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Everything posted by Aziah

  1. It isn't slander. Yeah, good. I think you don't know what slander is. Look it up. I think you're petty and rather rude.
  2. Good grief! How did this topic of naughty Corgis turn into slandering of the Royal Family?!
  3. Is Dubbo close enough? If so, you can go past Macquarie Breeders
  4. What a happy boy, and such a relief to hear he's progressing so well. Good boy Bailey!
  5. All our good thoughts heading Bailey's way - here's to a successful recovery!
  6. Here's hoping the x-ray answers some questions and treatment can then begin. Good thoughts for you both :)
  7. I myself have had it - recover can be rather long winded but it happens in the end.
  8. Mine just arrived - shall report back :D
  9. For anyone else interested, it's now on Ozentries.
  10. No the majority of judges are not drawn towards full tails.
  11. Aziah


    So sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself.
  12. Has anyone seen a schedule for the Hunter Kennel Club show scheduled for 21/22/23 September? Can't find it in the gazettes (unless I've missed it) nor online... Anyone?
  13. from here http://www.michvet.com/library/neurology_masticatory_myositis.aspProbably of little help but possibly part of the "what next" box?
  14. They can be very high energy IMO and perhaps a breed that is calm in general would be a better option. I'll give another vote to the Whippet.
  15. A mixture of stews that you can make up, mince and you can always soak dry (if you feed it) and mix it in with some mince etc.
  16. He's not x GSD in my mind... Probably Spitz - probably Sibe?
  17. Edited: couldn't see the pic at first!
  18. All your threads end like this - you always blame the vet. Get the painkillers - don't make excuses.
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