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Western Australian Thread


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Hi all!

I'm new here and I'm from WA! I'm getting my Bichon puppy in 7 weeks and I'm super excited. I'm looking for supplies for my pup (such as a crate, grooming and essential needs - collars, dog bowls etc) and was wondering if you guys know of any good retailers (cheap? since I'm a student) or if any of you get things second hand and where to look for all these things?

Perhaps ebay? or an online store. I've been checking out petedge.com but not sure how their shipping costs will be

If any of you could help, that would be great!

Secondhand crates can be purchased cheap here http://perth.gumtree.com.au/f-Pets-pet-sup...8438QQerrorIdZ1 just make sure it is throughly disinfected after purchase.

If you want a cheap collar,lead, bowl ect while pup is growing maybe try K-Mart or Reject Store ect.

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I am sure most of the WA people are aware but we have no public holiday during our Royal Show this year as the Queens birthday holiday has been shifted to the 28 October to coincide with the Government of heads thing during that week

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I am sure most of the WA people are aware but we have no public holiday during our Royal Show this year as the Queens birthday holiday has been shifted to the 28 October to coincide with the Government of heads thing during that week

Thanks for this... wasnt aware

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Thanks guys. I'll be keeping my eye out on those classifieds.

I've looked at crazy sales! It is cheap but no small crates :laugh: but I have 7 weeks so I'll just keep hunting. Cheers

I got my crate from Dealsdirect, they don't seem to have them anymore :rofl:

I think the wave of pet injuries has hit me :laugh:

On Sunday I took the dogs to my bro's where they had a lovely time swimming in the pool, in typical style Trixie (who can't swim particularly well, but she is getting better) is the only dog who thinks it's great fun leaping off the side of the pool into the water :laugh: Particularly if there is another dog swimming at the time to try and land on :laugh: (she was told off for this - naughty dog)

They were fine on Sunday, just tired, but yesterday I noticed she was a bit stiff before work, thought she might have just been a bit sore, then when I got home yesterday I knew she must have been bad because she wouldn't even jump up to greet me (she's a shocking jumper) but Kyzer was also limping, he has had burnt paws before from the pavers so I thought this may have happened again but when he did it last time he was sore for one day and then was fine so I left it.

This morning she was worse again, very sore, I still thought it was burnt pads and was going to take her to the vet after work, gave her some pain killers left over from when she had the abscess, my OH flew in today and said she got up, said hello pathetically then went and laid down again and then went outside but didn't seem to want to move :rofl: I asked him to take her to the vet and vet says her feet aren't burnt but she has strained the toes on both back legs, and they are swollen, I hadn't noticed any swelling last night when I was inspecting them, but I had noticed her front feet didn't seem sore, it wa smainly her back feet. Kyzer was back to normal when OH got home and is running around like a loon.

She's on Rimadyl for a week and if it doesn't improve he says go back for X-Rays (but I'd probably go to a Bowen / Chiro / acupuncture type person first like Deb Nook)

I feel so bad that I let her overdo it, she seemed fine at the time! :eat: Poor Trixie, tonight is her first 'proper' agility class and she has to chuck a sickie!

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Gentle ((hugs)) to Trixie. She obviously doesn't want to go to school :laugh:

I won't be there again tonight, just coz I want to keep an eye on my dogs (I will be a lot less stressed after a week!) Hopefully we can all be there next week!

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:laugh: It's an epidemic! Yesterday Toby was limping and later on in the veneing when I inspected his leg there was a cut on the underside and the top of the foot and he was very senstitive to me handling it and mum piped up 'Oh yeah he did get caught in a fence today'... Silly boy! He's a bit sore.... But in other news his titre scores were perfect! :laugh:
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Yep! Zola just threw up................................her breakfast.................................from about 8.30 this morning!!! Yeeha!!! I can see another vet visit coming on!!!

Hope everyone elses pupsters are on the mend :laugh:

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Welcome Teresadn88 :laugh:

I can't wait until you have your puppy and can post pictures as I would imagine a Bichon pup would be seriously cute!

Hey thanks Mirawee :eat: I will definitely be putting photos up. He's gonna be everything and more to me regardless of how he turns out (but seeing as he's from a good pure breeder HE WILL BE SO CUTE! Haha)

I got my crate from Dealsdirect, they don't seem to have them anymore :rofl:

I think the wave of pet injuries has hit me :laugh:

On Sunday I took the dogs to my bro's where they had a lovely time swimming in the pool, in typical style Trixie (who can't swim particularly well, but she is getting better) is the only dog who thinks it's great fun leaping off the side of the pool into the water :laugh: Particularly if there is another dog swimming at the time to try and land on :laugh: (she was told off for this - naughty dog)

They were fine on Sunday, just tired, but yesterday I noticed she was a bit stiff before work, thought she might have just been a bit sore, then when I got home yesterday I knew she must have been bad because she wouldn't even jump up to greet me (she's a shocking jumper) but Kyzer was also limping, he has had burnt paws before from the pavers so I thought this may have happened again but when he did it last time he was sore for one day and then was fine so I left it.

This morning she was worse again, very sore, I still thought it was burnt pads and was going to take her to the vet after work, gave her some pain killers left over from when she had the abscess, my OH flew in today and said she got up, said hello pathetically then went and laid down again and then went outside but didn't seem to want to move :rofl: I asked him to take her to the vet and vet says her feet aren't burnt but she has strained the toes on both back legs, and they are swollen, I hadn't noticed any swelling last night when I was inspecting them, but I had noticed her front feet didn't seem sore, it wa smainly her back feet. Kyzer was back to normal when OH got home and is running around like a loon.

She's on Rimadyl for a week and if it doesn't improve he says go back for X-Rays (but I'd probably go to a Bowen / Chiro / acupuncture type person first like Deb Nook)

I feel so bad that I let her overdo it, she seemed fine at the time! :eat: Poor Trixie, tonight is her first 'proper' agility class and she has to chuck a sickie!

Thanks for checking for me :D

I hope your dogs end up ok

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Gentle ((hugs)) to Trixie. She obviously doesn't want to go to school :laugh:

I won't be there again tonight, just coz I want to keep an eye on my dogs (I will be a lot less stressed after a week!) Hopefully we can all be there next week!

How are your lot going? All still seeming okay?

:laugh: It's an epidemic! Yesterday Toby was limping and later on in the veneing when I inspected his leg there was a cut on the underside and the top of the foot and he was very senstitive to me handling it and mum piped up 'Oh yeah he did get caught in a fence today'... Silly boy! He's a bit sore.... But in other news his titre scores were perfect! :laugh:

Ouch poor Tobylarone! Nasty!

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Hehe.............havent you had enough too??? LOL

Goodo, hope all goes to plan with the pup thing. Ill have to sneak in and have a peek when they eventually arrive, if I can fight off all the other dolers!

lol I am pretty safe in old Bunno I am hoping to have a web cam maybe from a few weeks of age, and I may have to keep them al as I just deleted my puppy list lol

Cant be all bad as I seemed to get the How Much question all the time and that immediately puts me off as a first question! More for me! I say 101 Xolos!

Great how that seems to be THE most important question!! I know its an important one, but its an important one of many!!!

You know who genuinely wants one though, if they dont gasp at the price they are serious pup buyers!

Rach still interested...LOL???

Mason - Zola only steals coffee and tea.....She does however like to slide her drooly along the edges of the cupboards and poke her tongue onto anything food like - disgusting beast!!! I have to remember to keep plates and food away from the edge ;)

Yes LR Rach is going to train the first and hopefully but only agility champion Xolo!! Still looking for an obedience person or can you do both Rach!!

There is a lot of interest from overseas for the lines so some may be making the trek there LR, hopefully some more will be coming to Aus for new lines and competition!

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Hope Trixie is better soon. This is something I have a reasonable amount of experience with! Rommi is always doing her toes!

Last time she properly dislocated one.

I wrap them with co-flex to help support them for a week to two depending on if just a sprain or a dislocation. The once the wrap is off and she is not limping I walk her only on lead ( as having 5 acres and two Whippets zoomies at break neck speed are a fairly normal occurance!) After 2 weeks for a sprain and 3 to 4 for a dislocation they go back to normal programming.

I only give pain killer in the beginning when they are really sore, as soon as they stop limping I stop them as it can make them feel really good and then they are more likely to do a really good job.


Hope everyone elses dogs and ponies are getting better and they stop being silly and eating things they shouldn't or hurting themselves.

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We really seem to be having a bad run on here!

when they are really sore, as soon as they stop limping I stop them as it can make them feel really good and then they are more likely to do a really good job.

I agree completely :eek: Much better to see a slightly sad dog for a few days than a very sad dog for longer as they have damaged themself more.

My guys are still ok atm. You will know if they start having issues but I don't see the point in updating when we are at status quo LOL. Hopefully I won't need to update you for two weeks when they have their blood tests done!

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