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What Do You Use To Organise Your Dog Stuff?


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you think we would keep one lead and one collar per dog until it broke then we would go buy a new one so we wouldn't have to give there gear so much space! haha

Can't say i am one of those people i have multiple, multiple leads, collars and training gear and treats and foods and grooming stuff folders and toys cannot forget about those.

Most of the dog's grooming gear lives in my laundry in a basket on a shelf or outside on the bbq that we never use in storage tin and seporate bags, if i can be bothered to hang leads and collars they are usually found in our laundry on hooks, or in my car of never ending dog gear and poop bags haha.

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Very proud of my dog closet. A number of shelves containing:

- Treats and chews in airtight containers

- Leashes, harnesses etc in an open container

- Shelf of toys, balls etc

- Shelf containing grooming items & medication

- Each dog has a folder containing their records

- Kibble in airtight containers

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Wow this thread is awesome for ideas. Which I need because its also made me realise my dog stuff is a bit disorganised. Currently all their training gear and leads are in a big plastic storage box in the bedroom. Chew treats and monthly wormers are hanging in a soft hanging pocket thing in the pantry, food supplements are sitting on the bench and toys and grooming stuff and some random bits and peices are in the top of the laundry cupboard in a big jumbled mess. Who knows what's there. Soft crates are in the laundry and lounge depending on where I need them. And the huge wire crate is being used inthe lounge for Chester's crate rest currently but when we're not using it I don't quite know where to put it.

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My car is a disgrace. Full of dog stuff - toys, leads, collars, poo bags, clickers (I have these coming out of my ears), paper, pens which are mostly for dog stuff, books. Crates. I have many crates and some don't leave the car unless I have passengers.

I do have a box full of toys at home and a basket at the front door for leads, collars and poo bags. Grooming stuff is in my room. Towels are stacked in the laundry - not very attractively. Shampoo in the laundry cupboard. I know I need help - especially with the car. It is a serious mess.

This thread is great for ideas!

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I have a cupboard and a draw for my current dogs stuff, but even so there seems to be dog stuff everywhere! we have a cupboard in the garage with our old dogs stuff which we haven't really used with our new dog because its too sad. The draw and the cupboard are also messy and have no real order. I leave important things like medications, flea, tick and worming stuff in a special tupperware box though.

We have too much dog stuff!!

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There is only a teensy bit of non-dog stuff in my house and I get to share that with cat!!

The real problem to store is the spare dog beds and blankets/towels - they are soooooo bulky. I have been seriously considering getting one of those lawnmower/bicycle outdoor storage boxes for the back deck, just for beds, towels and blankets.

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Bookcase :hug:

Top shelf has books, grooming equip, worming/meds, spare poop bags and clicker - useful stuff.

Shelf 2 has collars (4 that I don't use..), a broken treat pouch and the travel water bowl. I should cull some of that!

Shelf 3 has harness, a couple of leashes that I don't really use, cool coat and a dog towel.

Shelf 4 has coats and towels.

Bottom shelf has folders and various other crap that should really be tidied up. Mostly non dog related.

On top there is a box full of tug toys (for a dog that won't bloody tug!) and a bungee leash that I don't really need anymore.

On the side I have 2 large hooks with rings hanging on them. There are a couple of trial leashes, a breakaway collar and a cool collar hung on there.

There is a wire shelf thingo and a plastic food tub in the laundry with more stuff - mostly treats, some spare bowls, treat toys and the cats food.

All the things I actually USE (4 and 6ft gripper leashes, leather leash, flat collar, prong, martingale, dumbells) are on top of the crate in the loungeroom.

Anything else is thrown in the spare room and the door shut quickly. I am afraid to look in there :)

I have way too much crap. I really should do a big clean up and get rid of some!

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This is something im currently working on, trying to organise the rediculous amount of dog stuff i own. All their walking collars/leads are on cool little ikea hooks (in shape of dogs tail and bum) in the house, its all the other collars, leads, and stuff that is the issue. I have a toy basket for inside and another one outside full of toys. Also a set of wire drawer thingies plus another set of drawers for spare bedding. A set of plastic drawers on wheels for all the iggy jumpers for winter, plus another set of plastic drawers for spare leads, collars, the cool coats, spare grooming stuff and other doggie junk. Also have the grooming stuff i use in a grooming bag. I have a small wooden chest/box thing for all animal medication and medical supplies.

Any crates, x-pens, c-crates etc im not using are stored in the garage. Show stuff like gazebo, chairs etc is either under my bed or in the dog trailer. All whelping boxes and equipment are stored in the garage. Spare kennels and crate mats are also stored in the garage.

All dog food is stored in large containers in the house or in the big freezer.

My problem is what do you do with all the excess stuff? Dont really want to throw it away. I have multiple check chains of every size imaginable, spare leads, spare collars, dog harnesses for the car in every size available plus several Hushers and various other stuff.. what do i do with this stuff I dont use?? Does everyone else jsut throw this stuff out?

If i had the money I would build another room onto the house and put ALL my dog stuff in there.

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Back when I first got Kiff, it was just a bag behind the back door. Now, our garage is used almost entirely just for dog stuff :thumbsup:

To be fair though.. they do need the spare collars and leashes and stretch vests and pajamas and coats and muzzles and backpacks/treatbags and toys and assorted grooming/training/exercising crap.

It'd look like far less if I had small dogs so I try not to feel too guilty about all the dog clutter :thumbsup:

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I have an old washing basket full of toys that gets moved around the house.

I have 3 plastic tubs stacked behind the kitchen door with each dogs biscuits.

A calico shopping bag hanging on the coat rack with leads, collars, muzzles and poop bags.

Doggie towels in the laundry storage cupboard.

Grooming gear is in a box in the kitchen.

Treats and flea treatments are in separate containers in the kitchen cupboard.

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I have so much stuff for Zeus you'd think I've got a small army of dogs living at my place! :)

I've got a shelf behind the garage door dedicated to air-tight food containers (kibble and treats) and a small cat litter tray (new from el cheapo store), which is full of grooming tools (I think I've got nearly 2 of everything!! :)).

Then there's a huge cardboard box full of toys, which I let Zeus ferret through when we're playing. I'm also in the process of cleaning out the garage and making use of the giant wooden toy box I had as a kid (I think it's full of my mum's pre-school craft stuff, which we no longer need -- but she'll probably think she needs to keep it!! ;)). That way I'll have a nice solid box with a lid that I can use to keep blankets, towels, toys and grooming gear when they're not in use.

As for leads and collars, I keep them hanging on hooks I made my dad put up in the garage and like others have confessed, I too have enough collars and leads for 5 plus dogs! :D

Oh and the excess food from the 15kg bags is kept in one of those free Eukanuba storage bins from Pet Barn, which I was able to score from a friend who had 3 spare ones. It's on the floor behind the garage door underneath the food shelf (and there's also a kitty litter storage bin there too!).

So much dog stuff and every time I go into Pet Barn I swear I'm only going to buy the absolute essentials but come out with more stuff I probably don't need! :D :D

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I have a shed devoted to dog stuff. It was the previous property owners tool shed, it's quite large and my husband replaced a couple of the roof panels with clear perspex so it now has good lighting.

I use the tool board for hanging leads and collars, I have an old cupboard with shelves for bits and pieces, a set of shelves for toys and balls, a wall cupboard for shampoos etc and an old wooden office unit as a grooming table, it has shelves under it for their grooming tools.

The show gear is just leaning up against walls and their rugs, towels, coats etc are stored in big plastic boxes with cliplock lids.

It lacks power and plumbing but there is a power point at the fishpond not too far from it so I run an extension lead to it, and it backs onto our excess water storage so plumbing it shouldn't be too difficult if I need water to it.

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