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Everything posted by Diva

  1. Takes mine a while, although they are big dogs they are delicate eaters If they disposed of it that quickly at my place I'd know they had buried it for later.
  2. Mine get them as a chew treat, not really a meal as they don't have enough meat on them for mine. But it takes them ages to work through them.
  3. Kinda,but I know what you mean,I am envious of those who can get brains and lungs! Go figure. I can get everything else I want just never ever found those bits! Oh and my guys LOVE bull testicles! I've found pig's lungs - at an Asian butcher - look like foam rubber and the dogs were not impressed. Lambs' brains are very expensive. And now I'm envying your testicles, and that just doesn't sound right!!!
  4. I don't do much chopping, the only time I feed a finely chopped meat is the one day a week I feed vegies (which I'm not convinced they need but aren't sure they don't, just to fence sit on that question ). Most other food gets fed on the bone. A cow tongue might get cut in half, but not chopped. I don't go for a completley balanced meal everytime, it's balance over the week that I think about. Of course if I got a whole spleen I'd have to cut it up - is it weird to be envious of someone because they got a cow's spleen ?
  5. If you do need to help her walk, a towel around her waist that you can hold the ends of from above her can help save your back, basically she is walking but you are taking some of her weight and steadying her with the towel. My girl didn't get a reoccurance of it but then she was already old and only lived another 2 years.
  6. I have had an elderly dog with it, about 12 when she got it I think. A lot of intensive nursing initially as she had to be carried out to the toilet etc, but she recovered completely.
  7. I do very little preparation, a bit of bagging up of things bought in bulk, a little juicing. I've never spent that long!
  8. If you brought it in at a reasonable price - say around what Ziwipeak is - I'd try it. I don't feed any canned food normally (except sardines) but have just started trying the Ziwipeak tripe out of curiosity. A can of that is about 44% tripe I think (off the top of my head, so probably a bit out).
  9. Thanks Cosmolo, I've done a search on her and found the phone number, so I'll pass that on. Thanks again.
  10. Hi Any ideas on who is a good professional behaviouralist to recommend to a family in Perth with a rescued greyhound showing some aggression towards people? Sounds from the little I have heard like resource guarding or fear aggresssion, not prey drive. Before anyone asks yes they have tried the organisation that they got the dog from already. And I don't have any more details, it's a friend of a friend scenario and I'm just looking for names and contact details for someone skilled who they could get to come and have a look at the situation. Thanks!
  11. I'm not really a BARF feeder, I feed vegies (silverbeet, broccoli, kale, pumpkin, carrot etc) once a week and only because I've been told the sky will fall in if I don't - and I can't prove it won't, LOL. But I don't feed any fruit. I grow a lot of fruit and berries and they can free graze on them if they wish. Mostly they don't, but one likes raspberries and another will have a munch on a pear occassionally. Very small volumes though. I think if they truly needed fruit they would take more advantage of the many opportuites they have to help themselves? But I may be wrong.
  12. Thanks, I'll look for the canned version. I expect if you tried to post some the scent dogs at customs would have field day, I can just imagine their faces coming across that lot! I have asked at a number of different butchers and meat suppliers, but they act like I am a health inspector trying to set them up.
  13. For the overweight dog, I'm pretty strict, or else I tend to overfeed her. I still go by how she looks and feels but am more inclined to weigh the food I give so I know how consistent I'm being. For the others, I go by how they look and feel and don't weigh what they get. Edited to add I weight at the vets, they don't mind just dropping by to use the scales.
  14. Mine sometimes get cows' tongues. I hate the things, one part of the animal that freaks me out. I think they make a fine meal for the dogs though.
  15. Diva


    It's a shame, they are so gorgeous in coat and well groomed.
  16. I haven't read all the posts, but I'm jealous of those who have said they can access green tripe - I'm in Canberra, any ideas on sources? I think it's illegal to sell it fresh, but even canned would be worth trying. And has anyone seen any infor comparing trace mineral levels in game or wild raised meat ( wild rabbit, wild hare, feral deer etc)compared to farmed sources? Curious, and hoping to take advantage of all your research.
  17. I expect you'll get some advice on crating which others are much more qualified than I to give, so I'll leave it to them. But asking a 9 week old puppy not to be rumbunctious is tough, it sort of comes with the territory. With a good routine and consistency she will learn that inside is for calm time, but it won't come quickly at that age. She's a baby, and babies are hard work!
  18. Diva


    Thanks, that was what I thought, my breed also drops their undercoat in summer and regrows their own 'doona' in winter, so I get that. They did look terrible, and it didn't seem like a good idea - maybe it was really an excuse to avoid the grooming work under the guise of helping them cope with the heat.
  19. Obviously and undeniably the mainstream dietary and other approaches are the most important for a case like this, but I also have a recipe for a herbal tea that is said to help, I'll dig it out and PM you. Parsley is also said to be good and is easily available in tablet form from health food stores or if her diet includes vegies you can use that way. Poor puppy, good luck.
  20. Diva


    Every Samoyed I have met has had the sweetest nature, but I have met a few that their owners have clipped off in summer and they have looked horrible. How do they cope with heat, do they need clipping or is that misguided?
  21. As you mention it sounds like prey drive more than 'normal' dog to dog agression. I have high prey drive dogs, so I make sure they meet little dogs when they themselves are young. I find that once they realise a little dog is still a dog they don't switch on that prey stare. I'm still very reluctant to run them off leash with little dogs because of the size and speed difference but it's no longer a prey thing. Maybe you need to introduce him to some little dogs in controlled circumstances so he can figure out it's still just a dog, not a rabbit in drag.
  22. So sorry, I'm not one to pray much but I'll make an exception for Sweep.
  23. Diva

    Outside Puppy

    I have no problems with dogs being kept outside, but lots of concerns with a dog being alone for long periods. The main reason mine sleep inside is so we can spend time in each others company, time just hanging out beyond the walking and training sessions. If I was at home all day to spend time with them I'd probably have them sleep outside - yes even in a cold winter, but they are a breed bred for such conditions (and have each other for company). I appreciate the time you are putting in to do the research Sluggo. Many people get a dog not realising they are essentially a pack animal that needs company, interaction and stimulation, not just exercise. It is very important to get the right breed and individual for your lifestyle, but inevitably you'll also have to make some adjustments to ensure success. Most of our lifestyles today don't enable us to just 'add a dog' without a bit of effort to make it work. Good luck.
  24. That's what I have to do with my youngest, very energetic dog. She's happy and healthy but you can see every rib. She only eats as much as she wants to, so small more frequent meals are the only way to keep her looking half-decent. I'm hoping she grows out of it. Vet checks shows nothing wrong and coat etc are fine. I think your GSD looks fine in the photos, hard to tell from the pics perhaps but she doesn't look too thin to me.
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