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Hi all :) My herding trainer mentioned to me yesterday she'd heard someone was starting up agility in the Cockburn area, but she didn't have any details. Does anyone here know anything about it? Thanks :)

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I spent the day cleaning and reorganising after my week away then I had to buy doggy and me food. :D

Any news on Buster? Whereabouts at Bells Paids was he last seen??

Still nothing and I have a bad feeling about it. :(

Edited to add there's been a couple of false alarms.

Edited by Tiggy
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I had to visit ranford today due to the Rottweiler cutting open his pad on the front foot! Not the best way to tell me he wants a break from showing.. But I get the hint now.

Back there tomorrow for surgery to stitch him back together! Hope everyone had a good weekend with their fur kids :)

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I spent the day cleaning and reorganising after my week away then I had to buy doggy and me food. :D

Any news on Buster? Whereabouts at Bells Paids was he last seen??

Still nothing and I have a bad feeling about it. :(

Edited to add there's been a couple of false alarms.

I'm really surprised that no one has seen him yet coz its busy there on the weekend

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Weasel - do you know Janice who does agility - she is the one to ask about the new club and grounds - its sounds fantastic - but I think its still a way off......

Thanks Ptolomy :) I don't know anyone :laugh: If it's a way off that's OK then, I'll follow it up later.

I'm a bit stuck because I can't get to Southern River during the week, my local dog club has stopped doing agility, and the only place I know that does agility on Sundays is a 2-hour round trip. Ah well.

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I believe the area assigned is still bushland, so a proposal is being drawn up and it will be sumitted to council shortly (I think thats how I understand it). It is supposedly for ADDA, but I believe the council will incorporate all dog activities into this area which is fairly big. So a big hats off to the council for coming to the party and well done to Janice and Roger for doing all the leg work.

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So sorry there is no more news on Buster :( Hopefully he is found soon!

Does anyone have their Canine News handy? Can anyone please tell me who is judging UD at the upcoming Rottii club obedience trial? Thanks!!!

You can it up on the Dogswest website now :D (It is Anne L-H...)

This little chipmunk had her first show yesterday :D


She was such a good girl :) Did everything right although did sit for teeth but only when the judge started checking full dentition :laugh:

Anikka was the star of the weekend though winning BOB and Puppy in Show at the Working Dog Club Specialty :) Judge said he looked at her in the main line up as well :D Jive is happy though coz Anikka gets to spend another week with us as Arlo had no brain around her at all yesterday so even though her season should be finished we will play it safe.

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Wow Anikka is still on fire! Aww how cute is Jive, sounds like she had a good first show.

I gave my dog the weekend off work - we went camping in Dwellingup (awesome spot - Lane Poole Reserve - dogs are allowed there on lead) and she roughed it as a bush dog though she didn't appreciate the rain or cold, but she did love laying near the campfire, rying to catch leaves floating in the river and being fed lots of food :laugh:

ETA yes you read rght - my dog doesn't like being rained on but will happily splash in water :laugh:

Edited by amypie
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AP, Jive tried to tell me she couldn't go out in the rain to toilet - I looked at her and remembered how much fun she had in the paddle pool and told her to get over it :rofl: She will go out now :p Varda on the other hand...

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I was showing yesterday, got to meet the lappies finally and i so could of smuggle Annika home i am in Love. Jive is jsut so cute as well adn appears to be a bundle of energy.

I bombed out totally showing yesterday i even managed to run into the ring rope and try clothesline myself. my dog tried to high five the judge and neither girl wanted to stand still :rofl: then upon pack up and i was collapsing my crate i caught and squashed my finger in the bars had to open it back up to remove finger. But i had fun and thats the main thing :D

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