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Everything posted by JRG

  1. I find that all pens need some sort of support. Unless you have a base and a lid for them the pup(s) can push them around and/or collapse them so the answer is to fasten them to at least one solid structure near where the crate is positioned. I have used verandah posts, drain pipes, fence posts, rings fixed in the wall. . . . . anything that will provide a good solid anchor. You can also use tent pegs, but they are not as good because they are close to the ground and relatively easily loosened when pressure is applied to the wall(s)
  2. I have a few of the Prestige Pet type (for bigger breed) and have found that taking a tuck in either side of the zip tightens the garment round the body. Not difficult to do and makes them fit really well.
  3. Yes, take them out once the pups are moving about well. Before that they can be lifesavers - I have had a couple of babies squashed between mum and the side of the box where there is no rail ie where the opening is. Never had one squashed against the sides where there is a rail. Now I have rails on all four sides and Mum steps over it when she wants to get out.
  4. I looked through "Litters registered" in the DogsVic magazines (2015) for you, and did not see any litters registered as born in January. In fact, not many Janpanese Spitz litters registered at all
  5. If he is registered (ANKC) he would have to be microchipped by the breeder before he was sold/registered. This would mean that he was at least 4 months old when the previous owners got him and also that they only had him a couple of months before the breakup. Would that right?
  6. Don't laugh -I have used old car/truck tyres for the determined chewers. Just make sure that they are not worn through to the metal reinforcement. If you want to use bedding you can put it in the "hole" or my dogs will lie in them like ice cream in a cone!
  7. This could be a minefield, Grimm. Tread very carefully because buying the puppy could be just the start of a long tortuous journey! First questions - do you both know the breeder of your puppy personally? Have you both seen his/her stock - not just the prospective parents? Do you both agree 100% on the advantages of getting this puppy? If so why? I ask this because I take it that you want a dog to show, she wants it for breeding - can be two very different things!
  8. As long as "show" breeders and "field" breeders aim to enhance different aspects of the breed there will be a split between the two types. The argument is who is in the "right" - make your own judgement. Just take a look at a working dog and a show dog of the same breed and make a list of the qualities you find in one type you would ideally like in the other type.
  9. I think you will find that the "standard" has also been changed over the years and , if you were to look at the original standards produced in the early days of dog showing (ie late 1800's - early 1900's), that the working dog of today fits that standard better than the modern show dog. This is certainly true of the ESS and I suspect it is also true of the other breeds mentioned. So - who should change name?
  10. I like kennels with a sloping hinged lid -at least two advantages one, the dogs sleep on the lid, and secondly it is easy to clean the inside
  11. It is with great sadness that I write that our very special girl, Petals, was given her wings on September 14th. That she has lived to over 14 years old is, in itself, a miracle - (she had been paralysed since being struck down by an unidentified virus at 17 months old) - but by sheer guts and determination she has fought and won every step of the last 13 years. She has taught us so much about persistence and optimism, and how a "can do" frame of mind can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Thank you little one - now you can chase as many butterflies as you like, your legs will not fail you, you will not fall over! Please read her story at <www.spanieljournal.com/2greaves.html> and <www.spanieljournal.com/greaves3.html> and pause to salute a great spaniel. Happy hunting Petals - we will miss you
  12. Washing the pieces of the Cuddler are a breeze. As I said it all zips apart and you can wash the stuffing as well as the cover. Lovely soft furry material too The Snooza people are near Moorabbin airport- go and have a look at the complete range. (Or bring Ziggy round to try out Rosie's Snooza - he might need the giant one!!)
  13. Have you looked at the big Snooza Cuddler? Rosie plus visitors get lost in the luxury of the soft sides and it all zips apart for washing - base, sides and all. (Also free repair if the worst happens).
  14. Great honour for a job well done http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-09-03/stamp-honour-for-dogs-who-clean-up-macquarie-island/6746672
  15. Anything from 10 months to 2+ years for first time then between 6 months and a year subsequently
  16. Sounds a bit far fetched to me considering that about half of the pups will be born breech and many will still be in their sacs. Yes, the stretching of the canal by the pup stimulates contractions but I don't think that has anything to do with its nose other than that is part of the puppy and may or may not be leading the way.
  17. The third one could be a type of Jasmine. I have one that looks similar, it will be in flower (small white)very soon and smells divine
  18. I let people rank the pups in the order they think they might like them. It is very interesting because only rarely do people choose the same pup as first preference. So, although I really do the choosing, by that time I know the people ( and pups) so well that I feel able to direct their attention to those pups that will suit them best and it is usually their second or third preference anyway.
  19. The dogs that went to Macquarrie Island to eradicate the rabbits wore GPS collars - find the bunny, click, co-ordinates go back to base and on to a map, everyone knows where the rabbit is. How simple is that!
  20. Even if they get out, mine just hang around by the car waiting to be taken out! A friend once told me never to walk my dogs off the immediate area to the yard (I live on acreage) then they would not know the area, so would not take themselves for a walk.. I have found this to be true.
  21. How big is her crate? Puppies brought up outside on concrete tend to tiddle when they feel like it, so, if the crate is too big, she will view it like a pen and not get the idea that it is her bed and bed means sleep. Ofcourse she might be doing it to get your attention, in which case, I would not be getting up 5 times a night to let her out and clean her bed. Tough love might be the answer. Note, I did not say to take the water away completely, just empty the bowl and leave only a small amount in there so as to restrict the amount she can drink after say 7pm but only if you are not feeding her later in the day. Some dogs will just drink until the bowl is empty - for the hell of it
  22. When do you feed her? Maybe just feed in the morning and then restrict her access to water later in the day, and a brisk walk before bed making sure she is stimulated to toilet by the exercise. I agree with Perse about sensory simulation, so make sure she gets a good run on grass and other surfaces (eg cold concrete) before bed time. Make life easier for yourself by removing all bedding and let her shred some newspaper seeing that she likes to do that - it will also soak up any urine for you. re her coat - give her a good rub with a moist towel soaked in a mixture of hot water and oil of eucalyptus and squeezed dry.
  23. She should not need to go to the toilet as often as that. Has she been neutered? Maybe she has a problem and should be seen by a vet.
  24. These things happen in the best regulated households - human as well as animal. Why are some people so self righteous? "-- there, but for the grace of god, go I"
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