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She saw the oncologist today. The stats aren't very good.

Do nothing and mean survival time is 2 months.

Use radiation therapy and mean survival time is 19 months.

Use drugs (feldene I think it's called)- not as effective as radiation, just slows the tumor growth.

We have opted to use the drug. 19 months is just not long enough to justify radiation therapy.

I'm feeling pretty shit about the decision. This morning I was thinking - 'yep, we can treat and beat this!' But hearing it only buys 19 months... ;) she is going to die no matter what we do.

So she will have the feldene and a blood test every two months to check her kidney function as the feldene is not good for them. We will continue to give her lots of pats and kisses and walks and visits to the beach and park, and when it becomes too hard for her we will let her go.

I am struggling with the decision. I feel so so guilty already. It is so unfair that this happens to such a good and loved and loving dog. There will never be another like her. I was counting on having so much longer with her.

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So sorry to read your story. Im crying and I dont even know you. :eek:

Your doing all the right things, give her lots of love, cuddles and kisses and her favourite things. You have to go for quality of life now. She'll be forever greatful that she's had such a wonderful mum to love her.

Sending you all love and hugs :rofl:

She will always have a special place in your heart.

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I am so sorry that Lucys results are not good. At least the drugs will buy you some time and you can love her that bit longer and she wont have to go through the stress of radiation treatments. It seems so unfair. As hard as it will be please try just to enjoy every day you have with her and not focus on how long she will be with you for. Let her final memories be of the happiness she feels when she is with you.

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I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis... I know how hard it is.

My boy was on Feldene and held out for 15 months. We ended up with a prescription to get it dispensed from the chemist to save some money.

Make each and everyday as special as you can.

I miss my boy :)

Use drugs (feldene I think it's called)- not as effective as radiation, just slows the tumor growth.

We have opted to use the drug. 19 months is just not long enough to justify radiation therapy.

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OMG I only just read this (don't come into this forum much). I am soooo sorry to hear about the diagnosis :)

Biggest of hugs to you and your family. I know cancer is such a big scare, my girl just had a cancerous growth removed so now I am on cancer alert myself :laugh:

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Hugs Lucysmumma

Please dont feel guilty, radiation therapy is not nice, I watched my brother suffer horribly through it and cried in horror at many others pain. I vowed I nor any of my pets would ever be put through that discomfort, for a little bit longer, better to have quality time and remember that than the suffereing and no guarantees.

YOU are doing the right thing, you and only you know whats right for your own, never feel guilty, be happy to have had the time than to never have had the wonderful opportunity to meet your beautiful girl.



She saw the oncologist today. The stats aren't very good.

Do nothing and mean survival time is 2 months.

Use radiation therapy and mean survival time is 19 months.

Use drugs (feldene I think it's called)- not as effective as radiation, just slows the tumor growth.

We have opted to use the drug. 19 months is just not long enough to justify radiation therapy.

I'm feeling pretty shit about the decision. This morning I was thinking - 'yep, we can treat and beat this!' But hearing it only buys 19 months... :) she is going to die no matter what we do.

So she will have the feldene and a blood test every two months to check her kidney function as the feldene is not good for them. We will continue to give her lots of pats and kisses and walks and visits to the beach and park, and when it becomes too hard for her we will let her go.

I am struggling with the decision. I feel so so guilty already. It is so unfair that this happens to such a good and loved and loving dog. There will never be another like her. I was counting on having so much longer with her.

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I am so sorry to hear that it is cancer but please don't feel guilty. Love and cherish Lucy whilst you can.

Radiation therapy is different in dogs to humans. But saying that I don't think that I would put my dog through such things if it only ment a few extra months were gained. If it could give a few extra years then I may consider it.

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Sorry to hear that it was cancer :p Was hoping that I would be wrong, but the symptoms were exactly like the 4 cases we have seen recently, the first dog on the feldene is going extreamly well the other 3 have only just started treatment.....

Hope Lucy is one of the ones that get the best results.

All the best and have fun with her :thumbsup:

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You are doing the right thing by not pursuing radiation.

The dog i wrote about did & we groomed him every 8 weeks & saw the change & the toll it took.

Whilst he lived 12 months they werent a happy 12 months.

Enjoy.pamper & even venture in natural medicenes

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Oh god I am sorry to read this about your baby, I just recently lost my darling to brain cancer. It is so hard to make the decision to put your dog down and even tho everyone tells you it is the right thing to do and you know it is, it still hurts.

My darling was misdiognosed so we didnt find out till the end that he had a brain tumor and it was to late then to try other options. We took our darling dog home and only had one more week with him and he was suffering so it was time to call the vet. When the time came I couldn't stand the thought of taking him to vet and bringing him out not alive so I called a vet to come to the home and he went to sleep in his bed so it didnt seem so traumatic and I didnt have to drive home, I just went to bed and cried.

I think it is hard once you know they are not here for much longer, esp when you worry about when and how long. Your baby will let you know when they dont want to be sick anymore.

We miss our darling still every day but we smile and remember nice things about him and now we have a new crazy pup to keep us occupied & we already love him too.

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Was the oncologist at Albany Creek? I took their advice and decided to try chemo treatment for an otherwise healthy young dog. I was reassured she had a 95% chance of being fine. She was dead within a week and was in a hell of a lot of pain from the treatment in that last few hours. If I could turn back time I would do nothing except keep her comfortable and happy for as long as possible and let her go when she was ready. I will never forgive myself for listening to them and will never put a dog through chemo treatment ever again. The worst part was when I rang to cancel the appointment for the following day i was asked by the receptionist if I was "sure she was dead" - I completely lost the plot at that stage and got very sarchastic - what an appalling thing to say - no I'm sure she is stiff, cold and glassy eyed because she has nothing better to do. I'll never set foot in that place again.

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