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Was The Information From Vet Correct?


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I took my new puppy (Golden Retriever) to the vets for a check up a few days after i got her. She was really good - infact she fell asleep during it!.

I took the vacination card i got from the breeders and the vet told me they do it a different way. Information from the breeders was that the vacinations are due again at 12 and 18 weeks. The vet said they do a vacination thats one thats inclusive of all at 10 weeks and that is the final vacination. They said they only do it if they know when the pup is 10 weeks (can only be done at 10 weeks) and as they know when she was born they can do it.

Just wanted to check if this is ok and the vet is giving me correct information!?

Has anybody in SA had there vet do the same thing?

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My vet did the same - he had a 6 week c3 with the breeder, then a 10 week c4 and kennel cough nasal spray at 10 weeks. I double checked with the vet and he says this is correct. Dog sports club is happy ith it too.

I'd be interested to see other answers because I thought he needed at least 3 puppy shots too.

ETA: We are Qlder's

Edited by Lucy's mama
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I am not situated in SA but the rule of thumb should remain the same. I am not sure if there is a new vaccine that is capable of overriding maternal antibodies which serve to neutralise a vaccine and thereby rendering it ineffective. Some dogs like dobes, rotties and other breeds seem to 'hold' onto maternal antibodies for longer which, in turn, means they are more at risk of catching infections esp. parvovirus. For most other dogs it is sufficient to give them the last puppy shot at 12 weeks of age but when it comes to the above breeds giving them the last puppy shot at 18-20 weeks is a good idea as they should not be carrying maternal antibodies at that stage.

I would be trying to find out if the vaccine that your vet is using is known to override maternal antibodies. Parvo is very rampant so you have to be careful. I would like to think that your vet knows what he's doing but I can't help being doubtful. I would stick to the breeder's suggestion. Go for Protech Duramune. It is a little stronger than other vaccines.

Edited by GardenofEden
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Yes your vet was correct.

If you wish to Titre test and the test comes back positive your dog will not need vaccinating again for life for those positives..

If a dog is carrying antibodies those antibodies will last the life time of the dog the only thing that will kill them is irradiation or death.

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Does anyone wonder exactly how this vaccine is guaranteed to overcome mothers maternal antibodies? If anyone can give info on exactly how it does this, I'd love to read it.

I know one company tried to sell us their brand of vacc's (though can't remember if they finished earlier as puppies) and pushed the fact that they hit the immune system harder. Not something we were all that keen on!

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Guide Dogs in the UK vaccinate at 6 weeks and 10 weeks so the pups can get out earlier.

2 vaccination protocol is typical in the UK.

yes, the vaccine is designed to over ride the maternal antibodies - something i asked the vet, last time I had pups vaccinated.

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Guide Dogs in the UK vaccinate at 6 weeks and 10 weeks so the pups can get out earlier.

2 vaccination protocol is typical in the UK.

yes, the vaccine is designed to over ride the maternal antibodies - something i asked the vet, last time I had pups vaccinated.

But I want to know HOW it over rides it. What does it do to the pups immune system? Is it stronger and hit them harder, to over ride it?

Might contact the companies...

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Actually the maternal anti bodies are not over ridden by the vaccination , it is when the antibodies drop that the vaccination picks it up, so for instance if the puppy is done at 6 weeks they still may have a high percentage of the anti bodies from their mother and the vaccination is then rendered useless, the next vaccination they may have lost more and therefor the vaccination kicks in. This is why vaccines like Protech have a different recommendation to other brands. Unless you titre test (which btw is expensive ) you have no idea therefore it is best to vaccinate as the company of vaccine recommends.

BTW This is why it is important to not let young puppies around a high dog traffic area even with their vaccinations as we do not know when the anti bodies and/or vaccine has kicked in so therefore things like parvo are still a threat.

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Actually the maternal anti bodies are not over ridden by the vaccination , it is when the antibodies drop that the vaccination picks it up, so for instance if the puppy is done at 6 weeks they still may have a high percentage of the anti bodies from their mother and the vaccination is then rendered useless, the next vaccination they may have lost more and therefor the vaccination kicks in. This is why vaccines like Protech have a different recommendation to other brands. Unless you titre test (which btw is expensive ) you have no idea therefore it is best to vaccinate as the company of vaccine recommends.

BTW This is why it is important to not let young puppies around a high dog traffic area even with their vaccinations as we do not know when the anti bodies and/or vaccine has kicked in so therefore things like parvo are still a threat.

sorry, I think you misunderstood. I understand how vaccines work and why we have the schedules that we do. But the more common vaccines usually require 8,12 and 16wk shots because we don't know when the maternal antibodies are dropping off, so we vacc at this age to ensure they are covered, but if the antibodies from mum are still in their system, they render the vaccine useless.

But the new generation vaccines claim that you can finish at 10wks, regardless of what the maternal antibodies levels are because these vaccines over power or over ride the maternal vaccine to give the pup its own antibodies. So I want to know how these vaccines do this, thats all.

Titre testing isn't that expensive if you shop around, either. We can do it for $85

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