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Really Sick Whippet!


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Hi all....

Our family has been away for a few days with a friend coming over daily to feed and run the furries.....Jess my 3yo whippet bitch often is majorly off her food when we go away......came home yesterday - she was over the top as normally she is if she hasn't seen us for while.....absolutely fine racing around with our other dogs......fed her raw chicken mince as usual and played outside with other dogs and then let her in by the fire where she lay while we were having our dinner.....let her outside again a little later - walked into our bedroom and found she vomitted all her dinner in one heap - no smell as she'd only just eaten it.......went outside to check where she was - found her in a kennel shaking uncontrollably and drooling heaps - didn't want to come out - finally came out but staggering........back in by the fire - watched her for 3 minutes (couldn't stand) rang the vet about 9.45pm......vommitted clear liquid again just as we were wrapping her up in blankets for the car ride..........Vet very unsure what's wrong - pink gums, no temperature, tender abdomen, still staggering, drooling......put her on drip and gave pain relief which would make her sleepy and said to check in with them in the morning.......

Nobody stays at the vets overnight - I HATE that she's on her own but guess she'll sleep.........I've hardly slept all night - she sleeps on our bed everynight and spends most of the day with us - never on her own - her eyes looked SO stressed (popping out her head)

Vet said if no better this morning she'd do bloods and x-ray.......so now the wait!!!!

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Hi all....

Our family has been away for a few days with a friend coming over daily to feed and run the furries.....Jess my 3yo whippet bitch often is majorly off her food when we go away......came home yesterday - she was over the top as normally she is if she hasn't seen us for while.....absolutely fine racing around with our other dogs......fed her raw chicken mince as usual and played outside with other dogs and then let her in by the fire where she lay while we were having our dinner.....let her outside again a little later - walked into our bedroom and found she vomitted all her dinner in one heap - no smell as she'd only just eaten it.......went outside to check where she was - found her in a kennel shaking uncontrollably and drooling heaps - didn't want to come out - finally came out but staggering........back in by the fire - watched her for 3 minutes (couldn't stand) rang the vet about 9.45pm......vommitted clear liquid again just as we were wrapping her up in blankets for the car ride..........Vet very unsure what's wrong - pink gums, no temperature, tender abdomen, still staggering, drooling......put her on drip and gave pain relief which would make her sleepy and said to check in with them in the morning.......

Nobody stays at the vets overnight - I HATE that she's on her own but guess she'll sleep.........I've hardly slept all night - she sleeps on our bed everynight and spends most of the day with us - never on her own - her eyes looked SO stressed (popping out her head)

Vet said if no better this morning she'd do bloods and x-ray.......so now the wait!!!!

As the owner of two whippets, I can only imagine what you must be going through. I wonder if she could have been bitten by a spider?

I know what you mean about leaving them unattended at a vet. Fortunately in Melbourne we have several vet hospitals that are open 24/7, where emergency staff are with the animals all night. They cost big $$$, but it's worth it.

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Have rung in this morning - vet had dropped in and checked Jess at 5am and wrote report - more settled - no vomitting, very slight temperature, still on drip.......Vet nurse I spoke to this morning said she's wrapped up in a rug with the heater on and sitting up.......The vet we personally use for all our animals is on today so I feel more relaxed with him being there....will call back about 9.30am and see what he says - we have to go to the city today so will call in and pay a visit as well - hope she doesn't stress seeing me and then we leave again :):eek: ...........she doesn't love everyone she sees - just picks the 'special' people in this world and then snuggles up with them on the lounge - others she totally ignores........

We live on 150 acres and our dogs (6 in total) do have access to the whole property - but only at certain times of the day as we have good dog yards as well. There is a chance Jess picked something up in the paddocks but she's a major fussy, picky eater and the least likely of all our dogs to pick something up!!!!

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Hi.....and thanks for all your reassuring posts etc....

Jess is home now and looks tired but happy curled up on the lounge....Ashleigh our vet was waiting for her to eat until he let her come home but told him he could be waiting 4 days for that in a new place so he said take her home and ring him around 9pm tonight to tell him how she is.......he's the 'wondervet' in our eyes!! Was on a drip all day and he can't seem to work out why she reacted so badly to whatever it was.........had 3 wees during the day when they took her outside and the nurses said she could come back anytime :happydance2: . Still doesn't answer what was wrong with her last night.......soooooooo stressfull for us I can tell you and hope it NEVER happens again!!!!!

Anyhow....off to give her some cooked chicken breast and see how she copes with that!!!!!!

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Maybe Salmonella (sp?) sensitivity. I had an 18 month old suddenly show similar symptoms after eating raw chicken necks. None of the other 6 dogs were affected at all. He threw up, then got shakey legs and a depressed attitude within an hour of having the chicken. Down to the vet, onto a drip and a shot of (can't remember, sorry, used for poisoning), his temp went to 42 and heartrate down to 50. By the next morning, he was recovering and back to his normal bouncy self by day 6. I don't risk feeding him chicken any more (just lamb bones for him).

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Some months ago Abby (Silky) was playing in the yard and suddenly vomitted and pooed at the same time, she was shaking and drooling and unsteady on her feet. I checked every inch of her and found a large meat ant inside her mouth attached to her upper lip. Little devil would chase them and stomp them with her paws. This time apparently she got smart and picked one up and got a good bite on the tender inside lip. After she calmed down she was fine, I guess the sudden pain from the bite resulted in the extreme reaction. Scared me for a while :scold: At least she learnt and stays clear of them now.

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