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Everything posted by Rosetta

  1. Is the garage attached to the apartment or totally separate? If there is internal access to the garage could you set up a baby gate across the doorway into the apartment. How is the lease worded - does it specifically say "dogs to be kept outside"? If not I would think it is contestable even though they told you that verbally. If they must be outside during the day is it possible to rig up some sort of tent-like shelter just outside the door so they can see in and still be protected from the elements?
  2. Just really surprised me. Don't think I've ever noticed it on a canned supermarket pet food product (other than treats of course). Makes total sense - it says it only has chicken, chicken broth and rice - blind freddy would be able to tell that's not balanced. Plenty of Freddies around :) Some people think it is OK to just feed their dog meat. There was one on that Dr Harry show who had a little Pom that was losing all his coat and investigation of the diet revealed he had meat only meals.
  3. No only not working but possibly causing them even more aggravation perhaps and worsening the aggression towards each other?
  4. I agree you should pop a note into the letterbox to let them know what is happening - I am sure they would want to know so they can address it with their trainer. Don't sign it if you don't feel comfortable - after all it is out of concern that their dogs are hurting each other. I don't know about making a noise to distract them - that might have an adverse effect on the OP's dog also??
  5. I would just try half/half of white vinegar - any brand. Try a small patch first to test the carpet. I would get a paper towel first and rub on the urine patch and take that outside to place on his toilet spot so he associates the smell as the right place to pee. Take him there regularly and use your toilet command. He just doesn't know at this stage where the right place is - he will soon learn :)
  6. I would at least seek another opinion from a different vet practice. Also how are the antibiotics being administered? An injection may be more effective than tablets.
  7. The carpet needs to be sponged with a solution of diluted vinegar to neutralise the urine smell so he does not keep going back to the same spots. You need to be patient and teach him all over again where his toilet spot is - (balcony?). Do you have a dedicated toilet spot for him? A week is not a long time for a dog to get readjusted to a new place. They don't automatically know where to "go" unless they are taught. A paper towel or cloth with the "pee" smell placed where you want him to toilet will help him learn and confine him away from carpet when you are not there. He will eventually learn and be "good" again :)
  8. Oh how I loath people who jump straight into this "solution" without trying even the most simple measures to address the problem causing the barking. Sometimes it can be as simple as bringing the dog inside - even to a laundry room at night time or for a few hours a day. People are such arses really I think I would have to say something if a pup was left outside to freeze at night though.
  9. I've met a couple of Bichons that were awesome! One fellow that I used to walk wasn't that small either :laugh: Some of them are almost the size of a mini poodle! Gorgeous dogs - and very gentle. Though the coat is probably one of the most high maintenance.
  10. That was my thought also. As long as the fences that are there are in good repair I don't think the owner would consider it their responsibility to extend the fencing - unless some commitment had been given to do so. Best to work together with the neighbour and rig up some sort of barrier that the dog can't get over. Of course if he can get into other resident's yards as well then there may be complaints from other neighbours as well and the neighbour would be obliged to contain him somehow.
  11. Best to talk to the new neighbours straight away in a non confrontational way about putting up some sort of barrier "just to be safe" as you can't watch 24/7. The difficulty is if you are renting to put something up that meets with the landlord's approval. If all the dividing fences are like that it seems the dog could stray into other people's courtyards as well?
  12. Going to cafes and other crowded places is obviously stressing her and other patrons will get annoyed at being growled and barked at - stressful all round. As others have recommended a good behaviourist will be able to advise how to gradually socialise her. Something involving a male may have happened at the breeders that you don't know of. Its good that you have made an effort at getting some training for her - its just getting the right fit that is the challenge :)
  13. My understanding is that they are the same vaccine and there is no difference. They call it "off label" because the manufacturer's instructions are for yearly use.
  14. Consider Tonsillitis - often missed by vets unless they have a thorough look down far enough.
  15. There were a few threads about it, previously http://www.dolforums...infree-dryfood/ Sorry link doesn't work - there have been several threads about it though in "Health & Nutrition"
  16. This is quite common in school holidays. There are ads on Gumtree advertising their "services" by kids. I don't think people have a clue that there is any age limit.
  17. Can you supply the details please D - I spend a fair bit of time in Brisbane and would like to know. PM if you prefer. I haven't found a really "professional" daycare - I tend to use kennels I am happy with and who also offer daycare. The daycare places I have seen come across as just a lazy way to make money.
  18. I agree Westfield won't give a toss - people are not going to stop coming to the shopping centre which is all they care about. The best thing to do is embarrass the business as much as possible - visits by RSPCA etc is not a good look. It won't make any difference to them either in the long run as people will keep buying their pups. That doesn't mean people shouldn't speak out when they see something wrong though.
  19. No doubt it was kept on display in the hope someone would buy it out of sympathy
  20. Get well soon Maddie and Stan. So sorry this has happened to you
  21. The Manager must have rocks in his head to display a pup in that state. And yes I think petitions do help because they raise awareness and form a concrete method of complaint.
  22. Are you in Parramatta Council, Skruffy? I don't know what they are like, but I had a long talk with someone in my council (Hornsby) the other day because of a Labrador puppy crying with loneliness across the road from me. Although sympathising, the person told me they neither could not would do anything; it isn't part of their remit, etc etc etc etc. If I made a complaint about barking, I would need to keep a diary for 14 days as to when and for how long the dog barked. I know the people are aware of the puppy's distress, because they are at home at all different times through the day. I have seen them drive in, get out of their cars and just walk past the gate behind which the dog is parked virtually 24/7 and not even look her way. This situation really gives me the pip - why on earth get the dog in the first place? And if they are sick of it so quickly why don't they rehome it OP - the dog may just be adjusting and will settle down. If not I agree with others who suggest trying to identify where it is coming from - surely a door knock would help narrow it down. The owners may be genuinely unaware of the distress the dog is in. It isn't always easy to fix a barker - I have one here I have tried everything with and no success. Now I just manage around it and try not to leave him alone too long so the neighbours aren't bothered for hours on end.
  23. I'm sure if she wanted a little rescue dog she'd be asking for one. What not choose a purebred pup (or adult dog) if that's what she wants?? Of course if Pet Rescue would make it easy to search by breed for a dog... but that's a whole nuther story. Why they insist that size alone is a good search method.... Breed CAN be a good method of finding temperament, looks and maintenance levels you know. And the OP does ask for breed recommendations. Oh why do I bother. Every time I post I get some narkie response. What on earth is wrong with suggesting someone have a look at Pet Rescue - she can pick a purebreed from there as well "you know" if that is what she wants.
  24. No particular breed recommendation but rather a suggestion she have a look at all the wonderful little dogs available on the Pet Rescue site. :) Rather than concentrating on breed choose a dog with the temperament, looks and level of maintenance that would suit - so many gorgeous dogs needing a home.
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