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Everything posted by kelpiecuddles

  1. This is a cheap one that will cover your seats, supposedly coming from Sydney, get to you in a few days. Fabric type coating rather than plastic http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Pet-Car-Seat-Cover-Dog-Cat-Waterproof-Safety-Oxford-Cloth-Washable-Color-Black-/321502013724?pt=AU_Pet_Supplies&hash=item4adb03691c
  2. For anyone that is considering it and thinks their dog may suit I highly recommend it. We started working in hospitals down here around 4 weeks ago and it has quickly become my dogs favourite part of the week. She gets such a waggy tail when she realises where we are!
  3. There's a whole second Facebook page about not saving Hugo which talks about him attacking a neighbour and rushing other people.
  4. My oldest was the family dog too, she lived to 16, was one of the dreaded oodles ;) She was very well cared for and much loved by my mum especially. My oldest dog that is just my dog is my kelpie, she's 10 and most people that meet her think she's 4-5 at the oldest(I've had people ask how old my pup is). I suspect that in her case it comes down to fitness. Many pet kelpies by her age are starting to pack on the pounds and that's something that doesn't happen in my house.
  5. Surely then Danois that would also apply to any brand food that markets a dental diet(whether it has specific ingredients or simply a certain shape)?
  6. Most of the premium brands include dental diets, off the top of my head I seem to recall the royal canin one was reasonable, they like to custom shape the different food varieties to suit the purpose. As long as he'll chew it larger kibble isn't a bad thing. That said it could just be a combo of mouth shape and the way he chews. Try as I might I can't keep the teeth in the middle of my basset's mouth clean, pretty sure she doesn't chew with them as much.
  7. Otherwise maybe ask around people you know with larger yards if they would mind if you popped in and used their yard sometimes to throw the ball for the dog.
  8. Have you got a yard? I found the best thing when my mobility was bad was to go out in the yard with a ball thrower so i could just flick the ball for the dog, she enjoyed spending time with me and it was almost no effort for me that way
  9. Using the same method our local RSPCA shelter would likely be the same, it has a no-kill policy for adoptable animals.
  10. 3% peroxide(available from the supermarket in the first aid section) doesn't particularly sting on open wounds. I use it extensively for other things and often end up with it on my hands as a result and there's always scratches on my hands from garden work, etc.
  11. That's so sad Dogmad Rather shortsighted too that arrangements hadn't been thought through for a young cat belonging to a person of that age. While things can and do happen unexpectedly at any age I do agree that there is a time when there needs to be a firmer plan in place.
  12. I agree SG. There's a lady I sometimes chat to at my local shops, she trots in to the store, jokes away with the staff and pushes an enormous trolley around. If asked to guess her age I would have said around 75-80. I found out a couple of weeks ago she's 93. Totally blew my mind, I hope I'm that spritely and lucid at that age! :D
  13. I think it also depends on your family. My family adore my dogs and there is no question that if something were to happen to me they would have my dogs without a second thought. Probably harder though if you have difficult dogs(as opposed to the cruisey ones mine are) or if you didn't have family that would be in a position or have the desire to take them. My grandfather recently lost his little dog but he would phone my mum every night and let the phone ring three times to let her know he was still alive because he was worried if anything happened to him the dog would be alone without someone to feed her.
  14. OK well that's it, now I need a tapir as well as a capybara... (and that baby sloth too...)
  15. We have a dog with separation anxiety also and have planned to add a third fairly soon so that she won't be alone if something were to happen to our older dog. Bets Wishes
  16. The only other thing I can think of is if it's just a name they are using for a legitimate working registry(kelpies for eg)? But like I say without context it's hard to know. Feel like PMing me the page? Apart from that then as others have already said, stay away!
  17. Might need context in order to understand it. There's a facebook page here that references to an IBA for a new cat breed https://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Independent-Toyger-Breeders-Association-IITA/241366735988658
  18. My dogs have a cheap version of the ezyfit mentioned in this thread and it's very simple. Straight over their head and then clip the buckle around their chest.
  19. Bunnings sells wheelbarrow tyres pretty cheap. Around $15 I think
  20. Will he chase a large ball(like basketball sized)? We have some similiar to this at work, they are in a number of sizes and are very hard and shiny so chewer dogs can't get their teeth in to them. Only really good for dogs that will play solo soccer around the hyard with their ball though.
  21. I'm sure it was a Kong one, unless it was another one of those heavy duty brands. It was a knobbly shaped ball one
  22. That is disappointing Tesslc. I'm pretty sure we've had kong toys replaced by Kong for customers through my work. Was it the store you spoke to or Kong themselves?
  23. There's no rotting food in my bin. We seperate our rubbish completely and anything organic is either fed to chooks or other animals or composted. Anything that will stink up the bin is put in no more than 24 hours before bin pick up and in summer it's thrown in the freezer until then(prawn heads, etc) I don't like a rank smelling bin sitting next to my driveway
  24. I will only put it in a private bin if it's fully wrapped up tight and the bin is waiting for collection. If the bin had already been emptied I wouldn't do it as I don't even leave dog poo in my own home bin to fester for a week, wouldn't do it to someone else
  25. If you would also consider a goldie Golden retriever Rescue are a very active rescue group and have groups in most states I think
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