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My Sbt Baby


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Corgi feet must be easier to improve than Stafford feet then - what a shame re the import :laugh: but it happens, that's dogs huh!

Found this interesting about "feet'. My old GSD had a colapsing sacrum and during the last few years of his life most of his weight shifted to his front end and this made his front feet very muscled and large. A comment my Vet pointed out prior to our acknowlegement that it was"time" for him. :eek:

A SBT appears, to my eyes anyway, to be "front heavy", does this account for the importance of his front feet and the apparent strength in them??

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I remember a piece of advice I got when I had my first wolfhound, Don't ask other breeders or exhibitors what they think, because the nice one's will say stuff like 'nice temperament' ect.

The direct one's will tell you what you probably don't really want to hear, and the bitches will simply tear the dog to pieces with their critique. (either to you or behind your back !)


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