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Gus Ba-doo


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My beautiful gentle Gus got his wings at 12.34pm today. He was 16years 8months and gave me so many more years of love, devotion, joy and pleasure than I deserve. My heart is breaking and the house is quiet without his presence. His things are all around and his hairs will forever be on my clothes to remember him by. Flowers and a candle are lit to show him the light. But he is finally free from pain and chasing rabbits and butterflies in the company of angels and gods. He chose me to trust with his life and he gave me the honour of caring for him to his last breath. I am numb from missing him. RIP my boo.

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Thank you for your sympathies. Day 1 and the first night without him at my feet was odd. Went out for dinner last night to get out of the house for a while. Was fine up until one moment when I felt faint and anxious and realised it was a panic attack. The only way I can describe how I feel right now is a sense of homesickness - he completed me. I guess this is grieving. Thank you for your beautiful wishes, they are unbelievably comforting.

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You will always miss Gus but the day will arrive when you begin to smile beneath the tears as you think of all the memories you shared together. He was very blessed to have lived his life with you.

Run free beautiful old boy :rainbowbridge:

Edited by sujo
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I'm so sorry for your loss. Its such a massive hole that they leave, its so heartbreaking, so devastating, but we know he had his time and we know he had to go....its just so difficult. I often whisper into my babies ears, 'please live forever' but I know they won't and I know I will have unbelievable sorrow when each of them join Gus in the Rainbow Bridge. Time makes it easier but we never forget them, never. Gus will be with you always. You made him very happy in his life and he knew he was loved.

I send you many warm hugs. We know what you are going through and if we could make it easier we would.

RIP Gus, you were so much loved and you are so much missed.

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Day #5 and it's still and quiet. Went to get the morning paper and found myself looking behind me to see if he was at my feet or that I haven't locked him out. The pain is not as intense but the tears are ready to burst at any provocation. I've started a journal especially for him, and am writing down all my love and grief for him. It's helping me so much. It's HIS book and has added a new dimension to our connection what was in this world, and to him now in the next. Love and hugs and thank you again for your sympathies. So comforting...

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