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Clipping Maltese/shi Tzu


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Had our 18 month old clipped yesterday at vets. Not first time- they did very close clip and she is now a different dog- she is nervous, licking her feet, pads, shaking, licking her rear end, scratching her ears, and won't be picked up.

Her whole personality has changed from an outgoing happy little dog to a nervous "nellie"

She won't let us look at feet where normally she will roll over and she allows us to examine her all over.

Did they hurt her, drop her or what- any suggestions please

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Hi Brookie :rofl:

A friend of mine has the same cross breed you have and recently they had the same thing done, and now it's become so nervous and skittish, they have it on strong medication atm !

They are trying to blame the groomers at their vets where it was done, but i had noticed previously it had some slight tendencies when she introduced it to me :cool:

Does everything that you described your dog doing, and worse..

Its so bad, they have actually gone out and bought another similar puppy to try to calm it down..

It's the worse case i've ever seen in a dog :)

I'M not sure what to suggest sorry, but i hope your dog comes good :mad

Hugs for Nellie...

I do hope someone wise on here can help you with this xx

Edited by Jules loves Joey and Renae
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Thanks Jules-hope it is not like that- she has great personality, outgoing, very sociable and nothing like she is now.

She has shown no tendencies like this before


Hi Brookie :rofl:

A friend of mine has the same cross breed you have and recently they had the same thing done, and now it's become so nervous and skittish, they have it on strong medication atm !

They are trying to blame the groomers at their vets where it was done, but i had noticed previously it had some slight tendencies when she introduced it to me :cool:

Does everything that you described your dog doing, and worse..

Its so bad, they have actually gone out and bought another similar puppy to try to calm it down..

It's the worse case i've ever seen in a dog :)

I'M not sure what to suggest sorry, but i hope your dog comes good :mad

Hugs for Nellie...

I do hope someone wise on here can help you with this xx

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Hi again Brookie:)

Have you had a chance to say anything bout this to the groomers or vet at the place where she was done yet?

might be a good idea to have a chat to them about it...

I feel so sorry bout ur situation :)

Tried to phone last night bot not open again to 9am this morning. Will be definitely speaking with them :cool:

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just a quick pop in here to see if you have spoken yet to vet?

I'm bout to leave in a moment but just wanted to see how its all going ?

Vet not in until 9.30am now 9.20- will post later

Have spoken to vet, who was not at clinic when clip was done. Most apologetic and we are taking the real "Brookie" in now- she suggests hydro cortisone shot which we are not happy about due to long term effects of cortisone.

Will update later.

Thanks for your concern

Photo a couple of weeks ago

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just a quick pop in here to see if you have spoken yet to vet?

I'm bout to leave in a moment but just wanted to see how its all going ?

Vet not in until 9.30am now 9.20- will post later

Have spoken to vet, who was not at clinic when clip was done. Most apologetic and we are taking the real "Brookie" in now- she suggests hydro cortisone shot which we are not happy about due to long term effects of cortisone.

Will update later.

Thanks for your concern

Photo a couple of weeks ago



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Jemappelle :thumbsup:

Does your dog have a red rash? May be clipper burn. If it is clipper burn - do not take your dog back there. There is absolutely no reason for it. I always ask clients to stay with their dogs for the first few clips, to reassure their dog and also see how I treat the dog.

I do a lot of anxious/nervous/aggressive dogs that have previously been groomed in parlours/vets.

I have had clients bring me dogs that have previously been clipper burned/ nicked/cut all over. :thumbsup::eek::eek:

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If you have a dog that is not used to regular clipping (ie 6 to 8 week schedule) it can be a very frightening experience to be groomed even with the most experienced and gentle groomer in the world. The kindest thing you can do for a coated breed that will need clipping is to have it done regularly from a very early age. This is why good poodle breeders shave the face feet and tail of babies several times before they go to their new homes and why responsible owners book their babies in on a regular basis from the time they come home. If they are used to the noises and routines of a grooming parlour there is far less chance of their being terrified. Good luck with your little one.

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If you have a dog that is not used to regular clipping (ie 6 to 8 week schedule) it can be a very frightening experience to be groomed even with the most experienced and gentle groomer in the world. The kindest thing you can do for a coated breed that will need clipping is to have it done regularly from a very early age. This is why good poodle breeders shave the face feet and tail of babies several times before they go to their new homes and why responsible owners book their babies in on a regular basis from the time they come home. If they are used to the noises and routines of a grooming parlour there is far less chance of their being terrified. Good luck with your little one.

I agree with everything frufru said.

I know its hard but dont jump to the conclusion that the groomer is "bad". Especially when none of us but the owner has even seen it.

Could be many things...was it clipped so short because it was matted? Is it just an allergic reaction to the shampoo which the groomer would have no idea about previously? Is it acting funny because everyone reacted badly to the look of the groom making the dog think it had done something wrong? Or was it just plain clipper irritation (which most good groomers wouldn't do but hey sometime #^@& happens)?

Hopefully the puppy will be feeling better in no time.

Edited by Ari
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we once had to take our shihtzu "zac" to another salon one time, he was so upset and nervous when we got him back that to this day I'm still sure they must have hit or yelled at him, will never take him there again. We take him to another one now and he's very happy, never had a problem!

I got a bad vibe from the other place though, when we went to pick him up, the lady goes "oh the little shihtzu, he was so loud and naughty all day"

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Try washing your dog again with a shampoo you would normally use, some dogs if they've never had a short clip can feel really different and will act strange until the hair grows back a little. Another problem I have noticed dogs with long hair on their tails sometimes get very irritated when clipped too short because they can feel the hair touching their back when the tail is up and the backs of their legs when the tail is down.

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Frufru, I got a bad vibe when we went to pick him up, Not when I left him there.

What I said in my post is that the lady gave me a bad vibe by what she said to me after he was already groomed.

I would never leave my dog with someone I didn't trust. People are so quiclk to point the finger here sometimes.

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Hey People do you get your hair cut at the doctors ? Most Vets are flat out being Vets why take your dog to them to be groomed. What do they slip your dog when you aren't there so they can make the fast buck ? The lowest cut i have had to do on a dog is a 5 whilst that is short its not so short that the dog has no dignity for god sake. Dogs have feelings and a certain sense of pride in themselves. how many of you know of a dog that has hidden its rear end because it was shaved too short and it either hurts or it is embarrassed. I have had poodles etc that have displayed this problem. Please take your dog to some one who will treat your dog with some respect after all the dog is the client it is up to you as the primary carer to protect and look after him /her.


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Dogcop I am offended by your comments, I groom within a vet clinic and no dog is given anything without the owners permission, I also manage many dogs that have been to groomers (outside a vet clinic) with disastrous results. If you've only ever had to go as short as a 5# blade you don't see too many neglected dogs. I have had dogs that I could barely get through with a 10# blade.

One of my previous dogs (a maltesex) would behave strange as soon as her coat grew long as gorgeous as she looked I always kept her short so she was happy.

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You may be interested to know Dogcop that there are many professional Groomers who actually work in VET CLINICS. Vet Nurses and Vets do not clip any dog that enters our Clinic unless to prepare it for surgery!


It is actually difficult to properly groom a dog that is zonked. and send it home looking decent.

In fact I groom many dogs that the owners has insisted need to be sedated to Groom, and in fact that has not been the case. Simply untrained and not groomed at home properly.

Yesterday I sent home a Standard poodle in Lion Clip, and two Shihtzus in full coat complete with top knots. As well as several all offs because they were matted to the skin, and such dogs are common at this time of year.

Vet Clinics who do not employ a Groomer, may resort to all off Vet Clips, many times because they are dealing with matted messes.

You make assumptions without any true knowledge of the subject.

In my Town we have two Vet Clinics who employ GROOMERS. Both of us have a background in the exhibition of coated Breeds. We actually know what the dogs are supposed to look like, often have more knowledge on the presentation of the dog than it's owner.

In fact for most of my Grooming career, I have work with a Clinic.

I find your comments offensive and uneducated.

Yep some folk may have had bad experiences ANYWHERE, but to suggest

that it is the norm at a Vet Clinic is ROT.

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