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Everything posted by gillbear

  1. So sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved boy. There have been so many special dogs passing lately. RIP beautiful boy and hugs to all the Pesh family
  2. I am so sorry for your lost DD. Forever is just not enough. Sleep in peace Myrtle.
  3. everything crossed here for a good update and signs of her turning the corner.
  4. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-20/police-officer-caught-on-camera-attacking-dog-with-pepper-spray/5539264
  5. So sorry to hear about your girl. Hopefully she can be managed with oral diuretics for the long term at home.
  6. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/248502-polaramine-liquid-dosage/
  7. both shelters would accept them, just drop the coats into the shelter at either charmhaven or erina
  8. Thanks for all the input. I am taking everything with a bit grain if salt as I don't know this person but have sent her the link for team dog. Thank you the owner sounds like she dearly loves her poochie but costs could run at $5000 + and will require specialist care.
  9. I have been contacted by someone who is desperate to get help for their 2yo Pekingese who appears to have bulging spinal discs. according to the owner she is a pensioner who has leukemia and cannot pay for treatment. She is willing to surrender to a rescue who can offer treatment. Dog is currently on pain meds and unable to walk.
  10. try asking Gail Hudson, she has a very good reputation locally. http://www.woofsandwags.com.au/index.html she isnt local to you but its worth a drive if you can end up avoiding 4 months of unneeded classes.
  11. The other old Greys thread got me thinking about bob. It's obviously a great day for new beginnings and is bob's first gotya day anniversary. Thank you so much Winterpaws family for the love you give this beautiful boy.
  12. Just read about this online. They will be leasing the Katoomba facility might be an opportunity for a rescue/boarding business similar to Londonderry. http://www.bluemountainsgazette.com.au/story/2310496/katoomba-rspca-to-close/?cs=1432
  13. I would prefer if these werent spread about facebook. Hopefully something else can be worked out but otherwise they will be put to use closer to home. would have loved for them to help the poundies down south.
  14. I can bring some with me when i go to Lindfield on mondays if you like, can drop off at chatswood or somewhere along the way.
  15. Excellent! If you could PM gillbear about moving some of her beds that would be great. They look quite hard wearing and warm. :) (edit, sorry guys I'm a bit behind. Spent hours looking for my lost phone yesterday ) i think HC means south coast but thats ok. :)
  16. This is one of the cushions I have available. They are all the same and are all still in plastic. 70 ish available. One large ute full or 2 station wagons full. pickup central coast
  17. I have about 70 sun lounge cushions available if there is way of getting them to some of the rural pounds. Pickup central coast. They are available for non-PR affiliated rescues.
  18. gillbear

    Four Years

    My goodness 4years, but it still seems like yesterday. Rest easy babes for you were loved and always will be. I hope time has brought healing for you too Jed.
  19. Aww look at those beautiful faces. Thankyou so much for the update, they are such fabulous little guys and its wonderful they will have a happily ever after.
  20. the white stuff is probably bowel lining coming away. Never forget parvo faeces and your description sounds spot on. vet or likely dead pup tomorrow.
  21. try asking Hunter animal rescue, if they cant help themselves they will be able to point you in the right direction. https://www.facebook.com/hunteranimalrescue
  22. I agree, its absolute bull. These dogs have clearly done enough by their actions as proof. The rangers have to abide by the current legislation, they dont get to pussfoot around it to appease this individual owner. Like others have said I would be making a meeting with the Head Ranger and demanding action.
  23. OMG you poor thing what a horrifying thing for you and your babes. Please tell me you got the owners details and they will be paying for this. Otherwise the financial blow is going to be so hard on top of the grief. I am at work at the moment and holding in the tears please let me know which vet you are using and i would love to help a little.
  24. Maybe too far for you, but for any other terrier lovers..... Here is the gorgeous Racey approx 4yo male Foxie x http://www.petrescue.com.au/listings/283268
  25. I would love it if no showies need it. :)
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