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Got Spots

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Everything posted by Got Spots

  1. I was very happy with this however due to allergies in one of my whippets have had to stop using it. It seemed to make the condition worse. So she is just on Billinghurst Barf patties. Currently considering re-introducing it for the younger dog to keep the weight on her.
  2. with my 2 whippets for recalls we turn it into a game one of us holds the dogs and the other runs off down usually the beach but can do it anywhere then turns around and calls them in a really excited voice. Then the person holding them lets go. It helps that they like to run but when they reach the calling person they get made a fuss of - lots of excited praise, and sometimes send them back the otherway We have done this with my 2yo rescue adn the pup and they have quite good recalls even off prey if not too focussed As for loose leash walking talk to Steve from K9 force he has a really good distance program that I saw demonstrated at a training camp - it was AWESOME !!!!!
  3. I was recommended this by a Vet dermatologist for my whippet with allergy skin issues and it seems to keep her skin more moisturised and shiney Just make sure you dilute it more than it says b/c they can end up a little oily
  4. I have signed up for TID for this year starting soon with my 18mo whippet - I figured that Huski has done such an awesome job with Daisy I might see some improvement in a very anxious timid whippet. A quick question: i thought initially she is prey driven - being a whippet, and she does love playing with her squirrel tail ball, and I have been working on her to get her to tug and she is improving. but now I can't decide b/c I did some basic training the other day with cooked chicken and her focus was great so I was thinking that it may be food drive that I work with. At training she does better with food than prey - too nervous to tug at training but I haven't really got the drive up or done the work with prey
  5. Yep my 2 are perpetually covered in grazes, scratches and whatever else. All procured doing zoomies despite me having moved all branches and other sharp things. BAH
  6. Do you have anymore photos of your house guest - - I am in love, she is gorgeous Wonderful pictures
  7. Kirislin you are right - Bella is very lightly brindled, and the dantiest little whippet She weighs a grand total of 8.6kg (weighed today), unlike the other fatty 12kg
  8. The ever beautiful Bella Less than lady like - Lucy Full flight - still learning to use new camera Tis the season to be naughty - very unco-operative models (Lucy sulked the whole time)
  9. PICASA It is free and a good starting place definately Also GIMP if you want to do some more technical stuff - also free
  10. I know you prefer down near the coast But We use the Lamington Terrace Vets in Nambour They are lovely the vet nurses love our dogs and give them heaps of treats and cuddles. The groomer is a lovely lady who adores dogs and does a good job (neighbours poodle is clipped there). The vet is a lovely lady and nothing is ever to much trouble, she is gentle with the dogs and they love her, even my nervous one. They have a cat called Claude who sits on the front counter to greet you - I love him. there are lots of pics of their dogs etc They love BARF diet Also happy to fit you in on the day - never an issue Or if you pop by they don't mind a hello and for you to weigh your dog. Big recommendation Have used Palmwoods vet and Rigby st nambour vets as well - no problems just not as friendly or accommodating
  11. Humans also cook their food !!!!!! Killing any tapeworm/cysts
  12. I am teaching bow at the moment and got it within 2 minutes with luring + a clicker I put the food down btw their front legs but if they crane their necks they dont get it until their legs bend a bit and I click. I then up the criteria to legs bending more until elbows on the ground, does take multiple clicks iwth more bending each time. Worked beautifully with one the other just plonks herself on the ground I also have an advantage is my whippets naturally bow at times so I make use of that
  13. Then you get boarding facilities and dog training facilities that won't accept dogs unless they have had C5 - you can't win
  14. Tassie is very proud of its Hydatid status b/c it was such a big problem. I think it is a just to be sure measure You could always use Dr B's barf patties - my 2 whippies eat half a pattie each a night, it works out to be $1.60 per pattie which is quite good and they look awesome. Alternatively you could give one every second night and go for Raw Meaty Bones on the other nights to make it cheaper with chicken carcasses, lamb shanks etc
  15. Since being in the GC hinterland I have never seen so many ticks in my life - OMG Now I am paranoid. My vet dermatologist suggested just checking b/c of her severe skin allergies, however I am scared still I know Advantix and Frontline Plus are ok - she itches less with advantix than frontline What is permoxin like to use I am reluctant to use Proban - organophosphate - arrrrggghhh Don't like collars What should I do
  16. The best thing I have tried for a barking crate dog is from Susan Garrett's Crate games Put a crate cover or blanket over the dog but leave the front bit open - if she barks then close it so she can't see out. When she is quite open it. If she really good with it open, open a side section, then back then side. If she barks close it. Works very nicely for our barker. Can only give advice for crate sorry. If she is good then you can also give treaties through the back
  17. :) Love Camp Tailwaggers Went to the K9 force camp The accommodation is excellent, the dog yard is secure. I really really really loved the bushwalking tracks around the property (so did the dogs) - loved all the names esp Whippet Way he he $150 for 2 nights - self contained Wonderful view over Tweed Heads Can't speak highly enough of them Great training facility too Off leash enclosed area for dogs to run
  18. Great pics - my black and white whippet is doing a good job of sulking (Lucy) Brown and white (Bella) - the one who did a good job of fear avoidance
  19. Thanks I have been using a rake for cows on her it seems to work well Not too worried about hacking the coat - you should see what she looks like as a work in progress when she gets sick of me - he he he he very funny
  20. That was hilarious - your huge lap dog Made mine look pathetic. Bet he wasn't as bony. So I sat next to you border lover - ah At least I got to pat your gorgeous dog !!!!!
  21. Ah hah Now I know who you all are !!! We should have had name tags on with our normal names and our DOL names I only new Huski but recognised Miss Monster's Monster. I was the one with the pathetic whippets - nasty barking and snarling black and white one, then the bony lap dog I think I need another dog that I can really really train in drive - these 2 area bit blonde at times but heaps improved thanks to Jane BIG THANKYOU to Steve LOVED the whole day especially the second half with the demo's I learnt heaps and heaps We stayed at CT the Thursday adn Friday nights - loved every minute minus the ones where the nasty whippets barked We drove back via Harbour Town to do a spot of factory outlet shopping - Ralph Lauren shop had a half price day, we spent 30min in the que not happy Back in Nambour now dredding work tomorrow
  22. I am going home at Christmas and from the description my mum has given is that our poor old BC at home needs a good groom It seems to be my job whenever I go home to tidy up the dog Basically I can foresee what it is going to be like and after some advice on how to tackle the problem and tools I might need She will have matted hair down both her back legs and little on her tail and around her ears and just lots of dead under coat I usually resort to chopping all the matted hair off her back legs b/c they are usually quite dense then brush Should I use a furminator on her for the rest of the job on her coat to clean her up a bit - she is medium haired
  23. I am now very excited - have been too busy at work doing 13 hr shifts in intensive care - 6 days then 3 off then 5 nights - it was chaos I have now recovered and am very excited Esp with the beagle demo - heard so many stories our 2 devious whippies will be there We head down to GC tomorrow until Sat so I get some shopping done he he he
  24. Our BC in Tassie LURVES possums She will bark at a tree non-stop until dad shoots the possum (brushtails only) - then she is quiet. Possum then matures on our "backlawn" (area where there is no bush and grass tries to grow) for approx 1 week then decides it is good to eat. Needless to say we always wear shoes out side you never know what will be lying around. She was at the vet for a week with pulmonary oedema from her dilated cardiomyopathy (at diagnosis) - she wouldn't eat the fresh chicken wings or expensive dog food that was offered but ate the matured dead possum in the backyard. YUCK Having said that she is 10 this year, deaf and partially blind but manages to hunt wallaby successfuly. Particularly good at hunting roadkill
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