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Your Best Day ....


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Picking him up from his breeders he was so sweet and just wanted cuddles it didn't bother him leaving his litter mates. Then seeing my boyfriends face when he saw him that night I never thought I would see him be do smoochy with a puppy

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So many but one of them was when sasha picked me to be her new mum. being in a pound enviroment then foster carers where i met her she has always been soo happy. when i met her she winked at me and i knew no matter what we belonged. also the first time i took her to the beach, the day the sprinklers turned on at dog school and last weekend at our photoshoot. ok lets just say everyday lol

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The best day was when each of them came to foster with me.They had both been through the mill but the day they arrived at my door with those pleading greyhound eyes and the skinny tails slowly wagging I could almost hear them saying can I please STAY HERE.Heart melting.They give me wonderful memories everyday. :)

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The day I titled Benson in the ET. It was the culmination of 6 months of training, it was a beautiful morning and it was one of those perfect experinces that come along so rarely. I was intensely proud of him, he was the first dog I ever titled in anything and it was such a joyful time.

I will treasure the memory of that day for the rest of my life.

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The World Dog Games that were put on in Sydney a couple of years ago. I qualified in Frisbee with CK and nearly didn't go because I was concerned about his ability to cope. We ended up heading down - OH drove down and I flew down after work.

I could tell from the minute I saw him that he was not happy with being away from Xena and in a strange place. During the practice rounds he did OK, but still was a little off song.

Then we did a dress rehearsal and one of the camera guys shoved a big TV camera right in his face just before the music started echoing around the empty arena. CK just freaked and wouldn't work at all.

I worked super hard with him over the next 24 hours and was nearly going to take him home when a lady came up to me and said that I had done an amazing job with him and that his trust in me was just amazing. That was enough to keep me going and by the end of the 2 days of competition CK was doing a fantastic job - almost enjoying the noise and atmosphere. I still tear up when I think about it.

For us it was less about results and more about a massive step forward in his ability to cope and our relationship.

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Friend of mine has had dogs, always outside dogs. I asked him why he bothered to have them, because he hardly went out there except a quick pat.

He said we just had a different upbringing in belief about pets. Which isn't true. My parents aren't really pet orientated and haven't considered them as part of the family either

I just told him I felt sorry for him, because he was sooooooooo missing out. (oh, and you can consciously move past your upbringing, if you chose to).

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When Princess Mini snorted into my hair on her first visit. I knew we were destined to be together.

With Grumpy, it was when we were playing and he ran over and gave me heaps of kisses before continuing to play. That's when I knew I'd turned into 'Mum'.

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Can't think of a "best" day yet but I've had some great ones. The first time Marie won a class in group. The way she looks up at me when we're walking and does her "happy dance". Watching her get fatter and fatter with her puppies.

Looking over at her curled up asleep when I'm working and some idiot debtor is pissing me off.

Edited by Trisven13
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I can't think of any specific days, but there are many specific ways that my dog has made my life & my family's infinitely better.

Number one, helping my daughter get over her fear of dogs by being a loving, sweet, steadfast companion.

So I guess because of how much better are lives are, the best day was when we met her & she became part of our family.

Which incidentally was exactly 2 years ago!!! :D

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