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Mason I believe stress can cause issues with the immune system which is probably why he has had a return of his hotspots. I hope that this can soon be cured.

Please don't be too discouraged about getting another dog. Certainly if he is happier as a one dog household (which some dogs are) then don't get another, but if you do feel YOU are ready for another dog, and you are ready for a puppy, a good breeder will match a puppy to Mason's temperament.

We will maybe look at getting another dog if we do next year or the year after but certainly not at this point :)

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Mason I believe stress can cause issues with the immune system which is probably why he has had a return of his hotspots. I hope that this can soon be cured.

Please don't be too discouraged about getting another dog. Certainly if he is happier as a one dog household (which some dogs are) then don't get another, but if you do feel YOU are ready for another dog, and you are ready for a puppy, a good breeder will match a puppy to Mason's temperament.

That is what I said :)

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Thats a shame Mason, a day is very short mine took weeks to integrate and a lot of work which I must admit I had the luxury of taking time with.


When the time is right I am sure aMason playmate will come along

A day is more then long enough for Mason to be bullied.

You did the right thing Mas and I am sure the breeder will find another home that's a better fit.

Well I have to agree to disagree from my oewn experience it took longer but everyone has there own threshold ( I am known as a tough old cow!!) and proud of that but then again with my breed one must be ! lol

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Thats a shame Mason, a day is very short mine took weeks to integrate and a lot of work which I must admit I had the luxury of taking time with.


When the time is right I am sure aMason playmate will come along

A day is more then long enough for Mason to be bullied.

You did the right thing Mas and I am sure the breeder will find another home that's a better fit.

Well I have to agree to disagree from my oewn experience it took longer but everyone has there own threshold ( I am known as a tough old cow!!) and proud of that but then again with my breed one must be ! lol

I'm just like you Wazzat :) but I do understand that not everyone is the same. It comes down to a lot of things, personality of people and dogs as well as tolerance levels. We all live and learn!

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Thats a shame Mason, a day is very short mine took weeks to integrate and a lot of work which I must admit I had the luxury of taking time with.


When the time is right I am sure aMason playmate will come along

A day is more then long enough for Mason to be bullied.

You did the right thing Mas and I am sure the breeder will find another home that's a better fit.

Well I have to agree to disagree from my oewn experience it took longer but everyone has there own threshold ( I am known as a tough old cow!!) and proud of that but then again with my breed one must be ! lol

I'm just like you Wazzat :) but I do understand that not everyone is the same. It comes down to a lot of things, personality of people and dogs as well as tolerance levels. We all live and learn!

Maybe my expirences the last 12 months have changed me I don't think I would allow a submissive non-confrontational dog to be bullied by a dog I had on trial so I am probably softer then you two. If the dog is pinning the other dog to the ground and snapping at it day one and affecting his life to the point of misery and physical stress unless there was some reason I could not simply give the dog back there is no way I would persevere. Especially if it was causing confrontation within my family.

My dog was bullied and it took a behaviourist and blood drawn (both human and canine) for me to realise enough is enough (and that WAS with behaviourist intervention and consultation with the breeder) although it broke my heart I rehomed him and now everyone both canine in human is in much better enviroments and enjoying life more.

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Mason - Sorry it didn't work out for Mason and Chance, but I'm sure the right home will come along for him soon :thanks:

If anyone is free tomorrow morning I'm thinking I'll take the dogs to Riverside :cheer:

What time are you thinking of? I wouldn't bring my anti-social mutts :) but I'd love to meet your Staffies and get some pics of them :laugh:

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Thats a shame Mason, a day is very short mine took weeks to integrate and a lot of work which I must admit I had the luxury of taking time with.


When the time is right I am sure aMason playmate will come along

A day is more then long enough for Mason to be bullied.

You did the right thing Mas and I am sure the breeder will find another home that's a better fit.

Well I have to agree to disagree from my oewn experience it took longer but everyone has there own threshold ( I am known as a tough old cow!!) and proud of that but then again with my breed one must be ! lol

I'm just like you Wazzat :) but I do understand that not everyone is the same. It comes down to a lot of things, personality of people and dogs as well as tolerance levels. We all live and learn!

Maybe my expirences the last 12 months have changed me I don't think I would allow a submissive non-confrontational dog to be bullied by a dog I had on trial so I am probably softer then you two. If the dog is pinning the other dog to the ground and snapping at it day one and affecting his life to the point of misery and physical stress unless there was some reason I could not simply give the dog back there is no way I would persevere. Especially if it was causing confrontation within my family.

My dog was bullied and it took a behaviourist and blood drawn (both human and canine) for me to realise enough is enough (and that WAS with behaviourist intervention and consultation with the breeder) although it broke my heart I rehomed him and now everyone both canine in human is in much better enviroments and enjoying life more.

I was in touch with someone who knows a lot more than me yesterday before I gave the dog back and it would take some help from a behvaiourist to get the 2 dogs to live together happily plus i would need to possibly keep them seperate when I go out forever due to Mason being so submissive. Due to me starting a new job and working longish hours on the days I do work one dog being inside for all that time would not be fair ( and it would have to be Mason as he wont destroy anything). Plus she pointed out the stress impact on Masons allergies ( had not thought about this) and true as anything he has hot spots today. In all honesty I would not take a re-home again as I have no experience in this area I have only had dogs from pups. Also my husband hated the dog from the moment it had a go at Mason and he has a really short temper and he is very stubborn and refused to forgive the dog after that. There were a lot of tears etc yesterday but i truely believe I did the right thing by my dog.

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If anyone is free tomorrow morning I'm thinking I'll take the dogs to Riverside :cheer:

What time are you thinking of? I wouldn't bring my anti-social mutts :) but I'd love to meet your Staffies and get some pics of them :laugh:

I was thinking about 10 so I get there after the before work rush :thanks:

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In other news Cider only has one show left to go! :thanks: ! I would say that's deserving of cake Ptolomy? :laugh:

when she gets over the line - there will definitely be cake :)

When do you think the show may be? :D I hope I won't be working!

I will be seeing you tonight anyway at training! Dad just took Toby out for a game of fetch though so he will probably still be panting when I get down there. :cheer:

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If anyone is free tomorrow morning I'm thinking I'll take the dogs to Riverside ;)

What time are you thinking of? I wouldn't bring my anti-social mutts :smurfanim: but I'd love to meet your Staffies and get some pics of them :)

I was thinking about 10 so I get there after the before work rush :smurfanim:

Ok, I'll see you there, I'll pm you my number :D

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If anyone is free tomorrow morning I'm thinking I'll take the dogs to Riverside ;)

What time are you thinking of? I wouldn't bring my anti-social mutts :smurfanim: but I'd love to meet your Staffies and get some pics of them :)

I was thinking about 10 so I get there after the before work rush :smurfanim:

Ok, I'll see you there, I'll pm you my number :D

It's a date :)

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I agree with Wazzat that a day is nowhere near long enough for a new dog to integrate into a family, whether it be human or dogs. A pup of 7 months of age is just feeling his oats and I would have expected that an entire male pup would have tried it on with Mason. Obviously an experienced handler is the answer here, and one that can be more assertive than Chance is. Also it doesn't sound like your husband fully understands dogs and their dominance behaviour, and probably Chance and your husband would have had a personality clash anyway.

My youngster has never been allowed to be dominant over any of the older dogs, and at two years he sometimes thinks he should be the dominant party here, but consistency on my part has paid off and we very, very rarely have an episode for dominance. Some boys need a firmer hand than others, especially between 6 months and 2 yrs, then it just clicks.

I do hope that Chance gets to find his forever home soon.

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Thats a shame Mason, a day is very short mine took weeks to integrate and a lot of work which I must admit I had the luxury of taking time with.


When the time is right I am sure aMason playmate will come along

A day is more then long enough for Mason to be bullied.

You did the right thing Mas and I am sure the breeder will find another home that's a better fit.

Well I have to agree to disagree from my oewn experience it took longer but everyone has there own threshold ( I am known as a tough old cow!!) and proud of that but then again with my breed one must be ! lol

I'm just like you Wazzat :smurfanim: but I do understand that not everyone is the same. It comes down to a lot of things, personality of people and dogs as well as tolerance levels. We all live and learn!

Maybe my expirences the last 12 months have changed me I don't think I would allow a submissive non-confrontational dog to be bullied by a dog I had on trial so I am probably softer then you two. If the dog is pinning the other dog to the ground and snapping at it day one and affecting his life to the point of misery and physical stress unless there was some reason I could not simply give the dog back there is no way I would persevere. Especially if it was causing confrontation within my family.

My dog was bullied and it took a behaviourist and blood drawn (both human and canine) for me to realise enough is enough (and that WAS with behaviourist intervention and consultation with the breeder) although it broke my heart I rehomed him and now everyone both canine in human is in much better enviroments and enjoying life more.

I was in touch with someone who knows a lot more than me yesterday before I gave the dog back and it would take some help from a behvaiourist to get the 2 dogs to live together happily plus i would need to possibly keep them seperate when I go out forever due to Mason being so submissive. Due to me starting a new job and working longish hours on the days I do work one dog being inside for all that time would not be fair ( and it would have to be Mason as he wont destroy anything). Plus she pointed out the stress impact on Masons allergies ( had not thought about this) and true as anything he has hot spots today. In all honesty I would not take a re-home again as I have no experience in this area I have only had dogs from pups. Also my husband hated the dog from the moment it had a go at Mason and he has a really short temper and he is very stubborn and refused to forgive the dog after that. There were a lot of tears etc yesterday but i truely believe I did the right thing by my dog.

Yes I realise thats what I had to do and I had to take a year off work, it can be done BUT its a lot of work, thats what I was saying and I realise its not appropriate for everyone, (Hope that came out right) wasnt having a go at anyone, just we all have our values and what we can and cant give, I was lucky to have Garth Jennings who for me was excellent and well versed with a primitive breed.


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You did the right thing Mason :smurfanim:

There is no way I would bring a dog home that impacted on my current dogs quality of life. I was lucky that Wolf and Bondi seemed to click right from the start, even though they were introduced as adults and Bondi can be picky.

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While a few of us here think that a day is nowhere near long enough for a dog to settle into a new home, given Mason2009 says she doesnt have the knowledge or experience to deal with the situation I think she has done the right thing.....by Chance, Mason and herself & OH....She knows her own strengths, and there is no point in being out of your depth!! Especially when it involves living creatures :smurfanim:

In saying this Im certainly not bagging you guys AT ALL!!!! I admire the hell out of people who could and would take on a dog whatever the case and have a happy ending...Certainly I would love to think I could, but I have my doubts!

We dont all have the personality to deal with recalcitrant teenage puppies!!! Knowledge wise I could deal maybe with it, but dont know if I could handle the stress.............but I havent been in that situation of adopting a teenage dog :smurfanim:

Anyway I just wanted to reassure Mason2009 that whatever she did, she did the right thing for her!! :)

I didnt want her to feel that she gave up too soon, or anything else....anyway Im rambling now....Ill shut up.... :D ;) :)

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We brought a new dog into the family and she caused alot of damage and stress to the existing dog in the family but i would NEVER EVER think of rehoming her. It takes alot of management, time and training to make sure my two dogs can live in the same household (not even same yard or ever together) It is my responsibility to make sure both my dogs are happy and healthy even if that means they cannot be with eachother. I understand that Chance may not have been compatible with Mason, but anything can be done with work (I have a dog aggressive 20kg dog living with a 6kg blind dog)

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We brought a new dog into the family and she caused alot of damage and stress to the existing dog in the family but i would NEVER EVER think of rehoming her. It takes alot of management, time and training to make sure my two dogs can live in the same household (not even same yard or ever together) It is my responsibility to make sure both my dogs are happy and healthy even if that means they cannot be with eachother. I understand that Chance may not have been compatible with Mason, but anything can be done with work (I have a dog aggressive 20kg dog living with a 6kg blind dog)

Yip anything is possible, but I saw how my soft personality ruined my ridgeback who was more dog than i could handle and I really do not want to ruin a beautiful, lovely dog. I am just a soft person, Mason is a soft dog and we have a soft hearted cat :smurfanim: we are a family of softies and I know I would need to be more firm with Chance and it is not in my nature.

Edited to add that we are soso lucky with Mason he is the perfect fit, I chose him but his breeder assured me that he was submissive and that he would be the right fit for me and he has been 100% perfect. If I say no to Mason he hides in the corner - hates being roused on and hates disappointing us.

Edited by Mason2009
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