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Camera Has Died!

Guest Tess32

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Guest Tess32

I'm in a serious bit of trouble, my 50D appears to have crapped itself. It'll turn on, but there is no menu etc and you can't change any settings. Timing is wonderful, I have about 5 photoshoots lined up.

Do Canon take long to repair and does it usually cost much?

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Guest Tess32

It's weird, it 'works' (as in turns on, I can view pics and menu) if I take off any lens, but once a lens is on, it won't work.

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Guest Tess32

It appears to be 'back'...I think it got wet and needed to dry. Now I'm paranoid though so I might have to upgrade anyway. Problem is I can't afford the 7D and I'm not sure the 60D is even an upgrade.

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What you need more than an upgrade is a backup! If you are doing photoshoots in any sort of professional manner, not to have a back up is irresponsible - what happens if it goes down during a shoot?

and, yes, the 60D is a better camera than the 50D but it's not a huge change - you likely won't notice much at all image-wise.

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I think you should get another camera & repair the 50d. The other night I agreed to take pics for a friend (not a booked shoot and took along a friends camera as well as my own just in case...Murphy law says gear will let you down when you most dont want it to! Im not pro or taking bookings, I would expect it is mandatory to expect a back up camera. Im sorry your camera let you down, but if its your primary camera and you are booking 'shoots" its has obviously had alot of work. Fingers crossed a repair will happen.

Edit add: "It appears to be 'back'...I think it got wet and needed to dry." :eek: It is my impression cameras hate water, and the body of the 50D is not weather protected. I would be concerned for the reliability of this camera from hereon

Edited by redangel
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Guest Tess32

I simply can't afford a backup kja, unless I save up for an upgrade and repair the 50D. Which will still take time.

It's all very well with people saying having bodies and lenses as backups, but I have no money and I'm not doing to give up building a business because I can't outlay an initial $3000 to double what I have. If it was weddings or one off events, fair enough, but it's not and that's just how it is. Insurance is a big enough cost to begin with.

So please keep your 'irresponsible' comments to yourself, I don't need it when we are already struggling with money and this is a way I can earn a bit more and keep ahead. We have to make do with what we have.

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There are plenty of second hand sub $1000 (hell even sub-$600) cameras out there that would work perfectly fine as backups.

I'm not going to apologise for the irresponsible comment. If you are out there selling yourself as a business and a professional, then you need to step up and have the tools and responsibility of a professional business. If you blow a shoot because you don't have a backup, well, that's just not acceptable as a professional.

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Guest Tess32

Well, how about I just pull that $500 out of my butt then?

Sorry kja, but you have no idea here. I'm portfolio building in this new area, and backup bodies etc are going to have to wait. I can't even afford to get the blog up until next week.

But hey, I can still produce better shots than cashed up, inexperienced 7D owners with pretty bags, so until that's a problem, I'll make do, try and make some money for my family, and listen to people with more empathy than you.

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I dont think KJA was being personal Tess, it was I believe constructive criticism. Its just that if you are asking for money for a service you need to be able to deliver that service...what if the camera broke during a shoot that cannot be replicated, people get disappointed and its not like photographers are avail at short notice. Its a lose lose situation. The people wanting the shoot get punted as they miss out on their photos and you also lose because bad rep follows you everywhere.

A close friend of mine was given a gift voucher for 300.00 for "pet photography". The person had already collected the dollars. Getting the photographer to the house was difficult (my impression was the photographer was doing it aside from the day job for added income) When she came and I was showed the proofs focus was dodgy, dogs eyes were squinty (happens when placed in full sun on a bright day despite the owner suggesting this was likely) She was sooo disappointed. In an email back to my friend she stated "how can I help your dog squints in the sun!!" Consequently her dog club & fellow friends were told of this girl...seriously doubt she will be marketing her service in that area again.

Im not saying you are a poor photographer,I adore your zoo shots.. but I think KJA was helping you by offering good advice from experience.

Say for instance this girl my friend used had a camera fail (no backup) and the dog died before it was repaired..yes extreme case but could you imagine the disappointment.

Edit add: If someone was inexperienced, cashed up and using a 7d and taking cash for shoots with no backu why wouldnt you assume people wouldnt offer the same advice as given here??

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Back on topic, I'm sure if Tess found herself in a pickle she could always hire a back up? She also said that this isn't for weddings, just booked shoots so if something happened it isn't as if someone won't have another opportunity to get great pictures. I don't know her pricing but perhaps her pricing reflects that she is in "building a business" mode, not "I'm a pro" mode?

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Well, how about I just pull that $500 out of my butt then?

Sorry kja, but you have no idea here. I'm portfolio building in this new area, and backup bodies etc are going to have to wait. I can't even afford to get the blog up until next week.

But hey, I can still produce better shots than cashed up, inexperienced 7D owners with pretty bags, so until that's a problem, I'll make do, try and make some money for my family, and listen to people with more empathy than you.

I'm sorry you're having camera problems, and I'm glad it's sorted itself out now. I'm really hoping the bolded comment is just a generalisation and isn't directed at anyone on DOL. :( I've always liked coming to photos on DOL cause I've found it to be a friendly place.

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Guest Tess32

Yep it's business 101, I'm pretty sure we've all heard the advice before, especially when I've already been in business before. Yes ideally we need a backup, unfortunately the world isn't ideal. I'll take the risk because I need the money and I don't think my reputation is going to suffer if I had to reschedule. Sometimes, omg, I have to reschedule because my toddler is sick. Considering absolutely crap photographers get a lot of jobs, I don't think a technical issue on a shoot that can be rescheduled is enough to make me STOP trying to build a business.

Kirislin - I'm not talking about anyone in particular, relax.

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Well, how about I just pull that $500 out of my butt then?

Sorry kja, but you have no idea here. I'm portfolio building in this new area, and backup bodies etc are going to have to wait. I can't even afford to get the blog up until next week.

But hey, I can still produce better shots than cashed up, inexperienced 7D owners with pretty bags, so until that's a problem, I'll make do, try and make some money for my family, and listen to people with more empathy than you.

I'm sorry you're having camera problems, and I'm glad it's sorted itself out now. I'm really hoping the bolded comment is just a generalisation and isn't directed at anyone on DOL. :( I've always liked coming to photos on DOL cause I've found it to be a friendly place.

I agree with Kirislin, it would be really disappointing if that was directed towards to some members on DOL.

I don't think kja was being personal at all.

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Well, how about I just pull that $500 out of my butt then?

Sorry kja, but you have no idea here. I'm portfolio building in this new area, and backup bodies etc are going to have to wait. I can't even afford to get the blog up until next week.

But hey, I can still produce better shots than cashed up, inexperienced 7D owners with pretty bags, so until that's a problem, I'll make do, try and make some money for my family, and listen to people with more empathy than you.

I'm sorry you're having camera problems, and I'm glad it's sorted itself out now. I'm really hoping the bolded comment is just a generalisation and isn't directed at anyone on DOL. :( I've always liked coming to photos on DOL cause I've found it to be a friendly place.

:thumbsup: Here Here Kirislin

...and lets keep it that way. It is a friendly place where we all share ideas, images and experience.

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Exactly Kirislin....

Tess, I am one of said inexperienced 7D, pretty bag owners... Certainly not cashed up.... But also was about to offer use of my spare 7D camera body....

Am hoping your camera sorts out its title gremlins and bides you time until you're able to upgrade.


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