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Screaming Puppy - Help!


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I brought home my lovely little english staffy yesterday, all is going well. Older dog has accepted her, but is a bit protective over me. I put the puppy, Chilli, in her pen last night and she was making such a noise, banging on the wire and screaming, during the whole night she was only quiet for about two 20 minute stints.

I understand that puppies whine at first, but this was crazy, she screamed the whole night, I'm expecting a call from the neighbours any minute now, she sure has a set of lungs on her. She was whining so much that I couldn't even wait for a time when she wasn't whining to take her to the loo, so had to take her out even though she was whining.

Her pen is set up inside in the lounge room, she has a comfy bed, water and lots of things to entertain her in there. I don't know what to do? I ignored her all last night, but she literally screamed and carried on the entire night. I can't have her doing that again tonight :)

Any ideas would be very welcome! thanks

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Staffordshire Bull Terriers (not 'english staffys') don't like being kept in a pen - they prefer human company :D

She has just been taken away from her pack and now needs to adjust to a new pack (yours). With time, training and a lot of patience she will be fine.

Our first boy did this, needless to say, he ended up sleeping on the kids beds. Our second boy (the guy in my avatar - Ollie) was a good lad, he was never a whiner, so he gets to sleep on my bed.

I know letting them sleep on your bed is not everyones cup of tea, but it sure beats sleepless nights and going to war with the neighbours :)

Good luck


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Yeah I was thinking she might be better in my room, though there isn't much space in there, and I don't want her to get too used to that! Poor little thing, I hate her being distressed, I'm completely stressed out too, wondering if I did the wrong thing getting another puppy now :)

So your dog was that bad the first night? I must have been lucky with Diesel, he whined for a little bit, but after we ignored him he stopped and that was it really, nothing too major.

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Some puppies are worse than others, I would recommend that you either crate the dog next to your bed or just put up with the noise, it may take a few days or a few weeks, but eventually the puppy will settle down. Crating the puppy next to the other dog may also help.

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We had our girl Stafford in a pen next to our bed for the first couple of nights. It meant when she got a bit weepy I just dropped my hand in and she was quiet. I empathise, when Dolly was tiny, that puppy screaming sound was so hard to listen to. It was like she was being tortured.

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Swap you for a screaming baby! :o

Seriously, I crated mine in the bedroom at the start, only had a few nights of crying. Though Staffies do have a particularly distressing sounding cry and can produce some amazing noises :eek:

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I honestly have never heard a noise like hers before, doesn't even sound like a dog, like a lion or something, she was screaming the WHOLE night, I just tried to put her in there again before so I could do some housework and off she went again. I think she just wants to be with me the whole time, as now she's cuddled up under my chair.

I had Diesel in the room with her, he was quite freaked out about all the noise. I don't know if I'm just emotional from having no sleep, but I feel like I want to take her back, I can't have a pup that screams when I leave it alone. It's making me sad looking at how gorgeous she is, but I've never heard anything like this before :o

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Hang in there newpup. I'm sure things will improve soon. Just remember it's such a strange environment to what the pup is used to.

I can't really give you any advice though. I've only had one pup (many other dogs, were already adults though). My Afghan has slept in his kennel every night since I got him at 7 weeks, and not even a peep out of him. I'm sure it's a combination of his independent breed and he was hand reared and outside before I got him. Can't miss you Mum if you never knew her. :o

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How old is she?

I would also crate her in your room (not in a pen, in a comfy, cosy crate with a nice stuffed toy to cuddle up to).

A good crate can mimic the den that dogs feel comfy and secure in. :)

Shes just left her litter mates and probably is very upset having nothing to cuddle up to, they are very much human orientated. :o

Once she has settled in (few weeks) you can start to move the crate a bit further away from your bed;...(closer to the door, next just outside the bedroom door etc, until you have her crated where you want her to sleep).

Shes obviously a little bit sensitive, and probably worked herself up into a bit of a state last night.

Just remember, shes pretty much like a baby, and you wouldnt take a human baby back to the hospital because it cries. (although many are probably tempted) :eek:

No such thing as an English Staffy either, they are Staffordshire Bull Terriers. :wink:

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Oh newpup that brings back memories. When we bought Bindi (JRT) home 16months old now, she squeeled for 2 nights non stop. On the 2nd night her squeeling was worse than the fist night and I like you didn't have a chance for quiet time to get her out to go to the toilet. But say around 3 am the 2nd night daughter noticed a light shining in to her bedroom window and thought what the hell so when she peeked out the edge of the blind it was the neighbour perched up on the fence scanning our yard looking for what was making the awful noise. She probably thought we were torchering our lil Bindi. When daughter told us this when we got up we had a chuckle (nasty us ) well this neighbours car alarm goes off at least 3 times a week and she usually takes ages to turn it off so we thought payback was wonderful hehehe.

good luck with chili

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Guess what- you bought a Staffy- they are people dogs! They have to be with their humans! :eek:

I have nothing to add other than it's not great for her to scream all night, I know it's how a lot of people 'break puppies in' but I don't believe it's necessary and you may be setting her up for separation anxiety later on down the track by being well-meaning now.

It won't be difficult to move her out of your room later on, but mine sleeps on the bed and under the doona in winter so I can't understand why you would want to move her out. :o


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Swap you for a screaming baby! :o

I didn't know it was possible for a baby to scream from dusk to dawn continually until I had my son, he wouldn't stop no matter what you did. OH slept with ear plugs so could stay awake at work. Older child slept with aircon in the middle of winter to try to drown out the noise. I learnt to sleep sitting in the lounge chair holding screaming baby.........so glad he is now two!

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Your puppy will get used to sleeping in the crate. He doesnt know that he's not staying in there forever and hasn't gotten into a routine yet.

I have just gotten a new pup who is staying with us a few weeks and on friday night, his first night with us, he barked and howled the ENTIRE night non stop just like yours.

Saturday night he barked twice to go to the toilet and last night he was an angel and I didnt hear a peep out of him. If you give in now, you will be setting a precedent. If you want him to sleep in the crate then just put up with his crying as long as he is comfortable and warm, then he will adjust to it and get used to it :o


P.S put up some piccies!

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Try putting a hot water bottol in her crate; wrap it well; so she cant chew @ it ;she is missing her snuggle partners; just being taken from her litter mates ;hang in there it will pass in a few days ;try not to get to stressed cause they pick up on your feeling ;good luck

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I recently fostered a Greyhound puppy that was an awful screamer like your staffy, he was in a crate at the far end of the house and we could still hear him, he was used to sleeping in a crate but with other puppy's, the next night I put him in the laundry with Elka my Shepherd and they were fine together and he was quiet thank goodness.

I feel for you, they can make one hell of an awful noise cant they!!!

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