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Ari becomes a complete sook during her season... she relaxes so much she is mega chilled... being pregnant was a different story though - she was such a BITCH to the other dogs :laugh:

I'm hoping that Lulu will sync with Ari so i only have to send James away once... Ari is due back in September but i don't know if she will come in because of her litter throwing her out.

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Ari becomes a complete sook during her season... she relaxes so much she is mega chilled... being pregnant was a different story though - she was such a BITCH to the other dogs :laugh:

I'm hoping that Lulu will sync with Ari so i only have to send James away once... Ari is due back in September but i don't know if she will come in because of her litter throwing her out.

C handra is out due to her last litter and this will only be kelari's second season so far she isn't a six month cycler lol

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ok quick question for those who feel like thinking today!

I have a friend who wants to adopt a dog (adult preferably) - she's been looking at rescue but isn't really sure what kind of dog to look for...

She doesn't want something really big

She is considering giving Agility a go

She wants something that can be ok during the day on their own while she is at work (normal 9 hour day plus travel, like most of us!), that isn't likely to tear up the house/yard

She is fairly active - surfs and skates, and wants to walk/jog twice a day with the dog... so something that is active enough to keep up with her, but also that can miss a day of exercise here and there.

She did look at a 1yo labrador that was up for adoption, but she isn't sure if it woudl suit... still a bit of a puppy.

What does everyone think?

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Millie digs in the garden, she thinks its her own personal sand pit! Even when I got them a clam shell pool and filled it with sand, they wouldn't use it!

Once I put pebbles in the garden I don't think the digging will continue. I laid chicken wire over a sandy patch of grass they wouldn't leave alone, but haven't touched it since. They don't dig at mum and dad's but their backyard is full of plants for them to walk through and explore. My yard is barren and booooooring.

If your friend went a Lab, I'd go for an older one. 1 year old is still such a puppy. An adult kelpie perhaps?

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Maybe one of these would suit, I got them off Blackboy Website.


Aged - 21 months. Super Temperament

Sire: Ch. Blackboy Crush'd Ice (Snow)

Contact Lew Hoek at [email protected]


Aged 18 months, steralised - excellent pedigree

Owners transferred overseas with work.

Contact Debra Peach on 0407 774 034

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Yes.. my two year old still chews things, killed a pillow on Saturday, has been shredding my new rug... my fault though has been a bit crazy lately and she hasn't had as much stimulation as she needs.

I think a Kelpie would be alright too provided it was one with an off switch, you should be able to get a good idea of temperament and energy levels if you get one that has been in foster care?

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i guess it all depends on the dog though and not really the age, at 12 months Mason was chewing up plastic things but on a whole was really easy, I know some other dogs who at 12 months were still very much a handful

Large breeds at 12 months are more "puppy" like than small breeds at 12 months as they take longer to mature, so the breed does usually make a difference.

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Not my choice for an agility dog (sorry Mas and RS!). If your friend likes Kelpies I am sure she can find one suitable from the 100's in rescue.

If you're choosing the dog for agility, I agree. But if you're choosing agility as something fun to do with your breed of choice, nothing wrong with doing agility with a Lab (as long as they are kept lean! I'd be more inclined to do agility with a female Lab over a male due to their lighter frame).

And just like many breeds, Labs do have an off switch. My two sleep all day and all night and are only active when I take them out to training. Lazy owner makes for lazy dogs :o The more you exercise a dog, the more they want!

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So excited i get to see the pups tomorrow, and this time I am taking my big camera :)

:thumbsup: Loking forward to the pics :D

If you're concerned about a bitch in heat, try having a female siamese :eek: Our Indy came into heat the week before she was due to be spayed......OMG it was one of the worse things I've been through! She was like a howling banshee for a few days - we had to put her in a travel crate in the bathroom with a towel over it, just to try and quieten her down and get some sleep - never again! :laugh:

I wish someone would adopt Tyler http://www.dogshome.org.au/long-termers/ it pulls my heart strings everytime I see his face....he's been there for over a year now :(

eta - Lulu is just gorgeous ST :D

Edited by CrazyCresties
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she does love kelpies but I thought they might be too full on...

My 2 kelpies are currently curled on the bed fast asleep while I am on the computer :rofl: As long as they get enough mental stimulation then they are fine :)

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