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... or i will have 17 6yr old kids in my tiny house EEEEEK!!

:eek: give me dogs over kids any day :laugh:

I was surprised to hear about the job so soon, they said they had interviewed a few already, and had some more interviews lined up, but they thought I would fit in well so offered it to me straight away :eek: Yes it's in IT, the pet photography dream will have to wait a while.....but I'll continue to practice and now I'll have money for loads of new camera gear :thumbsup: It's in Subiaco, but will be moving to Shenton Park at the end of the year, which will be even closer to me in Cottesloe :D

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... or i will have 17 6yr old kids in my tiny house EEEEEK!!

:eek: give me dogs over kids any day :laugh:

I was surprised to hear about the job so soon, they said they had interviewed a few already, and had some more interviews lined up, but they thought I would fit in well so offered it to me straight away :eek: Yes it's in IT, the pet photography dream will have to wait a while.....but I'll continue to practice and now I'll have money for loads of new camera gear :thumbsup: It's in Subiaco, but will be moving to Shenton Park at the end of the year, which will be even closer to me in Cottesloe :D

Congrats CC!! What specifically in IT will you be doing?

We need to get that pet photography/website business happening ;) I'm a programmer but I much prefer playing with the front end of building websites, not coding the backend of them!!!

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The job title is 'Senior ICT Desktop Support Coordinator' but I'll be the sole IT person at the organisation - they do have a contract with an external IT company for some additional support too.

All I'd be able to do is take the photos RS, I know diddly squat about programming :laugh:

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Well done CC!

RS, will be interesting to see how Ruby goes. Hopefully she recovers quickly now :)

I had an interesting vet visit today. Kinta had been to the vet about 10 days ago as she kept licking her bottom. Turns out her anal glands weren't just full but were infected (including blood on one side :( ). So was put on antibiotics for a week and all seemed ok except she started licking and scooting again :( Back to the vet today with her when we picked up Asha from being sterilised. This time solid green pus came out of her anal glands :eek: And both this time too :( So 5 more days of a different antibiotic as well as an injection today and we will see if this clears it up :o Otherwise she might be getting them both removed!

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Mirawee - Daisy has had anal gland problems ever since we got her and I used to empty them myself every few weeks, luckily the groomers here now do them :D Hers became infected recently and she went through a course of ABs but they were still gunky. She had them flushed and packed under GA and they have been a lot better since. I would look at this option first before removal of the glands as it can lead to anal incontinence :eek:

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Kinta has had anal glad issues all her life too - must be a kelpie thing as I empty her and Banjo's a lot but don't seem to need to with the Lappies!

Anal incontinence :eek:

eww keeps hand firmly touched to the wood that the rottis don't suffer never ever had to do one of them i hope ever

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Oh no mirawee!! Hope Kinta comes good. Sounds awful for her, bless her :(

All I'd be able to do is take the photos RS, I know diddly squat about programming :laugh:

I'm currently building a new website for the Lab Club of WA. I really enjoy making websites, and don't get the opportunity to do so at work.

Anyone in the market for one? :D I need a few for a portfolio.

Speaking of making sites, I really need to come up with a business name. The one I started using years ago, well I'm not too sure if I want to keep it or not. And as I'd love to pick up more dog related sites, I'm thinking maybe of coming up with a dog related business name for web design/development. Can all you creative folk please put your thinking caps on for me!!? :D

Edited by RubyStar
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does anyone buy stuff for there dogs from asian supermarkets? I went in there today and they had chicken carcass for $1.75 a kilo, but thats frozen so more water content. You can buy little steamed mackerals for like 2 for $2.30 which would be good for medium sized dogs. They had chicken feet as well but i think they are a bit fatty for dogs.

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I have to be honest and say that I avoid asian supermarkets for any of my dog food.

Thanks CC for taking photos of the kids today - I am hoping that you have found Miss Universe amongst them :rofl:

Lara came to the trial today - she never stopped smiling and she really enjoyed her outing and now she is fast asleep = bless her

I am not sure if this has ever been said in any of the threads before - but sit stay is a STOOPID exercise.

Out of sight sit stays is even more STOOPIDER :rofl:

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Reckon we should mount a petition for the removal of the sit stay at the next rule change :thumbsup:. Hard luck Ptolomy but agree sit stays SUCK!!!!

Nice to hear that Lars had a good time out at the trial :thumbsup:.

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RV no I wouldn't like that - some of the dogs are very unpredictable in there behavior during ring work just as much as during stays. I can imagine having to do a sit stay while another dog is doing something would be equally as stressful for a dog. Lets just abolish them entirely.

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RV no I wouldn't like that - some of the dogs are very unpredictable in there behavior during ring work just as much as during stays. I can imagine having to do a sit stay while another dog is doing something would be equally as stressful for a dog. Lets just abolish them entirely.

Your dog is on leash during the stay in Rally O. But of course things like seekback ect would be distracting for both dogs, unlike Rally when it is all one heel routine and the dogs are positioned away from one another.

I wouldn't care if they abolished them, it would make me much more keen to enter CCD! :thumbsup: Maybe they can introduce a longer stay before the recall and/or sit and down for exam to instead of a group stay?

Edited by RallyValley
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I have to be honest and say that I avoid asian supermarkets for any of my dog food.

Thanks CC for taking photos of the kids today - I am hoping that you have found Miss Universe amongst them :rofl:

Lara came to the trial today - she never stopped smiling and she really enjoyed her outing and now she is fast asleep = bless her

I am not sure if this has ever been said in any of the threads before - but sit stay is a STOOPID exercise.

Out of sight sit stays is even more STOOPIDER :rofl:

Besides your sit stay it was a good round!!

PS.. I was the steward :)

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