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Age For First Immunisation

mini girl

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So much written on the age to do the first immunisation - had in the past gone for 6 weeks usually nearer 7 weeks - last time just over 7 weeks - but some seem to think later is better nearer 8 weeks - have done a heap of reading on it and there are so many different points of view - read about one vaccine that is effective after 36 hours - made here in Australia - does this ring a bell with anyone and what age is best all things considered.

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I was going to do ours at 8 weeks and then 12. But have brought it forward to 7 and 11 so as to fit in with one of them needing to travel overseas at 12 weeks. This way I know he's had his second one before leaving!

I also thought that getting it that week earlier would make me feel a little more comfortable taking babies to shows at 12 weeks.

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I can't help with the age to vaccinate, as that's something I'm very interested to hear for my own pup.

From a medical background myself, however, I'd think that 36 hours really isn't long enough for the body to create antibodies. Isn't it the pup's body and how quickly they produce antibodies that determine how quickly they're covered for the diseases vaccinated for?

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Our last litter was vaccinated at 8 weeks.

My vet attends many seminars etc and when I told her we'd like to wait until 8 weeks she said that the seminar she had just attended covered a lot of research on pups' immune systems.

According to this research most pups' immune systems kick in just before 8 weeks and prior to that their bodies do not respond to the vaccines. Hence vaccinating earlier that 8 weeks often will give no immunity at all.

I am sorry that I don't have the details of this research.

We had decided not to let any pups leave until they were 10 weeks, so waiting until 8 weeks was no issue for us.

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6 week vaccines are said to be ineffective as there is still some maternal immunity at this age. One vaccine before 12 weeks & another 4 weeks after the 12 week mark is said to give full immunity eg just over 8 weeks & just over 12 weeks or 9 & 13 weeks etc.

There is a new 10 week vaccine that is a once only shot for full immunity. I used it for pups last year & will do so again. Fine, no side effects at all.

How long before the vaccine takes affect & is efficient I can't remember, best ask your vet at the time you have them done.

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I have always done pups at six weeks with a straight parvo shot. Pups are always weaned prior to this. Two weeks later, they get their regular combo shot and then it's recommended that at 12 or 14 weeks to boost. Generally that's all I do, and have had good luck with it for many many years.

I used to put off rabies shots til after a year of age and never combined with any other shots. Worked for me.

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Way way back many used to send puppies home at 6 weeks. Then the CCs bought in codes of ethics which said wait until 8 weeks to send them home to enable the vaccination at 6 weeks and 14 days to let it kick in.In fact I think some of them are still worded that way.

The new vaccines dont need that long [ if the old ones ever did] Even though there is a maternal antibody issue it is very very rare for any pup which has been vaccinated to contract parvo which is in all honesty the only one Im really concerned about these days.

I vaccinate Maremmas at 7 weeks because its not practical for them to stay here any longer because of their bonding and what they have been bred to do.Yet when I think it through the Maremmas are probably more at risk as they go into paddocks where there are wild dogs , dingoes and foxes hunting.

I vaccinate Beagles at 9 weeks and they go home at 10 weeks.

Fact is if something goes wrong the only thing anyone looks at is whether you followed the manufacterers instructions - that is the only thing that gets you off the hook. So working out what you want to do and changing their recommendations carries a risk - granted thats minimal.

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6 week vaccines are said to be ineffective as there is still some maternal immunity at this age. One vaccine before 12 weeks & another 4 weeks after the 12 week mark is said to give full immunity eg just over 8 weeks & just over 12 weeks or 9 & 13 weeks etc.

There is a new 10 week vaccine that is a once only shot for full immunity. I used it for pups last year & will do so again. Fine, no side effects at all.

How long before the vaccine takes affect & is efficient I can't remember, best ask your vet at the time you have them done.


Just to help out a little, the vaccine is starting to work the moment it enters the body.

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All I have to say is....if you Vac. at 6 weeks and sell at 8 weeks and the pup goes down with Parvo at 8 to 9 weeks how are you going to feel about being sued by an irate owner when their vet tells them the new protocols are to vaccinate as close as possible to 8 weeks.

This is how we all got onto this problem. At 8 weeks many pups were getting Parvo and they were all vaccinated at 6 weeks. The bitches immunity that is passed onto the pups is not declined enough to allow the vaccine to work, therefore the pup is left unprotected.

Your pups your choice.

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All you can do is follow the vets guidlines and they have to follow manufacturers instructions - so if anything goes wrong (and no vaccine is guarenteed 100% effective) then you are covered should anyone sue.

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Hi Britt,

Mine are gorgeous, lively and well, i'm absolutely torn as I have chosen my pup to keep but there is one that is not sold (because we were considering her) and she is turning out to be just as good as the one we chose....landlord won't let us have 3 dogs (oh I only wish we had our own place as it would then be a no-brainer) and she is something that I definitely want to breed from in the future. Another breeder had a lady show and grow out her pup for her until she was in a position to have her back and i'm now considering this option. I just can't imagine letting her go unless it was to someone who wanted to show/trial her. some pups are heading off this sunday coming, one is flying to cairns early next week and then it's just one to go home the following weekend, the one we're keeping and the one I desperately want to keep!

Great to hear yours are well and all off to new homes!

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