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Thanks guys - just phoned for an update - heart rate down to 104 and fluids moving through well :dancingelephant:

so sorry to hear this, I'd never have know if you hadn't posted about it in photos as I've never even looked in this thread before. Sending my best wishes to little Daisy.

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I am so so sorry to hear about Daisy - glad to hear that she is improving and I'll keep my fingers tightly crossed for a full recovery. As Ptolomy says, dont beat yoruself up. i was in a similar position last year when Spartan stole a nearly whole block of cooking chocolate out ofthe fridge. Luckily i was home and caught him finishing off the last of it from the wrapper and got him to the vet quickly (put me off chocolate for months, mind - the smell of it coming back up is not so good..

Oh dear CC :dancingelephant: How unlucky!

Bilby was a Doler here (RIP Louise) who found Dogzonline because her dog had found and eaten a stash of her son's cannibis! Her dog was OK from memory, but they do try you at times!

I hope Daisy continues to fight and overcome her chocolate feast ..... and glad to hear Louis was OK!

GR, another DOLer had two weimaraners find some kind of unfortunate remnants of something that contained cannabis (not 100% sure but she thinks it was vomit) at a park. She had them both at the vets and had to dose them up on charcoal as well. Not her proudest moment i can assure you!!

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Oh dear CC :dancingelephant: How unlucky!

Bilby was a Doler here (RIP Louise) who found Dogzonline because her dog had found and eaten a stash of her son's cannibis! Her dog was OK from memory, but they do try you at times!

I hope Daisy continues to fight and overcome her chocolate feast ..... and glad to hear Louis was OK!

GR, another DOLer had two weimaraners find some kind of unfortunate remnants of something that contained cannabis (not 100% sure but she thinks it was vomit) at a park. She had them both at the vets and had to dose them up on charcoal as well. Not her proudest moment i can assure you!!

I lost a dog who ate catfood laced with 1080 at our local park (across the road actually) ... you have to be so careful :happydance2:

I can't believe you have a dog that stole choclate from the fridge! Did you have to buy a padlock?

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well GR see it was entirely my fault!! I was cleaning out the fridge and he is mighty quick and very very quiet (years of experience counter surfing and not getting caught!).

that's horrible about the laced catfood... why are there such rotten people out there?

on a different note... has anyone else noticed that lately the free shipping stuff on Clean Run has been decidedly smaller items and mostly food/treats? Me thinks they have one too many international customers!

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I actually bought 3 small iSqueaks from the dStore yesterday - they had them for $7 each and free postage.

Paddy is OBSSESSED with his little iSqueak, so I thought I had better stock up as he is always losing them under the sofa (he drops them at the foot of the sofa and then jumps up and POUNCES on the ball, pushing it under the sofa and I then have to pull everything out to get the sofa pulled out ..... and I'm over it :dancingelephant: )

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CC, I hope Daisy continues to improve :birthday: I have a serial chocolate eater at home :happydance2: I think I have put it somewhere safe until I find the remains of the packet! Luckily she has never had any ill effects from eating chocolate :cheer: Is the stuff Daisy got dark chocolate? I have never heard of 85% chocolate :dancingelephant:

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85% chocolate would be about as dark as you can get almost I would think?

Old Dougal dog stole wrapped chocoltaes from a bowl on the patio table one Xmas ..... I was seeing visitors off and wondered why he wasn't there .... discovered him out the back with foil wrappers hanging out his mouth :mad I found some in his poo the next day as well.

Thankfully he had no reaction but with dark chocolate, it's pure poison :D

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Is the stuff Daisy got dark chocolate? I have never heard of 85% chocolate :D

Yeah GR is correct, 85% is seriously dark, dark chocolate - high concentrations of the bad stuff :)

We can go bring her home at 7pm :) I'm so happy as we thought we wouldn't be bringing her back at one point last night - well done Daisy for fighting your way through this :mad

Great pics ST, the 3rd one is so funny :)

On a different note we went down to the river to watch the fireworks last night - how many fricking mozzies were there :laugh: It was like swarms of them as soon as we left our friends house and started walking down. Bloody millions of bites on me today :o

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Great news about Daisy CC! :mad:)

I was just saying to someone the other day that I haven't seen any mozzies this year .... they must be all out your way :D

If you have some Tiger Balm, it works brilliantly to stop itching and reduce the reaction. I react badly and have found this to be the best remedy!

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Luckily I don't like dark chocolate so there is never any in my house :o

My three had a great day today though... got home from work and Kinta and Varda were out the front of the house to greet me :laugh: No Banjo to be seen but a bit further drive around (I have to go all the way around my house to get to the garage :D ) and I see a wide open gate to their fenced area and a black kelpie :mad The obviously had fun - there was a destroyed box of cat food and they were covered with twigs and mud so obviously took themself off for a swim! They are lucky dogs though since we are in sheep country - although I think the only way they would go off our property would be to chase roos into our neighbours wooded area so luckily no stock there for them to harass. Rang my father and turns out he had opened the gate for the pest control guy (dogs were locked in the house at that stage) then remembered he had to open the door to let the dogs out again but forgot that the gate needed to be shut too :) Oh well.

And poor little Mysha cat is feeling a bit sorry for herself - sterilisation, vaccination and microchipping all on her first visit to the vet :) Although she is actually acting a bit hypo now rather than dopey :)

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CC so sorry to hear about Daisy, it does sound like she is on the mend though :D

I never forget one year I was in charge of a raffle and people had donated all sorts of things for a hamper. In any event my one ridgie snuck into my bedroom and helped herself to about 2 big slabs of chocolate out the hamper, nothing else was missing. I know she has a sweet tooth as she counter surfed and ate cream mixed with caramel for a dessert topping :mad Lucky for Vicky she weighed 55Kgs as she is 3/4 ridgeback 1/4 bullmastiff but she got the big mastiff body and so the choc did not even make her ill. All the wrappers came out in her poop, no idea how she did not get a blockage!

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My friends Rott was attacked at Whitfords Dog Beach today :(

Poor thing has to wear a bucket tonight and go back tomorrow for them to clean up her wounds..

Being in a rush to get to the Vet she didn't have a chance to get any details of the dogs owners..

One of the big reasons why I don't take my boys there. We know we can control our dogs.. but you cant really trust the other public to have control of their dogs


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My friends Rott was attacked at Whitfords Dog Beach today :)

Poor thing has to wear a bucket tonight and go back tomorrow for them to clean up her wounds..

Being in a rush to get to the Vet she didn't have a chance to get any details of the dogs owners..

One of the big reasons why I don't take my boys there. We know we can control our dogs.. but you cant really trust the other public to have control of their dogs


:rofl: Must have been a massive dog to attack a Rott that badly! :( Hope your friends dog is ok.

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My friends Rott was attacked at Whitfords Dog Beach today :(

Poor thing has to wear a bucket tonight and go back tomorrow for them to clean up her wounds..

Being in a rush to get to the Vet she didn't have a chance to get any details of the dogs owners..

One of the big reasons why I don't take my boys there. We know we can control our dogs.. but you cant really trust the other public to have control of their dogs


Aww poor thing, i go all the time and have never seen a fight though. What type of dog was it so i know to be on the lookout?

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