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Chalk And Cheese.


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My two greyhounds are so different in personality they are like chalk and cheese. I always knew they were but since I broke my foot 9 weeks ago and spent the first five weeks with them pretty much 24/7 it became more obvious. I got Stan 4 months before Maddie and he was (and still is) very laid back, not much worries him, loves everyone and wouldn't bother getting off the lounge to say goodbye when I walk out the door. I have often been walking down the main street of my suburb and someone will be getting in their car and Stan will try and get in with them :o mainly because he would rather get a lift home than walk the rest of the way but I'm sure if they drove off he would drive off into the sunset without a backward glance. Maddie on the other hand is my shadow. She doesn't really like crowds and always sticks her head under Stan if it all becomes too much. She is the last thing I see when I leave the house and her little white face is all I see at the window when I come home and pull in the driveway. I have not gone to the toilet on my own since December 2012 (when I first fostered Maddie)and as soon as I start turning off the lights at night she is curled up on the pillow next to mine before I even get in there. I adore them both and they adore each other but they are definately like chalk and cheese :)

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Our 2 shelties were like chalk and cheese.

Shelley, the sable girl was bigger than standard, which was why she was sold as a pet. She had a BIG personality, too. Think Lucy in 'I Love Lucy' in dog form... and you have Shelley. Drama queen, bossy, no situation she couldn't make worse, & with something to say about everything. Her nicknames were 'Horse' (in' as big as a horse') and 'The Mouth from the South'.

Danny, the tri-colour boy, was smaller than standard... & so pretty and sweet he was always being mistaken for a girl. Such a biddable, good & quiet boy that his nickname was Saint Danny.

You can tell a lot from nicknames!

Edited by mita
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My two English Setters are like chalk and cheese... Spartan is smart, willful and noisy. James is sweet and gentle but a bit dumb :laugh:

I'm actually aslo surprised how different my two weims are. Ari is again, smart, willful and nothing phases her at all. Lulu is gentle, a little sensitive and while smart, requires confidence to complete a task. they are mother and daugther.

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Stan is definately on the thick side :laugh: dog love him. There are only two things that really phase him one is thunder the other is poo. He has a poo phobia like I've never seen in a dog. If we are walking along and there is a poo he will do everything he can to avoid it. Most dogs will have a sniff... not my Stanley :laugh:

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Gotta love the Grey's stans mum. I adore their eye's. Yours sound just so lovely. My 2 are definitely chalk & cheese too but they get so well together & they both adore my OH & I.

My male Sonny is the boss though he is the biggest softy & has a nature to die for.Just loves life. He is practically bomb proof as nothing much phases him & if something does, he goes & checks it out &

it's all good. He loves to be clean & smell good, doesn't mind getting his clothes dirty but loves me to groom him straight away so he is all pretty again ASAP. He runs up & puts himself in

the dog bath all ready for me :laugh:

My girl is a real sweetheart & is very affectionate. A real tail wagger in every sense. She smiles at us all the time. She is a very nervy little girl though & reacts to pretty much everything. Loves people

but not other dogs. Hates crowds & loud noises, completely shuts down & like your Maddie, hides near Sonny with her head under his tummy when it all gets too much. She is very feisty to though & will get pushy

with other dogs if she is allowed. She hates being clean with a passion. Down & dirty is my girl :laugh: Doesn't like smelling of anything apart from poo :o Hates being groomed as well.

Isn't it funny how different they can be ? They both have one thing in common, they both love a cuddle all the time :laugh: When I go out anywhere the first & last thing I see are these 2 beautiful black & white

very faces poking their noses out ( one with a big fluffy pelican in it as Stella is a toy sucker) of the especially made side gate we have for them with a slot cut out of it so they can see out. So darn cute :heart:

Edited by BC Crazy
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Haha, I can't go to the toilet alone either! Max immediatly brings me a toy to throw for her ("Hey, seeing as though you're sitting there doing nothing, how about you play with me!") and Boston tries to get in to see what's going on, or eat my undies (typical boy :rofl: )

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Haha, I can't go to the toilet alone either! Max immediatly brings me a toy to throw for her ("Hey, seeing as though you're sitting there doing nothing, how about you play with me!") and Boston tries to get in to see what's going on, or eat my undies (typical boy :rofl: )

:rofl: :rofl:

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) and Boston tries to get in to see what's going on, or eat my undies (typical boy :rofl: )

OMG Alvin does that too! The door now gets firmly shut in his face so I can pee in peace.

Esme (SBT) always likes to check out what's in the bowl afterwards.:laugh:

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Charlie and Emmy are chalk and cheese. Charlie is my tough guy with a lot of attitude. Full of himself and believes that he rules the world. Emmy is my total sweetheart, she is such an airhead and she never put a paw wrong. She is a very soft dog. They really love each other. Now, you throw in Skeeter.. he is the goofy, happy, easy going, laid back pup who absolutely adores Charlie and Emmy (and Charlie and Emmy loves him too).

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My 3 are all different too - except when they want something... then they are all clingy... lol!

I haven't been to the bathroom without a chaperone since I left home and got my first "only mine" dog... and after 25 years of it, it seems strange when I go to someone else's house and don't have a toilet buddy... *grin*

Zeddy is definitely Mummy's girl - she likes to be wherever I am.

Trouble is a crazy Labrador - she will come and demand pats on a regular basis, or be off checking if anything has changed in the back yard since she was out there 30 mins ago. This can alternate with leading Pickles or my fosters in a merry game of zoomies.

Pickles is hot and cold - sometimes she wants to be as close to me as she can, and other times she couldn't care less if I even exist.


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Love all the stories everyone :) Glad I'm not the only one that doesn't go to the toilet on my own :laugh:

Clyde I love your dogs names...Alvin and Esme... classic.

BC Crazy our dogs sound very similar. Love the faces sticking through the gate, a bit like this....


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Glad I'm not the only one that doesn't go to the toilet on my own :laugh:

We had a cat named Timothy we had to warn visitors about... not going to the toilet, but taking a bath.

Tim found this behaviour totally weird that people would sit in a 'pond' of water, He'd get into the bathroom & stand up against the bath rim... & stare unbelieving at the person in the bath. Then he'd get up & walk around the rim, stretching down with one paw to test...'Is this really water?' Tim also happened be terribly awkward & a few times, fell in with the person. Which didn't teach him (he was none too bright) but just made him more amazed that people would sit in water... and so it would go on. Visitors were told to shut the bathroom door very firmly.

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