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Everything posted by lululove

  1. I hope this makes your day as much as it made mine! http://www.buzzfeed.com/rachelzarrell/a-baby-photographer-did-a-cliche-newborn-photoshoot-starring?bffb
  2. Sorry to hear that Huga. Sid is such a beautiful pup
  3. Thanks for your responses everyone Yeah I thought it might have been too late though there is no harm in trying the vitamin e oil and ungivita ointment.
  4. Lucy broke her leg when she was 5 months old and after heading to a specialist to get second and third opinions it was decided that the best course of action was to put her leg in a splint to heal. The splint would sometimes slip and rub against her leg causing spot sores. These spot sores have healed over time but her hair at these spots never grew back. She's now just over 2 years old, so is there any chance that the hair would grow back? Or is there anything that I can put on the wound spots or aid in the hair growing back?
  5. Such a sad story!! How people can do this I will never understand!!!
  6. I might ring them up cause it's definitely a $200 excess for Lucy with a Classic Option 2!
  7. I am a bit confused about this life time cover by Petplan. Does this mean that is your dog gets an illness, like allergies, they will only covered it for one year and not into the next?
  8. I have just read through the whole thread again as I received my renewal in the mail today. I pay annually and am now in the 'dog classic option 2' and it has increased from $884 last year to $1183 this year. She has just turned two. It's a 38% increased and not as much as everyone else but wanted to add my 2c But the other thing that did really piss me off is that my excess has increased from $125 to $200!!!
  9. Bahahhahahahahha totally made my day!!!
  10. I snapped a slimy trail this morning playing. She often will get her drool on the other dogs at the park as well!!
  11. I have tears in my eyes reading your post. RIP big guy Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us in these difficult circumstances
  12. You did everything you could and was with her until the end. Rip little one xxx
  13. 12 week puppy - photos please!!!!
  14. I have heard that the robot vacs do. to clean carpet well. I would love one but hesitant that it would be a waste of money in a prodominetly carpeted house. Any personal views on this?
  15. I don't have have any advice but just want to give my condolences. I can't imagine losing a pup in this way.
  16. I got sold the Orbilocs one by a staff member at city farmers saying that it very durable, water resistant, lasts a long time etc and that it's the best one on the market. She also said that the others didn't last as long as the Orbilocs. So far so good and no complaints at all. Though it was a fair bit more expensive than the others on offer.
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