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A History Lesson.


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For those of you who thought there may have been a grand plan in place for animal rights.

This was written in 1987.

Very Interesting - how many of them are they working on now do you reckon?

From “Politics of Animal Liberation”

by Kim Bartlett,

published in ANIMAL AGENDA, November 1987

1. Abolish by law all animal research

2. Outlaw the use of animals for cosmetic and product testing, classroom

demonstration and in weapons development

3. Vegetarian meals should be made available at all public institutions,

including schools

4. Eliminate all animal agriculture

5. No herbicides, pesticides or other agricultural chemicals. Outlaw

predator control.

6. Transfer enforcement of animal welfare legislation away from the

Department of Agriculture

7. Eliminate fur ranching and the use of furs.

8. Prohibit hunting, trapping and fishing.

9. End the international trade in wildlife goods

10. Stop any further breeding of companion animals, including purebred

dogs and cats. Spaying and neutering should be subsidized by state and

municipal governments. Abolish commerce in animals for the pet trade.

11. End the use of animals in entertainment and sports.

12. Prohibit the genetic manipulation of species.

NOTE: This was written in 1987, long before genetic engineering and

cloning. In this context, “genetic manipulation” means selective breeding”

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A voice from the extreme left re animal rights & of US origin. (Note use of word 'ranching').

It'd also be possible to find the manifesto of the far right re position of animals...US origin.

There is an Australian Government position paper re animal welfare. And it starts off with the injunction that extreme positions exist & that they are not accepted. The voice of the majority moderate mainstream.

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I was involved in the animal Lib & anti-vivisection movement many years ago, and I actually agree with quite a number on that list. (in fact I support....1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, if done with local economic and cultural issues in mind, and applied with flexibility)

Being pro animal rights doesn't have to put one in the extremist camp, it seems to be a dirty work amoung dog people to be pro animal welfare.

I am against the persecution by animal bodies of registered breeders and the reduction of breeder/exhibitor rights.


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I guess that would include all reseach involving developing medical care and vaccines for animals or using live animals to produce same for humans - no snake antivenom or vaccines for any diseases for starters.

And no research on animal behaviour or habitat requirements or breeding cycles etc - so we couldn't look after them in the wild either? And no research on training.

And no pets.

No pets as therapy or guide dogs or disabilaty aid dogs, or quarantine inspection dogs or cancer detection dogs etc.

No search and rescue dogs (or horses). No agility or obedience or flyball or dock diving...

I agree that vegetarian aka vegan meals should be available any place that serves meals to the public. It's not that hard. Hello? Trapped on an airplane - can I have vegan and I don't want grain fed (battery farm) beef thanks...

Eliminating animal agriculture would mean the death of countless animals and it would be difficult to justify maintaining habitat (if we knew what it was) for wild animals too so generally less animals on the planet full stop.

Number 5 - we're all going to starve. No predator control - so even if I grow my own organic veg - I can't step on a snail or kill an aphid or mouse. Um. I don't love the life of a seed eating nomad that much. And water is an agricultural chemical - so I encourage the person who wrote this list - to stop drinking water.

GM tech was around as an idea in 1987. But if they outlaw breeding and agriculture then selective breeding for plants and animals isn't going to happen. Do even the radical animal rights people believe the human race can survive comfortably following this set of rules now? I fully agree we need to manage the number of humans on the planet to live sustainably (not that we well ever get good agreement on how to do that) but humans have always eaten some meat, and have been farming by accident or deliberately and manipulating the environment (selective breeding) for a very very long time. Just burning the landscape for "green pick" will do this, and that's been happening for 40K years plus just in Australia. It's hard to point at anything "natural" in the Australian landscape that hasn't been affected by this.

I do not want to live in the dirt eating uncooked seeds where most people would die of infection before they reach 20.

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lot of ticks or near ticks already n fifi dont kid yourself its all is the intention

I have no doubts about the intentions of peta and the actions of the rspca. I do however reserve the right to my own values and beliefs, that have no links to extremist organisations.


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OK so lets look how they are progressing with that agenda.

1. Abolish by law all animal research

Still plugging away with that one. Those big pharmaceutical companies are megarich and so have good barristers and QCs working for them, dammit.

2. Outlaw the use of animals for cosmetic and product testing, classroom

demonstration and in weapons development

Ongoing. Train up the kiddies to take over when the old battleaxes die off, might take a while.

3. Vegetarian meals should be made available at all public institutions,

including schools

Nothing wrong with a good salad but the spotty faced teenagers keep on demanding to eat meat pies dammit.

4. Eliminate all animal agriculture

Politics keep getting in the way .... and there are a lot of Chinese mouths over there wanting dairy foods from Aussie cows ..... watch this space!

5. No herbicides, pesticides or other agricultural chemicals. Outlaw

predator control.

Eeeeeek! Watch out kookaburras and terriers! You are about to be outlawed for your organic extermination habits.

6. Transfer enforcement of animal welfare legislation away from the

Department of Agriculture

Written by the RSPCA ....

7. Eliminate fur ranching and the use of furs.

No furriers left in Sydney now ... understand that Brisbane still has 1 or 2. The fact that rabbit pelts make a warm useful coat has escaped the AL loonies

8. Prohibit hunting, trapping and fishing.

In ya dreams!

9. End the international trade in wildlife goods

Dead or alive?

10. Stop any further breeding of companion animals, including purebred

dogs and cats. Spaying and neutering should be subsidized by state and

municipal governments. Abolish commerce in animals for the pet trade.

Excellent progress has been made. The gene pools left in Australia after all the spaying and neutering over the last 15 years have now been substantially weakened. Oh yes, and all the blame is now cast on the breeders of purebred dogs, not the people who have desexed animals that should have been left in the gene pools. Another victory!

11. End the use of animals in entertainment and sports.

Making progress, making progress, then would you believe it one of the councils did a backflip and allowed a circus to come to town! Buggar!

12. Prohibit the genetic manipulation of species.

This one might take a while. Evolution has shown that Mother Nature is quite capable of manipulating genes all by herself and definitely had a headsup!

Now, where were we ...... :thumbsup:

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"12. Prohibit the genetic manipulation of species.

This one might take a while. Evolution has shown that Mother Nature is quite capable of manipulating genes all by herself and definitely had a headsup!

Now, where were we ...... :cry: "

love it Souff

trouble is now if it shows up in a dog, then its automatically the breeders fault..... they did it...

mother nature and evolution dont happen only unethical breeders happen..... sigh :D

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"10. Stop any further breeding of companion animals, including purebred

dogs and cats. Spaying and neutering should be subsidized by state and

municipal governments. Abolish commerce in animals for the pet trade.

Excellent progress has been made. The gene pools left in Australia after all the spaying and neutering over the last 15 years have now been substantially weakened. Oh yes, and all the blame is now cast on the breeders of purebred dogs, not the people who have desexed animals that should have been left in the gene pools. Another victory!"

thats the victory that worries me the most, is it too late to stop the slide into extinction?

Number 6 dare not comment on, always gets me labled hysteria mongering :cry:

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I was involved in the animal Lib & anti-vivisection movement many years ago,

So was I but I soon worked out how insane the Animal Libbers are, Feef. I completely turned my back on them. Extremist idiots.

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"10. Stop any further breeding of companion animals, including purebred

dogs and cats. Spaying and neutering should be subsidized by state and

municipal governments. Abolish commerce in animals for the pet trade.

Excellent progress has been made. The gene pools left in Australia after all the spaying and neutering over the last 15 years have now been substantially weakened. Oh yes, and all the blame is now cast on the breeders of purebred dogs, not the people who have desexed animals that should have been left in the gene pools. Another victory!"

thats the victory that worries me the most, is it too late to stop the slide into extinction?

I think it is too late in some of the breeds with smaller numbers.

Even bringing in genes from OS is unlikely to help if they came from same gene pool originally.

I would like to know when somebody is going to do a "genetic census" on some of the smaller gene pools and put an embargo on the spaying and neutering of healthy examples of those breeds. It has to happen at some point.

If it doesn't then you can kiss that breed goodbye as there wont be enough good quality mummies and daddies left. Its not rocket science and it is time the veterinary profession started questioning the sanity of desexing good examples of the breeds.


edited cos one of the words escaped

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Being pro animal rights doesn't have to put one in the extremist camp, it seems to be a dirty work amoung dog people to be pro animal welfare.


Ahh but Fifi, havnt you noticed how much easier it is to discredit challenging ideas, by simply picking out the really extreme stuff and pretending its the mainstream? Some might call it intellectually slack and mean spirited, but gosh, ridiculing the idea that other species deserve to be treated with compassion, is so much easier and more fun than actually confronting the issue with any sort of intellectual rigour.

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