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Pet Dogs To Be Put Down After Killing


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This is the link to the original current affair story.


(Edit to add, Just finished watching. And that stupid part at the end about how pitbulls are bad news cause they can kill? So can any dog you moron. Deed not the Breed. Sheesh.)

Edited by lovemesideways
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unbelievable!!! He now has 4 dogs that will more then likely get out again and do the same thing again, they should have been pts and the idiotic owner banned from owning any animals

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Obviously I am unable to come up with a list of numbers but I have owned a staffy 10 yrs ago and have known a fair number of people who did and not all were tossers, I can assure you of that.

So .... they weren't dog aggressive? I know/have known lots of staffies and a number of Pitties who are not DA. So, contrary to your statement, there ARE "two ways about this".

As I have said in the last post, is it not so that staffies were bred to fight dogs in the pit along with pitbulls?

Is your question supposed to prove and support your statement? What a dog's possible genetic propensity for behaviour is or might be, is not what you are expressing here :

At the end of the day, Erny, staffies and staffy crosses, pitbull and pibull x are dog aggressive. NO two ways about this.

You've made an extremely broad unequivocal statement. This is where people need to think about what they are saying before they say it.

Edited by Erny
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How could the dogs go home, was there not a witness to identify the dogs?

This is what Victorian Law states :

YOU are liable if your dog attacks, or injures someone! YOU may be prosecuted and ordered to pay a fine and damages. YOUR dog may be destroyed. YOU are responsible for keeping your dog confined and supervised.

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The Staffy X owner apparently has to pay the chihuahua owner compensation, he faces 26 different offences/fines, has to pay court costs, and only gets the dogs back once he has built a suitable enclosure/foxed the fencing to house the dogs properly.

Still trying to find a link on the Seven news web site.

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so true Jed I agree 100% the fences were right for that dogs owners.

I hate to say it but unfortunately there is no option for these dogs except the green dream.

All because the owner did not see the signs of dog agression.

I am not defending the behaviour of the owner, nor anything else, for that matter.

But here it is again .... signs of WHAT aggression? How do you KNOW it was aggression, LouiseBrooks. No-one should be putting labels on these dogs nor of their behaviour if you don't know what behaviour it really was. Whether you like the behaviour or not, it is not something that should be subject to these assumptions. Think before you shed your opinion and express your opinion on what you KNOW, not on what you think something MIGHT be.

This particular circumstance aside, I see a lot of people who jump to conclusions. Isn't that what we tend to get critical of the media doing in various newsworthy items they report on?

At the end of the day, Erny, staffies and staffy crosses, pitbull and pibull x are dog aggressive. NO two ways about this; the only way to resolve this is for shires to implement strict regulations and not allow just any tom, dick or f&&&&ng harry to be able to get hold of such breeds. I love these dogs but they do need a fort knockes (spelling ?) to make sure that noone has to lose their beloved pets at the jaws of such dogs.

What ?

Speaking in regards to the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the breed standard calls for the animal to be totally reliable and a gentleman unless set upon. There are some that are dog aggressive, as there are in most breeds, however there are many Staffords that do not go actively looking for a battle.

We have standard suburban fencing, not " fort knockes " as you put it. We make sure that our dogs remain in our yard and when they are out of it, it's on leash unless permitted other wise.

Well SBT123, some posters have stipulated that such dogs are escape artists and that they are able to scale high fences. All I meant to say was that shires should ensure that anyone wanting to adopt or purchase such breeds should have adequate fencing and prove to be responsible owners. I don't doubt that you are one of those responsible pet owners but unfortunately alot of others are not as in the case of this tosser! I also believe that not all staffies go actively looking for WW3 but aren't the ones that do not the exception rather than the rule? Staffies and the likes were bred to kill other dogs in the pit, is that not so? Gosh, owning a pack of staffies is an accident waiting to happen and only owners that can ensure that these dogs are not able to jump, dig, escape their way out should be allowed to own them....when at work they should have runs with a concrete floor where they should be able to place their staffies to ensure that nobody has to lose their much loved pets in such a tragic manner.

That should not be confined to 'such dogs'. All dog owners should take responsibility. You seem particularly prone to gross over generalisations!

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"At the end of the day, Erny, staffies and staffy crosses, pitbull and pibull x are dog aggressive. NO two ways about this; the only way to resolve this is for shires to implement strict regulations and not allow just any tom, dick or f&&&&ng harry to be able to get hold of such breeds."

Thats such a generalisation.....wow, all dogs have the potential to attack other dogs if brought up incorrectly and not socialised with other dogs when they are pups.

No offense, but please get your facts right and do some research before you make ill informed and jugdemental statements on a dog lovers/breeders/owners forum. sheeesh

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Abigail, your comments re: Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls and their crosses are uninformed, clearly unfounded, offensive and really quite embarassing.

I can assure you that not EVERY dog of any breed is dog aggressive and the fact that one would actually state this as if it were a fact is beyond me.

Edited by Aussie3
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so true Jed I agree 100% the fences were right for that dogs owners.

I hate to say it but unfortunately there is no option for these dogs except the green dream.

All because the owner did not see the signs of dog agression.

I am not defending the behaviour of the owner, nor anything else, for that matter.

But here it is again .... signs of WHAT aggression? How do you KNOW it was aggression, LouiseBrooks. No-one should be putting labels on these dogs nor of their behaviour if you don't know what behaviour it really was. Whether you like the behaviour or not, it is not something that should be subject to these assumptions. Think before you shed your opinion and express your opinion on what you KNOW, not on what you think something MIGHT be.

This particular circumstance aside, I see a lot of people who jump to conclusions. Isn't that what we tend to get critical of the media doing in various newsworthy items they report on?

At the end of the day, Erny, staffies and staffy crosses, pitbull and pibull x are dog aggressive. NO two ways about this; the only way to resolve this is for shires to implement strict regulations and not allow just any tom, dick or f&&&&ng harry to be able to get hold of such breeds. I love these dogs but this is one breed of dog that requires a fort knox situation to make sure that noone has to lose their beloved pets at the jaws of such dogs.

This is the sort of tripe that enables BSL and allows it to continue.

I suggest you go and educate yourself before you make such broad statements in the future.

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I saw this on A Current Affair last night. It was so sad to see the older gentleman who had lost his beloved pets :rofl: I'm pretty sure all of his chi's were show dogs, he said the oldest one was an Aus Ch. The poor man was understandably very emotional.

The owner of the 3 offending dogs, who will now probably be destroyed, came across as real d*ckhead and his poor dogs will pay the price. They showed his new staffy running around with his toddlers, but he still has BROKEN FENCES that the new dog was running straight through. Some people are so incredibly stupid they will just never learn :thumbsup:

Yes, I found this interview very disturbing and distressing. The interviewer didn't pose any tricky questions to the moronic owner of the killer dogs. He just sat there saying the dogs were wonderful with his kids and they were very important to him blah blah. How about some empathy for the poor man who lost his beloved dogs in such a vile manner?? No sign of any empathy, remorse etc.

These dogs should all be euthanased and their owner fined so massively and banned from having further dogs.

The local authorities are not doing their job either - they should ensure that he does not have defective fencing and if he does, he can bring home as many new dogs as he likes but they all get impounded as they can all escape and do the same as the dogs that have gone before.

I don't give a rats ---e if they are pitty crosses, I didn't really see it personally in the dogs they showed although there was plenty of staffy in them - which is not a plus either as far as I'm concerned. Whatever breed(s) they are, they all need euthanasing right now. The owner needs to be severely punished - something that he gets because he isn't getting anything right now. No sense of responsibility for the evil his dogs have done.

Whilst the story is horrifying, keep in mind that news shows like that are very capable of putting the spin on a story exactly the way they want it to be portrayed. Not advocating for the bloke with his locked up dogs, but they can and so show people in a very bad light, edit these segments where it suits to get ratings. He may well have said he was sorry, we don't know it could have been edited. It wasn't a smooth straight segment , it did jump about, so leads me to think there could well have been some footage cut out.

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Well SBT123, some posters have stipulated that such dogs are escape artists and that they are able to scale high fences. All I meant to say was that shires should ensure that anyone wanting to adopt or purchase such breeds should have adequate fencing and prove to be responsible owners. I don't doubt that you are one of those responsible pet owners but unfortunately alot of others are not as in the case of this tosser! I also believe that not all staffies go actively looking for WW3 but aren't the ones that do not the exception rather than the rule? Staffies and the likes were bred to kill other dogs in the pit, is that not so? Gosh, owning a pack of staffies is an accident waiting to happen and only owners that can ensure that these dogs are not able to jump, dig, escape their way out should be allowed to own them....when at work they should have runs with a concrete floor where they should be able to place their staffies to ensure that nobody has to lose their much loved pets in such a tragic manner.

Interestingly, the dog I have now (belgian shepherd) is much more of an escape artist, and much more likely to cause trouble if she escaped, than my old SBT boy ever was. And no, he never had a run with a concrete floor either. The only time he ever escaped the yard was once when we left the door open. Luckily, I found him waiting for me on the front doorstep when I got home. :thumbsup:

This guy should have kept his dogs contained. Period. It doesn't matter what breed they are. I would be furious if I found any stray dog - of whatever size or breed or temperament - in my yard. No one should be allowed to keep a dog that they can't keep contained.

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This is the sort of tripe that enables BSL and allows it to continue.

I suggest you go and educate yourself before you make such broad statements in the future.

I am definitely not an advocate of BSL and abhor the idea of it. Broad statements? I say not. IT is indeed true that all breeds are capable of escaping and causing harm but is it a coincidence that, most of the time, whenever a tragedy occurs and the dogs responsible are shown they do tend to look very much staffy/pitty? I know that prying a staffy's mouth open when it is biting another animal is almost impossible, they latch on for dear life and with that, I am not saying that I believe in

the lock jaw theory, but I do believe in the tenacity of this breed.

Edited by Abigail
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Abigail, your comments re: Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls and their crosses are uninformed, clearly unfounded, offensive and really quite embarassing.

I can assure you that not EVERY dog of any breed is dog aggressive and the fact that one would actually state this as if it were a fact is beyond me.

Embarrassing? Rest assured that I am well aware that not all dogs of any particular breed are open to aggression, as I have said earlier, there is always the exception to the rule and I am sure that there are quite a few staffies out there that would not hurt a fly. I am also aware that all breeds of dogs can be DA including the fluffy white dogs but if, say, a german shepherd was to fight against a staffy I bet I know which will be more severely affected.

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Abigail, your comments re: Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls and their crosses are uninformed, clearly unfounded, offensive and really quite embarassing.

I can assure you that not EVERY dog of any breed is dog aggressive and the fact that one would actually state this as if it were a fact is beyond me.

Embarrassing? Rest assured that I am well aware that not all dogs of any particular breed are open to aggression, as I have said earlier, there is always the exception to the rule and I am sure that there are quite a few staffies out there that would not hurt a fly. I am also aware that all breeds of dogs can be DA including the fluffy white dogs but if, say, a german shepherd was to fight against a staffy I bet I know which will be more severely affected.

You are making these dogs out to be some sort of super dog.

What sort of comment is this

but if, say, a german shepherd was to fight against a staffy I bet I know which will be more severely affected.

:laugh: that people actually think this way

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It is crystal clear that you are someone who does not have alot of experience with dogs and is AT BEST vague when it comes to your understanding of basic dog behavior.

A GSD is twice the size of a Staffy. Have you ever seen a GSD bite and hold ? Yeh I bet you haven't.

I am definitely not an advocate of BSL and abhor the idea of it.

You have suggested breed specific legislation in this thread.

Broad statements? I say not. IT is indeed true that all breeds are capable of escaping and causing harm but is it a coincidence that, most of the time, whenever a tragedy occurs and the dogs responsible are shown they do tend to look very much staffy/pitty?

They don't. 90% of what they report on they allege involved a Pitbull or Staffy. Of that, only a small fraction actually do involved those breeds. Further more, something that seems to escape you and alot of others, for every reported attack there are atleast 100 others. So its not "whenever a tragedy occurs" at all. They make this current affair tripe for people like you that swallow it all.

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It is fact that these dogs escaped from their yard broke into another's and killed five tiny dogs. Whatever breed these killers were is of no consequence. The fact is they got out of an unsecured property and caused heartbreak to an elderly couple. From the footage shown on ACA, the owner of the escapees showed no remorse or compassion. If he had contained these dogs in a secure setting, then none of this would have happened. On the footage, it showed another dog he acquired and I hope to g-d something like this doesn't happen again. Again, it all boils down to the irresponsibility of owners.+

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It is crystal clear that you are someone who does not have alot of experience with dogs and is AT BEST vague when it comes to your understanding of basic dog behavior.

A GSD is twice the size of a Staffy. Have you ever seen a GSD bite and hold ? Yeh I bet you haven't.

I am definitely not an advocate of BSL and abhor the idea of it.

You have suggested breed specific legislation in this thread.

Broad statements? I say not. IT is indeed true that all breeds are capable of escaping and causing harm but is it a coincidence that, most of the time, whenever a tragedy occurs and the dogs responsible are shown they do tend to look very much staffy/pitty?

They don't. 90% of what they report on they allege involved a Pitbull or Staffy. Of that, only a small fraction actually do involved those breeds. Further more, something that seems to escape you and alot of others, for every reported attack there are atleast 100 others. So its not "whenever a tragedy occurs" at all. They make this current affair tripe for people like you that swallow it all.

Too tru Lo pan, good post. Abigail clearly has very little understanding of it all! Apparently staffies can pull down male lions with one paw tied behind their back! so said A Current Affair:laugh:

FYI the report said, "suspected of being crossed with a pitbull"!!! they had no proof just wanted to add it in to make the story sound good, what a load of tossers! one was apparently 40kg's!!! i'm really sure that one was a staffy, one of them looked like it was crossed with a kelpie! not that breed matters, just goes to show how little the journalists know.

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