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Pup Keep Trying To Get Onto The Dining Table


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My 15wks old Staffie can be very annoying when we try to have dinner at the dining table.

She will stand along the dining, paws on the table and start sniffing our arms. Partner and I have to ignore her then she will finally give up. But she will be back within 5 minutes.

I try to feed her dinner outside at the yard when we have dinner, but that usually only last 5 mins and she will be back in. I know i can always put her on lead or lock her up, but i prefer to find a way to train her so that we can have a peaceful dinner without her disturbing us...

Any tips?


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My 15wks old Staffie can be very annoying when we try to have dinner at the dining table.

She will stand along the dining, paws on the table and start sniffing our arms. Partner and I have to ignore her then she will finally give up. But she will be back within 5 minutes.

I try to feed her dinner outside at the yard when we have dinner, but that usually only last 5 mins and she will be back in. I know i can always put her on lead or lock her up, but i prefer to find a way to train her so that we can have a peaceful dinner without her disturbing us...

Any tips?


Our boy started to do this. We locked him in the laundry when he started and would leave him in there for 5-10 minutes. If he did it again when we let him out he would go back in there for longer.

Also we never feed him from our plates or at the table. Friends would come over for try to feed him which we quickly stopped. He only gets fed from his bowl.

This worked for us anyway. Good luck.

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When I got both of my puppies they did exactly the same thing. What I did was tell them no and put them on lead which was tied to something near by (we used the pantry door handles as table is very close to pantry). Once my puppy had sat down nicely she was allowed to come off lead. As soon as she did it again she was back on lead. She learnt pretty quickly.

Not sure if this is what you should do but it worked. Both ignore us when we are having dinner now.

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Do you have a mat or bed in the house where she can lie down? You could teach her to lie on her mat on command, and then use that when you are having dinner so she doesn't bother you. Reward for good behaviour with a treat. Or give her something like a bone or kong to occupy her.

My guys are in their crates when we eat dinner, just easier that way!

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Ok, will try all the above from now on and see what works best, it is just so annoying to have her clinging on my arm.

We never ever fed her off our plate, she only gets food in her bowl or training time.

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spray bottle/water pistol with water in it. Dont say anything just give her a squirt as soon as she starts sniffing around or getting within a certain 'no no distance' to the dining table.


Or just putting her somewhere else when you eat.

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spray bottle/water pistol with water in it. Dont say anything just give her a squirt as soon as she starts sniffing around or getting within a certain 'no no distance' to the dining table.

I did that. Happy to say that now they sit around while we have dinner and never try to get at our food. And they don't get any scraps from our plates, ever!

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Mine has a habit of sleeping under the table while we eat. Sometimes he can be nosey and gets his paws up on the table for a look or drapes himself across one of the chairs so he can 'sit' at the table with the family :):confused:

If he becomes a pain I just put him in his pen which is right next to the table anyway :laugh:

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We never EVER fed our GSD from our plates or the table and always fed her from her bowl AFTER we ate first..

She learnt her barking or whining never got her anywhere.. I remember her as a 5 month old barking at me when she was hungry so I walked of on her until she was quiet....

Its easy to give in but the hard work now will ensure your dinners are quiet and your guests not bothered when you have BBQ's outside...

Zoe now sleeps quietly while we eat or in her crate but the second we stand up after our meals she is sitting in the kitchen (quietly) as she knows its her turn next...

Edited by charli73
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Well I'm a big bad mummy because sometimes I do feed the dogs from my plate, but other times I don't feel like it or I'm hungry or there's nothing really suitable for them and they don't get anything. Regardless, they never try to help themselves or get pushy. With a very young pup like yours more consistency would be a good idea LOL but the idea of ignoring her is great, and if she persists just growl at her - a good meaningful GRRRR and "the look" and she'll get the idea that pawing and pestering only makes "the boss" cross. She could definitely learn to stay on a mat but be prepared for a very long drawn out dinner time to begin with. You could give her a stuffed kong or a pigs ear or something like that so she has something to do while you eat, while she's learning to stay away.

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Unfortunately, my pup is not afraid of water, she would actually open her mouth, wishing that the water will spray into her mouth......

Locking her up when we eat means she will howl and whine because she hates being locked up...

I forgot to say, I am currently training her to stay in the crate, so far so good. She went into the crate on her own to sleep yesterday, so i think she will get it very soon.

Edited by LeeJane
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yeah my rotti loves being sprayed with water so unfortunately that would never have worked for her. I reckon it would work wonders with kosta though because he hates being sprayed with water. Loves swimming but hates rain and spray.

edited so as not to hyjack thread

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yeah my rotti loves being sprayed with water so unfortunately that would never have worked for her. I reckon it would work wonders with kosta though because he hates being sprayed with water. Loves swimming but hates rain and spray.

Does everybody here keep there dogs inside???

My dogs stay inside. And yes, the water spray can be a bit tricky with my goldie (she loves water), though it works wonders with my elkhound. they usually tend to sleep near our feet when we have dinner. Our policy is that they never ever get scraps from the table or when we are cooking. Their food is separate and is given separately.

It was a bit difficult initially.They used to look so cute sitting quietly, waiting for a treat when I cooked meat, that it was difficult not to give in :rolleyes:

they still get loads of treats. Just not from human food.

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