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So quiet in here today!!!

We may have some news on Saturday afternoon so watch this space >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

So quiet in here today!!!

We may have some news on Saturday afternoon so watch this space >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I know I know!! :cry:

..... and so would most people on here on your FB list :hug:


off to check fb lol

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I'm glad to say that i've received a response from the majority of breeders who i;ve contacted!! Unfortunately they've all just had litters or have litters planned for right now, and none of them have said whether they plan on having any litters later in the year. Thats ok. I'll email them back and ask hehehe

I've worked out that the best time we can get a Beagle is from November onwards (as we're going away on holiday in sep/oct) so am crossing my fingers that we'll be able to find the perfect breeder between now and then! am very excited :rolleyes: Also gives my new lawn and gardens a chance to establish themselves before puppy paws start digging around!! :laugh:

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I'm glad to say that i've received a response from the majority of breeders who i;ve contacted!! Unfortunately they've all just had litters or have litters planned for right now, and none of them have said whether they plan on having any litters later in the year. Thats ok. I'll email them back and ask hehehe

I've worked out that the best time we can get a Beagle is from November onwards (as we're going away on holiday in sep/oct) so am crossing my fingers that we'll be able to find the perfect breeder between now and then! am very excited :laugh: Also gives my new lawn and gardens a chance to establish themselves before puppy paws start digging around!! :)

Exciting!!!! If you need a puppy sitter...... :rolleyes: Love Beagle babies!!

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I'm glad to say that i've received a response from the majority of breeders who i;ve contacted!! Unfortunately they've all just had litters or have litters planned for right now, and none of them have said whether they plan on having any litters later in the year. Thats ok. I'll email them back and ask hehehe

I've worked out that the best time we can get a Beagle is from November onwards (as we're going away on holiday in sep/oct) so am crossing my fingers that we'll be able to find the perfect breeder between now and then! am very excited :) Also gives my new lawn and gardens a chance to establish themselves before puppy paws start digging around!! :hug:

Yay :rolleyes: I look forward to seeing photos at the end of the year (fingers crossed) :(

Exciting!!!! If you need a puppy sitter...... :laugh: Love Beagle babies!!

You love any puppy :)

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Who trains Thursdays? If I get all my work done at uni today I might go down with Toby.

Amy, Rusky and I do. Yay for Toby getting back into it!

Hmmm not looking promising at the moment - I wish I wouldnt fail for calling a ' ethanolamine, glycerol and fatty acid chain' 'the ball with the squiggly bit' instead then I would be done in a quarter of the time :rolleyes:

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Who trains Thursdays? If I get all my work done at uni today I might go down with Toby.

Amy, Rusky and I do. Yay for Toby getting back into it!

Hmmm not looking promising at the moment - I wish I wouldnt fail for calling a ' ethanolamine, glycerol and fatty acid chain' 'the ball with the squiggly bit' instead then I would be done in a quarter of the time :rolleyes:

I prefer your name for it :) It's far easier to remember :laugh:

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Not that I post much here, but Im going to be missing for a few days... im flying out to Melbourne for the poodle national :rolleyes:

Hugs to you CC... I had to place my tzu a number of years back due to personal reasons... still cuts me up thinking about it, but it was the best thing for him at the time... i message his new owner every year on his birthday and wish him a happy birthday still... He will be 7 this year!

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Gees CC it must have been tough. :rolleyes:

Strauss is on holidays for 10 days, 20 minutes from me, and I feel like I have lost my left arm.

Good luck at the Poodle Nationals

Edited by Ptolomy
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Never easy rehoming a dog... :thumbsup: even if it's the right thing to do.

Ari is also away at the mometn. My house is quiet, calm and relaxed... but I miss her so much!!

Good luck at the Poodle Nationals!!! GO WA!!!

I think quite a few WA peeps will be over there, there is also a afghan specialty, a whippet national, a Staffy show and a Bully show.... will be interesting to see them all under one roof!

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I will write a little story here for those not on FB.

There is a golden retriever who is 7 months old ( Golden Rules' Paddys brother) looking for a new home and we are going to meet him on saturday. We were going to get a pup later in the year but after hearing that this dog needs a home we feel we should give him a chance and Chance is his name. He sounds very smart and sweet and easy to train :thumbsup:

So if all goes well we will be taking him home with us on saturday evening.

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:( I feel for you CC, and others that have had to rehome beloved dogs.....must be one of the hardest things to do......

:( Mason - how exciting for you guys!!! Lucky Mason hey!!

Im off to the WaginWoolorama tomorrow - hope to get there early enough to see some sheep dogs at work :thumbsup:

Geez, did anyone just see that disgusting story about using meat glue to stick together meat scraps for human consumption on TT???? I never watch the show, but happened to see the ad...........What a disgrace :( I seriously cant believe what the food industry is coming to!!

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