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Wasabi Peas!


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From what you've posted previously (if I'm not mixing you up with someone else) your dogs love eating all kinds of interesting things. :laugh:

My boy would do anything for an almond.. does that count? :o

No, you're not mixing me up, even I was surprised at this one though. :laugh: Feather is the only one who doesn't want them.

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:rofl: Random post alert :laugh:

I think we need pics Kirislin - they must pull some faces eating those :eek::laugh:

Your wish is my command. :laugh: It's a bit hard trying to throw the peas and take the pic.

Puck going for the catch


Tag, anticipating.


he's not too good at catching.


Duuuuh, missed.


Penny: quick chuck it to meeee!



Puck again.


Kibah, concentrating



Where'd it go?6099272110_a1b6d2a8d4.jpg

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Kyojin loves them too! My husband's addicted to eating them so we buy a packet every time we go to the shops. Kyojin loves them. He enjoys spitting them out and then licking them again, then spitting them out, then licking it again etc.. :laugh:

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Both my 2 have been caught eating things with chilli sauce on them, and my girl would climb over broken glass to get to a chilli jerked chicken :eek: They lick their lips for a minute or so but still come back for more! :laugh:

Love the expressions in those pics! Beautiful dogs :)

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