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Wandering Jew


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I have a question regarding Wandering Jew (Its a plant for those of you who don't know) I've heard that it's bad for dogs, it (supposedly) can cause all sorts of skin allergy's, but my German Shepard made herself a nest in it and sleeps in it, my previous dog did the same thing. My other two play in amongst it and one of them is a Chinese Hairless. Never had any problems. Going back a few years we had the purple version in another one of our house gardens...and again had dogs no problems.

I have removed it from a few gardens as it takes over...it's a bugger to get rid of though, leave a tiny bit in and it will grow all over again.

Has anyone had problems with this plant or is this just another old wives tale?

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It's not a wives tale. If your dogs are not allergic then you are very lucky. The rash it causes is horrific.

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Dogs like lying in it in the summer as it feels cool.

There are two sorts...a native one which had blue flowers...there is a photo on this link, (along with the introduced species) http://lepidoptera.butterflyhouse.com.au/plants/comm/commelinaceae.html

and another piccie of the introduced--which has white flowers http://www.weeds.asn.au/weeds/txts/wand_jew.htm

I don't know if the native one causes the rashes as well, though as it is the same family the chances are that it will.

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I think you mean Wandering Dew? Had some funny mental pictures there for a second.. :laugh:

It's actually Wandering Jew, not sure where the name came from, but I suppose political correctness will one day have it changed to Wandering Dew ...that name almost makes it sound "heavenly" :rofl:

which it certainly is not...it is so hard to eradicate even with herbicides. I have a lot of it, & it doesn't bother my dogs, but I would much rather NOT have it. :mad

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I think you mean Wandering Dew? Had some funny mental pictures there for a second.. :laugh:

It's actually Wandering Jew, not sure where the name came from, but I suppose political correctness will one day have it changed to Wandering Dew ...that name almost makes it sound "heavenly" :rofl:

which it certainly is not...it is so hard to eradicate even with herbicides. I have a lot of it, & it doesn't bother my dogs, but I would much rather NOT have it. :mad

That's right. It is called 'Wandering Jew' after the mythical character who was cursed to walk the earth till the Second Coming for taunting Christ.

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I think you mean Wandering Dew? Had some funny mental pictures there for a second.. :laugh:

LMAO - yes agreed.

I had a dog 5-6 years ago that got terrible (awful) itchy rashes from it. But now I have it in my yard and my two dogs walk through it every day to sniff the chickens next door and they have no problems at all. I thought I was going to have to remove it when I moved in but its been no problem with these two.

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My girl loved lying in the purple one to keep cool when we first brought her home, took me a while to work out that it was what was causing the terrible belly rash she had :o Dusted her with curash and ripped the lot out and had no problem since. You are lucky if it doesnt cause any problem. Bout the only stuff I could grow really well too :laugh:

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Well whatever it's proper name is...jew or dew...wandering or wondering???

I actually don't mind it because yeah it is an easy going plant that doesn't ask for much, and looks good too, but it will overtake any other plants. We cleared one garden bed out of it completely, planted some nice new plants in there and then forgot to get back to it for a couple of months. When we did there was no evidence we had actually cleared it at all and all the other nice new plants were swamped by it and looking very sad.

If I ever had a dog that reacted to it I think it would actually be easier to train the dog not to go in the gardens with Wandering Jew rather than try and remove the plant.

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