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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Did you watch the video of the cattle prod? If they were using it to make the dog run faster then why didn't the lids open? The lure went past twice...dog didn't run so what was the point of the exercise? Why was the person videoing the thing just filming the bloke doing the prodding and I think the most glaring mistake they made was why was there no GSOD (commonly known as the greyhound scream of death)? There was audio of them talking but not a sound from the dog. That dog would've been screaming and thrashing around in the box if it had been zapped with 6000 volts in fact, it would've probably killed it. Reeks of a anti racing style set up to me.
  2. OMG. If I didn’t have my hands full with my little troup of ageing beauties, I be hurtling down south. Heartstopping little love. Isn't she just the cutest little button?!
  3. This tiny little girl is Midgy, she is listed as a JRT cross and is 12 years young. Midgy is available from the RSPCA in the Blue Mountains NSW. http://adoptapet.com.au/animal/animalDetails.asp?searchTypeId=4&animalType=3&state=2&submitbtn=Find+Animals&pagesize=15&task=view&tpage=5&searchType=4&animalid=455316
  4. Sounds like Gus. We joke if anyone broke in he would help them out with the TV and bring them the smaller valuables. Max, the huge mixed-breed down the road was home alone when thieves went thro' his house. But he happily joined in the looting. The thieves emptied the fridge of 'tasties' & closed him in the garden shed to have a feast. He was burping for hours afterwards. His owners said they could believe Max stood beside the crooks helping them choose what he liked best from the fridge. Stan would love that! The only thing that would upset him is if they drove off without him, he loves going in the car :laugh:
  5. Nope I have greyhounds they love everyone, Stan wouldn't care if they were an axe murderer.
  6. My vet back home faxed Stan and Maddie's history through last week before Maddie had her surgery and didn't charge me anything. My GP charged me $35 to send my own history to my new doctor down here though.
  7. Bunnings to review the dog policy. http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/nov/09/bunnings-to-review-dog-friendly-policy-after-five-year-old-girl-bitten-in-store
  8. Too many people don't control their kids or their dogs so to me it's just a recipe for disaster. Dogs cocking their legs on stuff and what about runny poos? You need to hose that off concrete, brings a whole new meaning to "mop and bucket in aisle 4" There's no way I'd take my two, last thing I need is my dogs being attacked again. I'm sure they can get through life without a trip to Bunnings.
  9. Stan ate roo for years until we moved down here and I couldn't get it, never stopped him eating anything else.
  10. I started fostering greyhounds after my old Ridgeback cross passed away at age 16. I swore I'd never own another dog, my heart was broken but being on my own and having no kids I so missed having a dog in the house. Stan was my first foster grey and an instant foster failure, then 10 foster greys later in walked Miss Maddie and my little family was complete, foster failure number two You do become attached, I cried a river of tears over most of my fosters that went off to their new homes, some not so much lol. It's a wonderful thing to know they're off to a new life and then a new hopeful little face appears at your door. I loved fostering and I do miss it but Maddie can be a bossy little cow so no more for us :)
  11. I had never walked my dogs on a shared path until I moved down here and now it's where we walk everyday, along the foreshore with heaps of bike riders. They either ring their bell or yell out "bike" so the dog walkers know they are behind you. My two walk like a pair of drunks coming home from the pub at 3am, they're all over the shop so I'm constantly looking over my shoulder and so far I've had no problems but it doesn't take me much to snap these days so if someone acted recklessly then yeah...I'd definitely give them a serve.
  12. Cody is a 12 year old CKCS This dear old man is available from the Burwood East RSPCA in Victoria. http://adoptapet.com.au/animal/animalDetails.asp?animalType=3&state=3&tpage=1&searchType=4&animalid=452304
  13. I wouldn't feel too bad, she is a Greyhound :) I hate her killing things, those doves are her specialty as they are not real quick on take off, but she is very sly and cunning and incredibly fast. Luckily Stan isn't that interested, if a bird bumped into him while he was asleep on the lawn he might have a swipe but he's that clumsy he'd probably miss it anyway.
  14. Maddie kills birds in the yard, even if I was out there with her I would have no chance of stopping her as she can cover the whole yard in a few strides. I saw her snap a Mynah bird mid flight out of a tree once, she has zero recall but even if she did I wouldn't have a chance of getting a word out.
  15. Thank you DB, hope you and the family are well my friend :) It seems I've come out in sympathy with you and developed a form of arthritis HW , thankfully I'm currently pain free and hoping to stay that way Oh no! Bloody hideous disease, I hope you stay pain free for as long as possible
  16. Thank you DB, hope you and the family are well my friend :)
  17. This one is a desk calendar though DD so you don't have to find a spot to hang it :D
  18. This little sweetheart came up on my FB yesterday, what a gorgeous old man Chucky is listed as a Jack Russell cross, he is 12 years old and waiting for his forever home at Save-A-Dog Scheme in Melbourne. http://saveadog.org.au/animals-adoptions/601/small-dogs/1049/
  19. Stan (Mr September) and Maddie (Miss August) feature in this years Hound Exposure calendar Photos taken by Doler AnnieK and all monies raised go to greyhound rescue. Available here... http://www.anniescoats.org/houndexposure.htm https://web.facebook.com/anniescoats/ Sorry Stan is refusing to autograph his photo, I think it's gone to his head :laugh:
  20. I'm sorry this has happened Ven When my two muzzled greyhounds were attacked 18 months ago by two dogs in the same situation as you, my boy escaped with bite marks to his legs but my girl had her shoulder ripped open and ended up at the emergency vet. One wound was stitched but another was unable to be stitched so she had quite a large open wound. She had two lots of AB's and a few weeks rest. Unfortunately she never liked other dogs much to start with but now she is even worse, my boy on the other hand was completely unaffected by the experience. Myself...well I'll never get over it. Off lead dogs in my home town of Terrigal on the Central Coast of NSW are out of control and the council simply don't care, so I moved. I hope your girl returns to her normal doggy loving self, unaffected like my boy was. My girl already had issues so I guess her behaviour becoming worse is not unusual. I reported the offending dogs in my case and the owner was forced to pay my vet bills, although she did try to get out of it. I can sympathize with your wife, the stupidity of others has taken away from me the simple pleasure of walking my greys forever.
  21. Sydney Dogs and Cats Home. https://www.facebook.com/sdch?fref=ts
  22. I don't mind at all Purdie, this thread is for everyone to share
  23. I hope to be there :) (ps. I sent you a message a while ago HazyWal, I don't think you've seen it yet) xx Ooops sorry just PMed you :)
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