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Score One Against Bsl: Officer Shoots Himself Trying To Kill Apbt


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California deputy accidentally shot himself while trying to kill a dog that he said was threatening his life on Wednesday, but video captured by a local television station later showed the animal much smaller than reported and peacefully playing with children.

According to a Riverside County sheriff’s spokesperson, the deputy was serving an eviction notice at around 2 p.m. on Wednesday when a “large” dog tried to attack him, KCAL reported.

“A dog came at the deputy in an aggressive manner,” Deputy Armando Munoz said, according to The Press-Enterprise. “The deputy, (attempting to defend himself) pulled his service weapon, shot one round, and injured himself in the leg.”

Edited by sandgrubber
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The dog did run at the police man and was barking (the owner admitted this). The police man didn't know that the dog wasn't going to bite him.

If he had shot and killed the dog that would have been pretty tragic but what was he supposed to have done?

Dogs in front yards = bad idea.

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The dog did run at the police man and was barking (the owner admitted this). The police man didn't know that the dog wasn't going to bite him.

If he had shot and killed the dog that would have been pretty tragic but what was he supposed to have done?

Dogs in front yards = bad idea.

The news story is incomplete and we don't know what happened. We don't know if the officer asked someone to control the dog. We don't know what body language went along with the barking. We don't know if the dog had any history. We don't know if the officer had a phobia of dogs or of pit bulls. We don't even know if the officer was trying to serve notice on the house where the dog was.

But I'd say someone who shoots himself trying to shoot a dog is someone who shouldn't have a gun.

In the video, the owner admits the dog was barking, but not that it was aggressive. Looks to me like a Hispanic ghetto area of Riverside . . . having a dog behind a robust fence is 'good practice' for such areas. Animal Control is generally glad not to have animals running loose.

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hahaha I shouldnt laugh but what a doosh, jimmy two toes lol.

:rofl::rofl: He sounds like a trigger happy cop who probably shouldn't be carrying a gun. Of course a dog will bark when a stranger comes onto their property.

The dog owners should not have had their dog in the front yard.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately its not a laughing manner.

In the US every halfwit rentacop carries a gun, and usually their firearms training consists of "Hi, here's you gun."

Unfortunately all the crims have guns too, so its just a sad recipe for death.

I watched a couple of episodes of one of those ultra-low budget "reality" shows on 7-3, the ones that show pawn shops etc, this one was about a gun-shop.

It was REALLY scary. Halfwit hillbillies buying and selling assault rifles. In one episode some redneck bought in his SEVEN year old daughter to buy her "first gun."

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Unfortunately its not a laughing manner.

In the US every halfwit rentacop carries a gun, and usually their firearms training consists of "Hi, here's you gun."

Unfortunately all the crims have guns too, so its just a sad recipe for death.

I watched a couple of episodes of one of those ultra-low budget "reality" shows on 7-3, the ones that show pawn shops etc, this one was about a gun-shop.

It was REALLY scary. Halfwit hillbillies buying and selling assault rifles. In one episode some redneck bought in his SEVEN year old daughter to buy her "first gun."

Yup. Gun stuff in the US is scary. In Florida, where I live, they are now working on legislation to make it legal to carry concealed weapons on university campuses. Looks like it is going to pass because the gun lobby folks have convinced people that this will make things safer. The guys licensed to carry concealed weapons are supposed to prevent crime! To get a license you have to have no felonies, be over 21, and pass some rinky-dink gun safety course. Teaching kids to shoot is pretty common. Semi-automatics are all over the place.

Not funny as it is, I have to laugh when a half-wit cop shoots himself in the foot.

Edited by sandgrubber
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