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Should Members Of The Public Be Allowed To Bring Their Own Dogs Along


General public dogs at shows  

182 members have voted

  1. 1. Should members of the public be allowed to bring their own dogs along to shows?

    • Yes - Any dogs are fine.
    • No - Never no mater what.
    • Yes - Only purebred registered dogs.
    • Yes - Only puppy people visiting their breeders.
  2. 2. Have you EVER taken your own dogs along to shows if they were not entered?

    • Yes - Often.
    • No - Never.
    • Yes - But not often.
    • Yes - So buyers can pick there puppy up.
    • Yes - Retired show dogs coming for the day out.
  3. 3. Do your puppy people bring their dogs along to shows to visit you?

    • Yes - Often
    • No - Never, it's a silly idea.
    • Yes - Sometimes
    • No - I ask they won't come.
    • Not applicable

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Lots of people have beloved family pooches........non-pedigree mutts or whatever, who are clean, well groomed, vaccinated, flea-free and beautifully behaved. Some are even obedience trained to a high standard. Amazing, that.

Who'd have thought that a dog without a pedigree could be such a thing?

Lovely as that is, the show ring is the place for pedigree animals to compete. We shouldn't have to worry about every Tom, Dick, Harry and their mongrel.

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Lots of people have beloved family pooches........non-pedigree mutts or whatever, who are clean, well groomed, vaccinated, flea-free and beautifully behaved. Some are even obedience trained to a high standard. Amazing, that.

Who'd have thought that a dog without a pedigree could be such a thing?

Lovely as that is, the show ring is the place for pedigree animals to compete. We shouldn't have to worry about every Tom, Dick, Harry and their mongrel.

Not every dog that is brought to shows as a spectator is a mongrel either it could very well be pedigreed and steralised or just not shown

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Well this has certainly been entertaining.

I think people should be allowed to take their dogs to shows... I don't know that it should be actively encouraged, but certainly not banned. I think we should also be able to talk to people politely if their behaviour is not 'show appropriate' and educate them. I feel that often people are just unaware.

I also agree that they are bound by rules and regulations, just not show specific ones but there certainly is action that can be taken.

Before showing I took my afghan hounds to shows with me quite often, Jazzy learned to settle down on a blanket and chill out, although I wouldn't have ever left him in a crate alone because I know he would've barked so I just didn't. If I hadn't started doing that, I probably never would've gotten into showing... but I went to a few and thought yup, that's something I want to do. If I had enough room in my car I'd still take at least one of my boys with me, because I love being able to spend time with them and some shows go so long that I don't get to see nearly enough of them.

As for the big v small debate, it would be lovely if everyone was considerate of each other and did the best thing by their dogs but they don't... so chances are this argument is going to keep on going for a rather long time and we're all just going to have to suck it up.

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I have taken my mongrel that is Dogswest registered to a show a couple of times - in most instances the show dog was showing on the top oval and Toby competing down the bottom. I have also had the show dog camped at agility and run up to the show ring to exhibit it.

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If I take my fluffy little toy breed into certain areas of the show, I expect reactions from the dogs. Yes the toy ring is known for its trolley loads of noisy dogs. Most are of the dogs are scared of big dogs and its fear based. Using reprimands actually exacerbates the fear and makes it worse. Not excusing those who do nothing, you need to work with the dogs or manage them so they don't interfere with others.

Then get out and SOCIALISE your dogs.

Cover their crates so they cant see any other dogs or people when they walk passed.

Myself, my dogs and other exhibitors and their dogs should not have to put up with dogs lunging at crate walls at us walking passed and carrying on barking, snarling etc.

You wouldnt accept it from a larger dog, a GSD or Rotti or Dobe so it is not ok from smaller dogs. (i dont care which would cause more damage if they connected) - it is not acceptable for the dog walking down the street to behave like that and it is not acceptable for show dogs either

Did you read my next line?? :confused:

I was reacting to this sort of comment:

In my breed your dog gets roused on pretty damn quick if it barks at another.

Rousing at a terrified dog doesn't stop if from being terrified, it makes it more terrified! :(

My little dogs have been lunged and accosted at by all kinds, big and small! I didn't get apologies either. There are crates holding large breeds where they fling themselves at crate walls to get at you and your dogs. You can stand pointing at the Toy ring and ignore the fact that there is ignorant and lazy owners elsewhere. I recall a poor stressed out Ridgeback at a royal who had a sheet draped over their cage but was still making unpleasant aggressive noises and "rocking" the cage. Dog really should not have been at the Royal and certainly not had it's cage in a walkway. I felt sorry for it and could see it was an accident waiting to happen.

Maybe I can make a diary of walking my well socialised small fluffy and the things he has to deal with, with dogs that are 10 times bigger than him.

Good idea Lowenheart...and I think I will let my unruly undisciplined show pugs bark their bloody heads off at all the big dogs that go past, instead of rousing on them every 2 mins, just to keep other people happy. You can even tell me who you are on the way past so I can wave at you.!

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I've shown in the Toy ring as well as other Groups for years now and I'd rather walk the bigger dogs through Group 1 than the Toys past some of the big guys - I generally carry the littlies past the exhibitors standing chatting with a big dog on a loose lead.

As for the general public, I rather some leave their feral kids at home.

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Appologies, I have not read back so sorry if this is out of place or repeating anything...

Absolutely members of the public should be allowed to bring dogs to shows.

You have just as much chance of your dog being bitten by another exhibitors than a non-entered dog, hence why I don't let my dog near others unless I know them.

I brought this up a week or so ago in another topic, I think by encouraging people to bring their own dogs it will make them feel more involved and could influence people to buy from reg breeders and start showing.

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Appologies, I have not read back so sorry if this is out of place or repeating anything...

Absolutely members of the public should be allowed to bring dogs to shows.

You have just as much chance of your dog being bitten by another exhibitors than a non-entered dog, hence why I don't let my dog near others unless I know them.

I brought this up a week or so ago in another topic, I think by encouraging people to bring their own dogs it will make them feel more involved and could influence people to buy from reg breeders and start showing.

I agree, plus if they are actually enquiring about a puppy you can at least see first hand how they have raised their other dog regardless of how 'bogan' the people actually appear IMO

Edited by tollersowned
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The more people & dogs that attend the better. I don't think "showies" acting as if it is some sort of secret society club further the cause with the general public. Exibiting our dogs to the public (and their dogs) should be about promoting our respective breeds in the best possible light.

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Appologies, I have not read back so sorry if this is out of place or repeating anything...

Absolutely members of the public should be allowed to bring dogs to shows.

You have just as much chance of your dog being bitten by another exhibitors than a non-entered dog, hence why I don't let my dog near others unless I know them.

I brought this up a week or so ago in another topic, I think by encouraging people to bring their own dogs it will make them feel more involved and could influence people to buy from reg breeders and start showing.

I agree, plus if they are actually enquiring about a puppy you can at least see first hand how they have raised their other dog regardless of how 'bogan' the people actually appear IMO

The more people & dogs that attend the better. I don't think "showies" acting as if it is some sort of secret society club further the cause with the general public. Exibiting our dogs to the public (and their dogs) should be about promoting our respective breeds in the best possible light.

I agree with both of these comments.

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makes me mad when ppl bring thier cutsey wootsie lil designer mongrel who happens to be a bitch, who happens to be in season...

and they wonder why we go ballistic at them? are they looking for a free mating- dont care who the stud dog is!

Has happened to me quite a few times, cos i got poms they tend to hang around me,

waiting just waiting.... makes me mad.......they just have NO idea!

otherwise, im sick of the designer breed ppl banging purebreds cos we 'all inbreed and dont care bout healthy dogs'.. hello, having same prefix does not mean inbred, and id like to see them do thier health tests! Yes, its great you bring your ridgyoodle along but dont lecture me on how to breed....

other than that, i have no problem.. Quite a few of the toy ppl have rescues, etc, and good for socialisation... sometimes we end up having a mix we have rescued and they get exposure to someone who is looking and doesnt mind a mystery of a background.

Id rather see a ban on some owners than the dogs lol

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I dont think the average Joe Public should be allowed to bring there owns dogs as generally mr/ms Joe public have no idea what is appropriate behaviour for there dog at a show.

Sway lots of comments about what happened to your dog, can I ask what happened?

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I dont think the average Joe Public should be allowed to bring there owns dogs as generally mr/ms Joe public have no idea what is appropriate behaviour for there dog at a show.

Appropriate behaviour at shows needs to be learned, we all were there at some point and we picked it up. Some better than others as is the case with most things.

I'm not suggesting that poor behaviour should be tolerated, just that we should attempt to educate people in appropriate behaviour (in a polite manner!) and if that fails they should be asked to leave if they are being a nuisance.

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I dont think the average Joe Public should be allowed to bring there owns dogs as generally mr/ms Joe public have no idea what is appropriate behaviour for there dog at a show.

Sway lots of comments about what happened to your dog, can I ask what happened?

Here you go - it's in the Bulla Amenities thread

It happened in the walk way that was maybe 3-4 mtrs wide. My dog is always walked through on a very short lead.

As I was walking through there was a group of 4 people standing having a chat with a Bulldog in the middle.

The bulldog lunged got airborne and bit her on the face - as I had previously said no damage was done.

If there was no intent on the Bulldogs behalf how the hell did it get airborne to get to a Great Danes head height??

I pulled my dog back as I saw it coming, she ended up with her butt in someone's gazebo walls.

They did not pull their dog back it ran out of lead. After the fact they pulled their dog back - no one said anything to me.

I told them to keep their F*&king dog under control, as I walked off one of them said I would never own a Great Dane because of that.

I told them that she did nothing wrong and to F&$k off.

I put my dog away and then walked her back up the walk way after a few minutes to make sure he would be ok - we walked passed the same people - they said nothing.

I spoke to another Bulldog person as I was trying to work out which Bulldog it was - Due to the Specialty there was more then usual around. I spoke to a few other Bulldog exhibitors about the incident, one went and spoke to the lady who was standing in the marquee against the fence - she even pointed me out. The female owner of the Bulldog, come and said sorry - some 20minutes after the fact.

Edited by SwaY
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I'm not suggesting that poor behaviour should be tolerated, just that we should attempt to educate people in appropriate behaviour (in a polite manner!) and if that fails they should be asked to leave if they are being a nuisance.

Agreed - My issue is what can be done IF a dog belonging to a member of a the general public is to bite another person/dog?

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I would presume that you would have the same recourse as you would anywhere else. Someone with a legal background would most appropriately respond to this but as others have suggested, local council i would also suggest police if there has been a bite incident and they won't provide details and potentially a claim against the property owners public liability insurance if it is private land.

Those are the first ideas that come to my mind at least.

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As much as I would like to take my well behaved golden retriever Shelley to a show I wouldn't cause then I couldn't go up to breeders and ask questions about there dogs. Also even tho Shelley is well behaved I still wouldn't know how she would react towards all those dogs and people it may over excite her etc. So in a way I say No the public should not be allowed to take there dog to the show. I think its fine for breeders to take there retired dogs or dogs that a company for one that they are showing.

How are the breeders to know that that dog is well behaved and under control, They don't, even if the owners say it is. With all the dogs there big,medium,little, all those people etc the dog could be stressed,it could just be too much for the public dog to handle. While it may be a good socialization for them it could also be a bad socialization they get.

Like someone mentioned having a dog in tow restricts what you want to do. Its not like you can tie your dog up and walk away to return hours later. I also don't like seeing people go shopping and leave there dogs in the car, We often come out a hour later to see the dogs still in the car. I would love to take Shelley everywhere with me but it is not possible, I do not like to leave her tied up and alone.

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If I take my fluffy little toy breed into certain areas of the show, I expect reactions from the dogs. Yes the toy ring is known for its trolley loads of noisy dogs. Most are of the dogs are scared of big dogs and its fear based. Using reprimands actually exacerbates the fear and makes it worse. Not excusing those who do nothing, you need to work with the dogs or manage them so they don't interfere with others.

Then get out and SOCIALISE your dogs.

Cover their crates so they cant see any other dogs or people when they walk passed.

Myself, my dogs and other exhibitors and their dogs should not have to put up with dogs lunging at crate walls at us walking passed and carrying on barking, snarling etc.

You wouldnt accept it from a larger dog, a GSD or Rotti or Dobe so it is not ok from smaller dogs. (i dont care which would cause more damage if they connected) - it is not acceptable for the dog walking down the street to behave like that and it is not acceptable for show dogs either

Did you read my next line?? :confused:

I was reacting to this sort of comment:

In my breed your dog gets roused on pretty damn quick if it barks at another.

Rousing at a terrified dog doesn't stop if from being terrified, it makes it more terrified! :(

My little dogs have been lunged and accosted at by all kinds, big and small! I didn't get apologies either. There are crates holding large breeds where they fling themselves at crate walls to get at you and your dogs. You can stand pointing at the Toy ring and ignore the fact that there is ignorant and lazy owners elsewhere. I recall a poor stressed out Ridgeback at a royal who had a sheet draped over their cage but was still making unpleasant aggressive noises and "rocking" the cage. Dog really should not have been at the Royal and certainly not had it's cage in a walkway. I felt sorry for it and could see it was an accident waiting to happen.

Maybe I can make a diary of walking my well socialised small fluffy and the things he has to deal with, with dogs that are 10 times bigger than him.

If you believe your dogs are fear aggressive then stop having them live in that constant state of fear at shows, get them behavioural help....or leave them at home.

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