to the back fence. The theory is to break the action and turn the dogs around to do something else. Good luck, It is a bloody nuisance to continually have to keep an eye on your own dogs let alone try and stop the others carrying on. I also look forward to other Dol members suggestions.
  19. Amazing and congratulations My cocker cross could smell out anything. I wish I had have known more about cadaver dogs when she was a young puppy. Cocker's are just natural sniffers. They have had great success in tracking gaining the title of Tracking Champion
  20. Name: Poruse Diamond Dealer - Jorja Nickname: Gambit - Jorjy Porjy Breed: Australian shepherd - maltese Shitzhu Gender: Male - female Age: 5 yrs - 5 months Picture: Where did you get them from? Breeder - byb How often do you exercise your dog? once, twice or more a day both of them Do they know any commands? Gambit - Yes lots of them - Jorja is learning lots Compete in any dog sports? Yes, Obedience, tracking, agility, doggy freestyle, tricks - Jorja is doing obedience at the moment and is dabbling in flyball, and tricks Favourite treat: any food (both) Favourite toy: ball on a string - balls, tug toys, squeaky toys, socks, shoes etc Funny habits or quirks: Gambit Talks, oh my does he talk - Jorja well she uses both her paws to get my attention What's their personality like? Fun loving, willing to do what I'm doing, hates hanging around. Cheeky and most of the time does what I want her to Do they get along well with other dogs? Yes Are they scared of anything? new things What training methods do you use? Positive reinforcement? Corrections? Positive reinforcement answers will follow later on. If you have several dogs feel free to do this for all of them.
  21. I have a Ford Fairmont AU which is a big stationwagon and on gas. I have a barrier in between the back seats and the back as well as a gate in the boot. My dogs and cats 2 of each are securely locked in the car when I'm away from them. The boot is opened so that the air can circulate and the gate is lockable. I have also got a bubble that can fit onto the carrier bars so that I can store things in it. Before I had a Nissan Pintara which always seemed to be full of junk. The AU has room and more to cater for what I put in the car.
  22. I purchased a Clever Pet Pad today (The clean indoor doggy restroom). Jorja, my puppy is still piddling and pooping indoors. She is starting to understand that she is to go outside but sometimes she is too busy and forgets. She has been asleep since I got home about 3.30pm so I can't try her on it. Who else has tried it to help train their puppy?
  23. I never did stay with my pets when the time came until about 20 years ago. Now if possible I will always stay with my animals on that dreadful day. Euthanising is a most wonderful way for my pets to Rest In Peace. I do feel guilty after it has happened but my pets quality of life is more important that my feelings of guilt. If only we could do it to our loved ones when there is nothing else that can put them out of their pain.
  24. So sorry to read about the cancellation of the Ttouch Workshop. I would love to do it as it is very rewarding lying beside my furry friends and moving my hands in a circular motion over their bodies. Gambit tell me in no uncertain terms to keep going. The cats faces let me now that they are enjoying what I'm doing. I would have liked to attend just to be shown how to do the circular motions but at this time in my life it is not feasable.
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