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Long Rant About A Scary Guy At An On Leash Oval


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I would report the guy to council and police. He broke lots of laws and he may be known to both. Even though I did not get the tag of a dog that bit me - they still found it and it has not been back to the oval.

If you were with someone - I would get the camera phone out and photograph the guy but if you're on your own - doing what you can to agree with complete morons instead of arguing with them is usually the best option.


17 Dog must not be encouraged to attack

(1) A person who sets on or urges a dog to attack, bite, harass or chase any person or animal (other than vermin) is guilty of an offence, whether or not actual injury is caused.


13 Responsibilities while dog in public place

(1) A dog that is in a public place must be under the effective control of some competent person by means of an adequate chain, cord or leash that is attached to the dog and that is being held by (or secured to) the person.

I assume the local council can set a limit on the length of the lead.

In SA - the state dog and cat management act rule is 2m which is 200cm not 120 cm (since when is 2m = 120cm?)

8—Meaning of effective control of dog by means of physical restraint

For the purposes of this Act, a person is exercising effective control of a dog by

means of physical restraint if—

(a) the person is exercising effective control of the dog by means of a chain,

cord or leash that does not exceed 2 metres in length restraining the dog;


(b) the person has effectively secured the dog—

(i) by placing it in a cage, vehicle or other object or structure; or

(ii) by tethering it to a fixed object by means of a chain, cord or

leash that does not exceed 2 metres in length.

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Sorry to hear about your experience Jen. I hope you both are ok. I agree with all the others - report this guy, at least he will be on their radar if anything happens again (hopefully it won't). Exactly what others have also said, I also avoid a lot of parks for that same reason. I've taken up jogging and Rosie is a great jogging partner!

BTW - congrats on your new puppy- I'm sure Riddick adores him.

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I have a delightfully crazy 13 week old GSD puppy who is a furry demon that is learning slowly how to be the best dog ever (I can dream right? :D) One of the things I do with him is taking him out to anywhere and everywhere, and he is never off leash. By this I mean that he is either on a normal short leash, or he is wearing a harness and a long line (10 meters long to be exact!).

Earlier today I took him to a nearby oval, attached the long line to his harness and off we went. I generally have the end of the line attached to my leg while the rest just trails along the ground. The oval we were at has a fence alone 2 and a 1/2 sides, 1 is a higher fence used for cricket or baseball that goes around corner (very similar to this http://www.steelcofence.com/Images/BallfieldFence/Baseball%20Backstop%206.JPG) and the other is to block the side of the oval where it drops off because there is a walking track that goes down and around the side.

Roscoe and I were playing a awesome game and having a great time when I notice a very energetic boxer mix come racing along the outside of the higher fencing. Its on the opposite side of the oval to where we were playing around so I didn't really mind. Roscoe saw him, stopped for a moment to have a look and then went straight back to the much more interesting game of chase mum around for treats ;)! (yay!)

There was a guy behind the BoxerX with his younger son, they where playing with a ball and totally ignoring the dog. Then the BoxerX spotted Roscoe. and started running along the fence keeping his eye on us, he came to where the fence stopped, slipped under the log divider and started running straight at us.

Now I don't care what dog, what breed, age, sex, whatever. I do not want anything or anyone running up to my puppy without permission. Not only is it unsafe, its also detrimental to the training I am doing. I yelled out to the guy "Call your dog!" he looked over and went back to playing with his son. Yelled again "Mate, Call you dog!" whilst stepping on the long lone closest to roscoe. Guy does nothing, BoxerX kept coming so I growled and stomped my feet at it with a loud "AH Go away!", all the while shoveling treats into roscoes mouth. The boxer stopped but continued to stare at the puppy with very over the top body posture (Tail totally straight, hackles fully up, leaning forward, head up, mouth closed and eyes fixated on Roscoe). Started to circle me to get to where roscoe was mostly behind me. I followed him, and when he tried approaching again did the same thing. Growled and yelled at him.

Guy finally seems to notice and come walking over with a pissed off expression on his face. Whistles for his dog who trots towards him then turns around and continues to stare at Roscoe. Then he starts having a go at me for yelling at his dog/ "Look lady don't you yell at my dog, he ain't doin' nothin', he just wants to give your puppy a sniff!"

I responded that I had asked him to call his dog, I was training my puppy and I don't want him approaching other dogs or other dogs approaching him.

Guy says "Thats stupid my dog is fine he just wants to sniff, you shouldn't be yelling at dogs you don't know or they might bite you and your mutt!"

Still trying to be polite since really I just wanted to go back to training my dog, I told him that it doesn't matter how friendly his dog was, I don't want my puppy being approached by dogs I don't know. This is a on leash area and if he could just clip a lead on his dog and move to the other end of the oval I would appreciate it.

Then he got mad, started swearing at me to "mind your own f-ing business lady, your puppy isn't even on a leash so I couldn't say shit or do shit, I came here to throw a ball with my son an Bruiser (the boxerX) can do whatever the f- he wants. Go on Bruiser" and the dog started coming towards us again growling!

I growled back, stomped at it Again and yelled at it to go away. Then told the guy to keep his dog away from me and my puppy or I will be reporting him to the rangers and he starts hurling abuse at me.

"you can't do shit your puppy isn't even on a leash, i'll tell them he bit my son if you try anything and he'll be shot like the mutt he is" amongst a high level of swearing. This about a 13 week old gsd puppy who was sitting behind me still, happily chewing a piece of grass totally oblivious to what was happening.

By now this guy was actually starting to scare me, he was a big guy, his dog was acting in a way that to me said it didn't have good intentions, and I'm alone with a puppy in a deserted oval (though its next to a road with a few cars driving past). So I gathered up the long line and started trying to back off, but the boxer was circling us. SO I pulled out my phone and told the guy to call his dog I was going to send photos of it to the council rangers. Guy swore at me more but whistled for his dog, and I hurriedly made my way back to the car.

Roscoe didn't have any negative impact from the situation, which is my main concern, but it certainly freaked me out pretty good. So I'm not sure if I should actually email the council and report this guy? His dog didn't do anything, and neither did he (except for screaming at me) but it was pretty scary. And it was all in a on leash area and he had no lead or collar on his dog at all. Plus this is a oval I frequent a lot and I really don't want to come across this guy again.

And is a long line still considered a leash?

Should I just leave it? sigh, wish dickheads didn't ruin it for the rest of us.

(Edit for spelling and grammar cause I'm still a bit freaked out and thats my excuse for sucking at typing. ;))

Good god. What a prick. I strongly encourage you to call the police not to the mention the council! Though it might be all talk, he encouraged his dog to attack you and in my book that is unforgivable. I would put it all in writing and lodge a complaint.

Good on you for thinking of your phone and taking pictures, I probably wouldn't have thought of that in your situation, well done. Pull it out and tell him you are videoing the whole thing (even if you aren't) Bravo for protecting Roscoe!

Like with freundhund's example, you need to show you were doing the right thing and were not in the wrong. What would happen if worst case scenario, you met this guy and his dog again? If he went as far to encourage Bruiser to come at you, what if you or Roscoe were hurt next time around?

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On the other side as well, even if you are lucky enough to never see this guy again, what if some other person encounters the same situation... you want to protect yourselves and other people.

Can't believe people act in this manner. Poor role model to his child

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I have never heard of a Sydney Council putting a limit on the length of leash and the Companion Animals Act doesn't state a length. Unless your Council is the odd one out you haven't done anything wrong.

Definitely report to both Council and police... Just so there's a record there. The Council could search the surrounding streets for a boxer called Bruiser - you never know they may find something.

What a jerk!

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Thanks everyone for your replies :)! Roscoe is totally fine so thats the main thing in all this. Hes much too young to go for proper walks being only 13 weeks, and I don't want him interacting with strange dogs, which is why we go to places like this oval that are not for dogs. Unfortunately people like this guy have to ruin it for the rest of us :(

I sent the local council a email so will see what they say when they get back to me! That way I have a record in case the guy shows up again.

Can anyone find a link to leash laws in Sydney? I can't find anything. I'm curious how the retractable leashes are legal if by law your leash can only be 2 meters?

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Good to hear you have reported, did you keep a copy of what you wrote in the email as well?

Did find this old news article which might be interesting for you to read:


But couldn't find much about leashes in Sydney. However the fact remains your pup was under your control the whole time, as well as on a lead. His dog was neither of these things.

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It might vary from Council to Council. Are you in Sydney City Council area or a neighbouring council area? You will have to check laws in your specific council area. From what I can see on the Sydney City Council website as long as the dog is on leash and tethered to a person there is no specific leash length.

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Love me' sideways see my recent post. The companion animals act only states that a leash must be attachedto re dog and held by a person- no mention of length.

I have never heard of an individual council adding a length... Sydney Councils are very different to other states and I have never heard of them adding provisions for their Council only- they just enforce the Companion Animals Act as it is.

If he was on a long leash bs you were holding it you did nothing wrong.

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Report him to the police too. Dog or no dog the way he behaved towards you is against the law. You have a right to feel safe in a public place!

"What the Law states - Obscene, indecent, threatening language and behaviour in public

Summary Offences Act 1966 - SECT 17

Obscene, indecent, threatening language and behaviour etc. in public

17. Obscene, indecent, threatening language and behaviour etc. in public

(1) Any person who in or near a public place or within the view or hearing of any person being or passing therein or thereon-

(a) sings an obscene song or ballad;

(b) writes or draws exhibits or displays an indecent or obscene word figure or representation;

© uses profane indecent or obscene language or threatening abusive or insulting words; or

(d) behaves in a riotous indecent offensive or insulting manner-

shall be guilty of an offence.

Penalty: 10 penalty units or imprisonment for two months; For a second offence-15 penalty units or imprisonment for three months; For a third or subsequent offence-25 penalty units or imprisonment for six months.

(2) Where in the opinion of the chairman presiding at a public meeting any person in or near the hall room or building in which the meeting is being held-

(a) behaves in a riotous indecent offensive threatening or insulting manner; or

(b) uses threatening abusive obscene indecent or insulting words-

the chairman may verbally direct any member of the police force who is present to remove such person from the hall room or building or the neighbourhood thereof and the member of the police force shall remove such person accordingly.

(3) Where at a general meeting of a corporation a person wilfully fails to obey a ruling or direction given in good faith by the chairman presiding at the meeting for the preservation of order at the meeting, such person shall be liable to be removed from the meeting if the meeting so resolves or where because the meeting has been so disrupted that it is not practicable to put such a resolution to the meeting the Chairman so directs.

(4) Where a person is liable to be removed from a meeting under subsection (3) the Chairman may verbally direct any member of the police force who is present to remove such person from the hall, room or building in which the meeting is being held or the neighbourhood thereof and the member of the police force shall remove such person accordingly.

Maximum Penalty in Victoria

2 months imprisonment / 10 penalty units for a first offence

3 months imprisonment / 15 penalty units for a second offence

6 months imprisonment / 25 penalty units for a third or subsequent offence

What the Prosecution must prove - Obscene, indecent, threatening language and behaviour in public - Vic

(a) The accused sang an obscene song or ballad, wrote, drew, exhibited or displayed an indecent or obscene word, figure or representation, used profane indecent or obscene language or threatening abusive or insulting words, or behaved in a riotous indecent offensive or insulting manner.

(b) The accused was in or near a public place or within the view or hearing of any person in or on the place.

Possible Defences - Obscene, indecent, threatening language and behaviour in public

(a) Duress.

(b) Factual dispute.

© Honest and reasonable mistake of belief.

(d) Identification dispute.

(e) Lack of intent.

(f) Mental impairment.

Which court will hear the charge of Obscene, indecent, threatening language and behaviour in public

Magistrates' Court."

ETA This is Victorian - I imagine it would be similar in NSW

Edited by RubyBlue
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The first link in my post austli thingy (australian law) has the NSW companion animals act and the laws relating to leash length - ie there must be a leash but no length specified - which makes NSW different to SA on that point.

It doesn't say anything about retractable leashes either.

I find them a major hazard. If I see another dog with one of those, I keep my dog away so she can't get tangled in it. Had some bad experiences before.

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In my council leashes can be no longer than 120cm (2m) so if it were in my council you'd have been a bit naughty. I use longlines for my dogs but only at offleash parks as I don't want to risk a fine.

ETA: Nevermind, I was too slow! :laugh:

I may be laughing for a whole different reason, in what conversion chart does 120cm = 2 metres?

BTW (100cm per metre)

Sorry if that was mean ;)

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Oh,LMS, what a terrible experience for you & I'm sooo glad your pup is O.K. What a complete jerk that guy was !!! It takes all kinds, doesn't it ? And yes it seems to be

the way that the idiots always spoil our fun. Glad you reported it as this nutter needs to be made aware of his "poor" conduct.

I too have had encounters with some idiots & their poor untrained dogs. One elderly guy in particular actually hit my 12 month BC girl numerous times with his umbrella :eek: & then was

attempting to take swings at me :mad . It didn't bother me him having a go at me cause I pushed him away from me but you touch my dogs & all hell will break loose, I completely lost it !! :swear::swear:

Now he totally avoids me, GOOD. I am now "known" around our dog beach now ( to anyone that will listen to him ) as that crazy woman with the 2 BC's. And do I care, not one bit. :laugh:

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