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Anyone Else Get Emotional As Your Dog Gets Older?


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Awwww Happy Birthday dear Maxi you are one very lucky old dog!!


This is my old girl Lady is around 16/17 now and is on monthly injections for her arthritis and so far is helping her greatly, but her eyesight isn't that great anymore and she has dementia and quite often will stand in lounge and stare into space and bark at nothing and when I go in and say her name she's like "Oh there you are" :birthday:

She is very shaky on her little legs now and often falls over if the grass is long and doesn't go for walks now unless I put her in the car and take her to the footy ground which is next door to church which is next door to me lol, but bless her she can't walk that far now but loves to have a wander around the footy oval and roll in the grass there and after 5 mins starts heading back to car like ok "I've had my walk I want to go home now".

She is so very spoilt and is my baby and dread coming home from work in case I find her gone, and soon I will be moving to Tassie and she has to go on ferry and am stressing something shocking about not being able to go and see her during the trip to make sure she is ok, if there was a cage big enough for me I would stay down there with her, :birthday: I'm just really worried about how she will handle the long trip being confined and not able to get up and move around with her arthritis, have spoken to my vet who has suggested I can give her an anti inflammatory medication and a mild sedative before she goes in to the cage so she will be relaxed and sleep the 9 hours it takes to get to Tassie but now I'm worried that this medication combined would be not good for her old heart think is me who may need the sedative not Lady :birthday:

Old dogs are very special and they seem to know they can get away with anything and I love seeing everyone's pics and reading their stories about their old dogs is lovely to see so many old dogs still enjoying what years they have left and have their owners wrapped around their paws :birthday:

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Awwww Happy Birthday dear Maxi you are one very lucky old dog!!


This is my old girl Lady is around 16/17 now and is on monthly injections for her arthritis and so far is helping her greatly, but her eyesight isn't that great anymore and she has dementia and quite often will stand in lounge and stare into space and bark at nothing and when I go in and say her name she's like "Oh there you are" :birthday:

She is very shaky on her little legs now and often falls over if the grass is long and doesn't go for walks now unless I put her in the car and take her to the footy ground which is next door to church which is next door to me lol, but bless her she can't walk that far now but loves to have a wander around the footy oval and roll in the grass there and after 5 mins starts heading back to car like ok "I've had my walk I want to go home now".

She is so very spoilt and is my baby and dread coming home from work in case I find her gone, and soon I will be moving to Tassie and she has to go on ferry and am stressing something shocking about not being able to go and see her during the trip to make sure she is ok, if there was a cage big enough for me I would stay down there with her, :birthday: I'm just really worried about how she will handle the long trip being confined and not able to get up and move around with her arthritis, have spoken to my vet who has suggested I can give her an anti inflammatory medication and a mild sedative before she goes in to the cage so she will be relaxed and sleep the 9 hours it takes to get to Tassie but now I'm worried that this medication combined would be not good for her old heart think is me who may need the sedative not Lady :birthday:

Old dogs are very special and they seem to know they can get away with anything and I love seeing everyone's pics and reading their stories about their old dogs is lovely to see so many old dogs still enjoying what years they have left and have their owners wrapped around their paws :birthday:

Aww, what a lovely story, thank you!

Maxi does decline walks now sometimes too, and yes, as other posters have mentioned, he is just a tad spoiled! :birthday:

Really enjoying the stories and pictures of our "senior citizens"

My auntie once mention how my grandfather (her father) used to say ........ never fall in love with an animal..... I asked her what that meant, and she said that she thought that "animals have such shorter lives than ours", so then I began to understand his meaning.

Wishing all you well with your "Senior Citizens". Thank you for sharing. :birthday:

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Happy Birthday Maxie!!!

My girl Sharnie is now 14. Her eyes are now a little cloudy and her hearing ain't what it used to be, she has arthritis, has a few lumps and bumps over her body and is a little grey now. She had a rough year last year after suffering a severe episode of vestibular which has now affected her balance and mobility. However, she still gets excited and wiggles her little bum when she sees me getting her lead to go for our now short 5-10 minute daily walk. I take each day I have with her now as a bonus and try and make everyday we have together as happy and comfortable as possible. Here's my gorgeous girl.


What a beautiful dog, how you must treasure her, thank you for posting. :birthday:

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I love an old dog. I have a saying - "old dog = no rules"!! I spoil them shamelessly. :birthday:

I live by that rule as well PF, Elvie and Clover pretty much do as they please these days. Lucky they are both pretty well behaved dogs :birthday:.

Kirty i think my Tinny will live forever just to bug me, she is such a loon :birthday:.

My handsome man :birthday:......


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I love an old dog. I have a saying - "old dog = no rules"!! I spoil them shamelessly. :birthday:

I live by that rule as well PF, Elvie and Clover pretty much do as they please these days. Lucky they are both pretty well behaved dogs :birthday:.

Kirty i think my Tinny will live forever just to bug me, she is such a loon :birthday:.

My handsome man :birthday:......

What a doll!

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And my pretty Nanna.....

What a treasure, they seem to have such wisdom and resolve. Lessons in love eh?

Defintely, they sure don't live long enough. But enjoy them whilst they are still here with us i say :birthday:.

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Happy Belated Birthday Maxi! May you have many more.

I am reminded of a line in the poem The Power of a Dog by Rudyard Kipling that has always touched me: "our love's not given, but only lent, at compound interest, cent for cent...

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Happy Birthday Maxi

My dogs name is max or maxiboy he is now 16yrs old and blind with little hearing ;) i get very emotional at times ive had him since he was 4-5yrs old he was a rescue and has been the best dog, I think its normal for people to get emotional as they get older.

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argh, wish i didnt come in here!

Bella my cat is 10 this year, and it has just been the last few months that she has started to look old, not gray at all, just old... Dad mentioned it to me the other day and I had to walk away, thought i was going to burst into tears!

Atlas is 8 this year, he has bad arthritis in his front paws and is really 'old' but, not one gray hair on him! Until you see hm walk, you dont know he is getting older - he is also getting the usually bully bumps, few skin tags on his face, his ears have lumps all over them now, one big growth on his side and some on his feet... (all checked out by vets and all ok)

From Them two I have Fanta who is 7 this year, and Kaos who is 6 and baby Sumo who is 3 at the end of the year - the 4 older ones are all to close in age for me, the thought of any of them leaving me makes me sick :happydance2:

So, i enjoy them for who they are, Atlas and i go for a S L O W walk around the block once a week, it is all he can handle now, then when we come home, i soak his feet and give him a yummy bone... The cats get more cuddle time, and i find myself telling Sumo off for annoying them all the time (poor Sumo!)

I dont want them to get old... but I am so lucky I have had them for all these years :happydance: Bella has been with me through some very very hard times, I owned her when I was still living at home with mum and dad, and before my brother died.

they all make me very happy, and when i start to think of them all getting older, i have to make myself think of something else ;)

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My little Lenny (JRT) is turning 10 this year and I can't bear the thought of him getting old. He's my special boy - Mr Perfect. He still loves his walks and trots along at the front of the pack and still likes to play and wrestle with the other much younger JRT.

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My Gilly is 10, Bob is 15 and Blake is 16.

I love my oldsters.

They bring so much joy to my life.

Blakes quiet love and patience, Bobs dementia and love, Gilly with his perminant place on the bed night and day.

I hope Maxi has a great day Mutta.

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We also live by the saying: old dog = no rules!! Chloe has very few these days. She is expected to behave in public, but at home... not really. If she doesn't want to sit, she doesn't sit. If she doesn't want a brush, she doesn't get brushed.

But do we get emotional? Extremely.

Chloe is 13yo, has Cushings disease and pretty bad arthritis. I know her time with us is more limited now. Her hearing is shot, and her lovely face is white. It breaks my heart.

But, she gets alot more attention now. People fuss over her, tell her what a lovely oldie she is. ;)

I wonder what the hell I will do without my best friend of 13 years... but I absolutely adore her, and feel honoured that she has been able to stay with us as long as she has.

I still get a tear every time I think about 'time' though... I wonder every year now if she will still be with us come Christmas.

I love the grey faces though, they are so much more special.

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Happy belated birthday Maxi! Hope you had a good one!

Our SBT girl Zola is 11 this year in May. She has been going grey since she was young but it is the only obvious sign of her age. Except for laying down on the nature strip on a walk last week! ;)

When I walk him and Gracie, people stop and make a fuss over Gracie (too cute) then turn to Maxi and go "Aww, say hello to the old one" (sniff), or "he's getting old now isn't he". :happydance2:

The other day we were out for a walk and a neighbour we ran into said 'she would of been a good looking dog when she was young'

I bit my tongue :happydance:

I'm a sucker for a little grey face. :champagne: I find the grey just makes Zola's eyes look bigger and darker and harder to say no to!

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Happy belated birthday Maxi! Hope you had a good one!

Our SBT girl Zola is 11 this year in May. She has been going grey since she was young but it is the only obvious sign of her age. Except for laying down on the nature strip on a walk last week! ;)

When I walk him and Gracie, people stop and make a fuss over Gracie (too cute) then turn to Maxi and go "Aww, say hello to the old one" (sniff), or "he's getting old now isn't he". :happydance2:

The other day we were out for a walk and a neighbour we ran into said 'she would of been a good looking dog when she was young'

I bit my tongue :happydance:

I'm a sucker for a little grey face. :champagne: I find the grey just makes Zola's eyes look bigger and darker and harder to say no to!

I would so have said "Shame I can't say the same about you." I love the oldies so much.

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Happy belated birthday Maxi! Hope you had a good one!

Our SBT girl Zola is 11 this year in May. She has been going grey since she was young but it is the only obvious sign of her age. Except for laying down on the nature strip on a walk last week! :(

When I walk him and Gracie, people stop and make a fuss over Gracie (too cute) then turn to Maxi and go "Aww, say hello to the old one" (sniff), or "he's getting old now isn't he". :(

The other day we were out for a walk and a neighbour we ran into said 'she would of been a good looking dog when she was young'

I bit my tongue :(

I'm a sucker for a little grey face. :) I find the grey just makes Zola's eyes look bigger and darker and harder to say no to!

I would so have said "Shame I can't say the same about you." I love the oldies so much.

:laugh: :laugh: Just the comeback I needed!

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Happy Birthday Maxi!

Mutta my girl Ricky is booked in for pts next Saturday as her time has come. She is 16.5 and the cancer growths in her joints are making it very difficult for her to walk now. I've been a bag of stress ever since I made the appointment and it is going to be a long awful week. Then the time after is going to be worse. She needs to go out with dignity, not be lying in her own poo. It still sucks and I know I just want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head already. It doesn't matter how long we have our fur babies for it never seems enough at the end. But my girl has only really deteriorated since last December so she's had a lot of great years. That's what I'll try to remember.

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My beautiful Mischa turned 8 a few days ago...and her age is starting to show in little ways. :cry: She is whiter in the face and along her flanks/legs, and she takes a bit longer to get going sometimes. She's still very switched on, alert and happy. Her quality of life is excellent so I expect it to be like that, but the small things are just a reminder of the bigger picture. Fortunately, she is a breed which is famous for living to ripe old ages so I'm hoping to get another 6 or 7 years out of her yet! She still has as much go as she did when she was a baby. :eek: I do worry for how Carl will cope when she goes though--assuming he outlives her. :( He relies on her a lot - she is the yin to his yang, and he draws a lot of his confidence from her. She's overflowing with the stuff. ;)

Memories will always exist in photos, which I take a ton of anyway. :D

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